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Digestive System. Do Now  On your own, write down in as much detail as possible, where the digestion process starts, where it is completed and everything.

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Presentation on theme: "Digestive System. Do Now  On your own, write down in as much detail as possible, where the digestion process starts, where it is completed and everything."— Presentation transcript:

1 Digestive System

2 Do Now  On your own, write down in as much detail as possible, where the digestion process starts, where it is completed and everything in between  Collaborate with a partner to create a final list of the digestion process

3 Homework Due Today  Chapter 30.3  Split Page Notes

4 Homework Due Tomorrow  Read 30.4  Define:  Excretion  Ureter  Urinary bladder  Urethra  Nephron  Filtration  Glomerulus  Bowman’s Capsul  Reabsorption  Loop of Henle

5 Review Food contains energy, used by the cells by what is called ATP The energy available in food can be measured by burning it! The heat that is created can be measured in “Calories” Calorie- the amount of heat needed to raise the temperature of gram of water by 1 degree C 1 Calorie = 1000 calories

6 Review Water Carbohydrates Complex carbs contain fiber which can reduce the risk of heart disease Fats Proteins Vitamins Minerals

7 Diagram  Digestive System Digestive System  Handout – Digestive vocab

8 Functions of Digestive System  Converts food into small molecules  Food is processed by:  Ingestion  Digestion  Absorption  Elimination

9 Ingestion  First step  The process of putting food into your mouth  The role of teeth  Are teeth important in digestion?  How do human’s teeth reflect an omnivorous diet?

10 Digestion  Mechanical Digestion – physical breakdown of large pieces of food into smaller pieces  Chemical digestion – breakdown of small particles into molecules the body can use  Vitamins and minerals

11 Absorption  Where does absorption occur?  Majority of absorption occurs in the small intestine  Once broken down, molecules travel throughout the body system

12 Elimination  Body does not absorb all the substances that are ingested  Remaining products are eliminated through waste

13 Dr. Beaumont  “Father of Gastric Physiology”  Experimented with the stomach and how food was broken down and processed

14 Homework Due Tomorrow  Read 30.4  Define:  Excretion  Ureter  Urinary bladder  Urethra  Nephron  Filtration  Glomerulus  Bowman’s Capsul  Reabsorption  Loop of Henle

15 In order to leave… OOn a blank piece of paper, write down what the liver produces to help break down and digest chyme B I L E

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