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Presentation on theme: "ARIZONA COURSE EQUIVALENCY TRACKING SYSTEM (ACETS) TRAINING PRESENTED BY: Bryant Castaneda, APASC Trudy Grantsen, ASU Alecia Mooney, NAU Karla Phillips,"— Presentation transcript:

1 ARIZONA COURSE EQUIVALENCY TRACKING SYSTEM (ACETS) TRAINING PRESENTED BY: Bryant Castaneda, APASC Trudy Grantsen, ASU Alecia Mooney, NAU Karla Phillips, CCC Mary Ellen Clark-Fortier, UA Reference: APASC Handbook 1

2 A tool designed to help track course equivalency decisions through the statewide evaluation and articulation process. Process includes: SUN courses Exam Equivalencies ACETS Arizona Course Equivalency Tracking System 2


4 S ECTION A: Community College Submission C OMMUNITY C OLLEGE S UBMISSION SECTION A ACETS formsQuery Reports & Other Features 4

5 New community college courses Courses never submitted thru ACETS NEW (New Form) Revised community college articulated courses Courses with substantial changes: credit hours/course descriptions/learning outcomes/curriculum content Course that needs to reevaluated MOD (Modification Form) Course changes: Prefix/number/title EDI (Editorial Form) Removal of community college course from course bank DEL (Deletion Form) Correct blank cells, typos, and incomplete information in CEG CEG Data Cleanup ** Reflection of ATF recommended equivalency change for community college listed in CEG ATF-CEG Change ** Document institutional designations for specific scores: AP, IB, CLEP, DSST EXAM Review (EEG Form) ** Add potential SUN course Plan to make changes to designated SUN courses SUN Action ** ACETS Form Types 5

6 Submission thru ACRES Submission thru Non-ACRES 1.Upon curriculum approval, click Send to ACETS within the Approved ACRES Form 2.Log into ACETS 3.Click Query button 4.Click Saved Forms Not Yet Sent 5.Choose and click form type (NEW/MOD/EDI/DEL) 6.Click EDIT to view and update for accuracy 7.Complete form and attach course outline 8.Click Send to submit to universities. 1.Login into ACETS 2.Choose and click on form type (NEW/MOD/EDI/DEL) 3.Complete form and attach course outline 4.Click Send to submit to universities Comprehensive Course Evaluation by University: NEW or MOD course evaluation form must include an appropriate course outline that matches the requested equivalency term and year. ACETS Form Submission Process: 6

7 SUN Action Form: Form creation and submission Process is the same as for NEW/MOD Difference is: Submitting a SUN Action Form: Use of SUN Action Form: Community colleges uses SUN Action Form to submit a request for review and approval by the universities regarding changes of respective sun numbered course(s). 7

8 SUN Query Report: View any activity on Sun Numbered courses Click on Sun# icon to view all related Sun Numbered courses Using a SUN Query Report: 8

9 Check for courses errored by universities Error Reports Creation of form in process, not yet submitted to universities Saved Forms-Not Yet Sent All sent evaluations Sent CEG Evaluations Recent sent forms to universities Forms Sent Since Last Week Enter any course prefix and number Cross Listed Query All SUN course activity SUN Course Query Query and Report Features 9

10 Managing Errors and Resubmissions: Trouble-Shooting Guide Checking for Errored ACETS forms: Resubmit Errored ACETS forms 1.View Errored forms to read University Notes on the error 2.Click Resend button (bottom of page), choose proper form type to make corrections and then resend 3.Make appropriate changes and attach course outline (for New or Mod) 4.Submit Form to universities 5.Recheck Unchecked errors in a few days 1.Check on forms submitted to universities 2.Click Unchecked/New Error Forms to view Errored submissions 3.Click Checked/Reviewed Error Forms or All Error Forms to view lists 4.Run Error Report Query to search for specific forms errored by the universities 5.Update/correct errored form and resubmit to universities 10

11 Edit personal information and page colors My Account Info View status of submitted course evaluations to universities: Total/Pending/Overdue/Complete University Status Report Query equivalencies Equivalency and Activity Reports Course activity per form type Course Activity Report TAGS or MAPPS Pathway Review Report 1 Your submitted ATF-CEG reports ATF-CEG Report Set up or edit read only access Add/Edit Read Only Users Tab delimited txt files Import Data from File 2 Any SUN course activity Sun Query Create, review, or comment on action items Manage Action Items Other ACETS Features 1.Only Community Colleges participating in TAGS/MAPPS program will see the Pathway Review Report link. 2.Defer any further questions to Bryant Castaneda at 11

12 Community College Submission Process Summary Submit institutionally approved curriculum ACETS form for University review Check Error Reports for rejected ACETS forms following submission Periodically check evaluations and notes through Queries and Reports Use Data Cleanup, CEG-ATF, Exam Review and Sun Action forms when appropriate Typically 60 Day Processing Time 12

13 Section B: University Processing SECTION B U NIVERSITY P ROCESSING 13 1: Submission of ACETS by Community Colleges 2: University review ACETS form for accuracy 3: University Process/Route/Error

14 Step 2) Check ACETS form Correct form type Check CEG for listing Query ACETS Course description information Cross listed courses Additional respective ACETS form(s) submissions Attached course outline Requested effective term and year matches the respective attached outline Review the following form components for accuracy: Trouble-Shooting Guide 14

15 Step 3) Process/Error/Route ACETS form Trouble-Shooting Guide After Checking the ACETS form OPTION 1: PROCESS No Faculty Evaluation Process form for CEG enco ding OPTION 2: ROUTE Faculty evaluation Finalize evaluation Process form for CEG encoding OPTION 3: ERROR Return form to Community College to correct and resubmit 15

16 Section C: University Encoding SECTION C University Encoding CEG Encoding Using DARS System Using PeopleSoft System Arizona State University Northern Arizona University University of Arizona 16

17 Arizona State University: Using DARS System for CEG Encoding SundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturday Step 1 Enter articulated data into DARS mainframe Step 2 Extract DARS data from mainframe weekly Step 3 Load DARS data into CAS DARWIN files Step 4 Load DARS from DARWIN into CAS to CEG Step 5 Refreshed CEG data available for viewing in CEG STEP 3 STEP 4 STEP 5 17

18 Northern Arizona University and University of Arizona: Using PeopleSoft System for CEG Encoding Step 1 Review finalized form for accuracy Step 2 Encode in ACETS Step 3 Load spreadsheet to Peoplesoft Step 4 Upload data to CEG 18

19 Retroactive Effective Dates RULES Retroactive effective date can be applied at any time New Courses Equivalency changed, retained, or additional Retroactive effective date not accepted past posted semester timeline Re-Evaluation of existing courses Retroactive effective date can be applied at any time Course Deletions Retroactive effective date can be applied at any time (no changes to equivalency) Editorial Changes Further Questions: please contact respective universities. 19

20 Course Equivalency Guide (CEG) Update CEG Update Step 1 Collect course data Step 2 Generate CEG data Step 3 Schedule CEG refresh 20

21 Step 1: Collect Course Data CEG data source Universities course banks ACETS forms Additional Processing Community Colleges course banks Early December  Spring semester Early August  Fall semester Weekly Upload Current Community Colleges and Universities course bank data must be uploaded in order to have an accurate and updated CEG. 21

22 Step 2: Generate Course Data CEG data collection CEG is ready to be generated Step 1 Run weekly CEG refresh process Step 2 Following data sets are used: Community Colleges course data Universities course data ACETS course form data Additional process** to clean up the data **Example: course substitution table to search and replace course equivalency data into readable text, i.e. DEC replaced with Department Elective Credit 22

23 Step 3: Schedule CEG data refresh CEG data is updated and refreshed Tues Refreshed CEG data is visible WedWeekly Process University has the ability to make changes to the CEG directly for course equivalency information. 23

24 Thank You QA Session 24

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