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Midwinter, Spring, and Slc

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1 Midwinter, Spring, and Slc
CDE’s Midwinter, Spring, and Slc

2 What Are CDE’s? Career Development Events (CDEs) help students develop the abilities to think, communicate, and work effectively in a competitive job market. There are 40 CDEs, covering job skills in everything from communications to mechanics. Some events allow students to compete as individuals, while others allow them to compete in teams.

3 State Leadership Conference
The State FFA Leadership Conference is the largest event put on by the Arizona Association and has grown to be a gathering of FFA members from across the state for a weekend full of learning, awards recognition, and fun at the University of Arizona in Tucson. It is at this annual event that the new Arizona FFA State Officers are elected, members receive their State FFA Degrees, ten different Career Development Events have their state finals, workshops are put on by National FFA Officers, and so much more!

4 Ag Issues CDE The purpose of the agricultural issues event is to
allow students to study an issue in their community. Through the presentation of the event, students learn the importance of research and their presentation skills. Number of People: 3-7 Components: This CDE begins by developing a 15 minute presentation about an agricultural issue, based on criteria outlined in the CDE handbook. Develop a portfolio and deliver a presentation that stresses both pros and cons of an agricultural issue. Use verbal skills and presentation abilities to defend your findings and answer judges’ questions. Topic must be chosen from the following topics: Environmental Issues, Agricultural Technology Issues, Animal Issues, Agricultural Career Issues, Economy and Trade Issues, Agricultural Policy Issues, Food Safety Issues.

5 Agriculture Education CDE
The purpose of the Agricultural Education Career Development Event is to provide individuals with basic skills necessary for a career as an agricultural educator. Number of People: 1 Components: Prior to the event, students will develop and teach a lesson pertaining to an area of agriculture of their interest. You must submit a video, a lesson plan, and a reflective essay. Laboratory Instruction- in front of a judge, teach a laboratory lesson (At Event) SAE Supervision- Write a letter to either the student or parent about SAE’s (At Event) FFA Advisor- Plan an FFA activity/retreat (At Event)

6 Agriscience Fair CDE The purpose of the State FFA Agriscience
Fair CDE is to recognize high school and middle school students who display agriscience projects that are extensions of their agriscience classes. Number of People: 1-2 Components: Develop an Agriscience project, and create a visual presentation on a tri-fold poster board. Create a Lab Report Project must be in one of the six categories: Biochemistry / Microbiology / Food Science, Environmental Sciences, Zoology, Botany, Engineering, Social Sciences Divisions Division 1- 7, 8, 9 Individuals Division 2- 10, 11, 12 Individuals Division 3- 7, 8, 9 Pairs Division 4- 10, 11, 12 Pairs

7 Chapter Display CDE This Career Development Event allows
chapters to work together to showcase what their chapter has done in the past year. By working together as a chapter to construct a display board which represents their chapter. Number of People: Chapter Contest Components: Create Display Present the Display at SLC Winning Chapter will receive one State FFA Camp Scholarship

8 Conduct of Meetings CDE
This Career Development Event is designed for Greenhand FFA Members seeking knowledge and experience with parliamentary procedure. The team demonstrates their knowledge by presenting opening ceremonies and a mock meeting. This will prepare students to properly run effective business meetings and correctly handle motions. Number of People: 7 Components: Written Test Presentation Oral Questions

9 Extemporaneous Speaking CDE
In this CDE, you deliver a speech on one of three agricultural topics, after 30 minutes of preparation. After each speech, judges may ask related questions. Number of people: 1 Practicums: Online Exam 30 minutes in holding room to prepare speech Give speech to Judges Answer Judges Questions

10 Internet CDE Chapters participating in the
Internet CDE will demonstrate abilities in designing and publishing a web site for their chapter. A variety of criteria will be used in evaluating the website including photos, overall look/design of the site and the use of links within the document. Number of People: Chapter Contest Practicums: Submit URL for Chapter Website to Arizona FFA office by May 15

11 Newsletter CDE Chapters participating in this CDE will
demonstrate skill in preparing a Monthly or Weekly newsletter to the public highlighting the activities of the chapter. Newsletters will be judged on the overall design of the document as well as how effective the chapter is in telling the story of their chapter and the organization. Number of People: Chapter Contest Components: Each chapter is eligible to submit one entry. An entry may include all publications throughout the year. Newsletters must be mailed by May 15 to Arizona FFA Office

12 Reporter CDE Students participating in the Reporter
CDE will demonstrate knowledge in writing and public relations skills. This CDE gives the chapter reporter an opportunity to display and receive recognition for news stories, news releases, articles, and photographs they have prepared. Number of People: 1 (Reporter, with help of Chapter) Components: Create “Scrapbook” of all Publicity for Chapter.

13 Parliamentary Procedure CDE
Choose this CDE if you want to learn and polish parliamentary skills. At the competition, members complete a written exam. Teams then conduct a mock chapter meeting to demonstrate knowledge of basic parliamentary law and the use of correct parliamentary procedures. Parliamentary Procedure uses Robert Rules of Order to conduct a meeting. Number of People: 6 plus 1 alternate Practicums: Oral Questions Presentation Presentation Minutes

14 Prepared Public Speaking CDE
The State FFA Prepared Public Speaking Career Development Event is designed to develop agricultural leadership by providing member participation in agricultural public speaking activities and sparking interest in leadership and citizenship. Number of People: 1 Components: Write and deliver a 6-8 minute speech about a current agricultural subject. Answer Judges questions

15 Scrapbook CDE The purpose of the State FFA
Scrapbook is for the chapter to learn how to create a scrapbook containing historical documents and published articles. The scrapbooks will be judged on quality, and number of newspaper photos, individual photos and inches published. Number of People: Chapter Contest Components: As a Chapter Prepare a Scrapbook and bring to SLC to be judged.

16 Mid-Winter CDE Conference
This conference is a great opportunity for students to participate in a state level event early in the school year. Designed with both younger and older FFA members in mind, this conference holds a variety of Career Development Events (CDEs) for students in grades 9-12 as well as a few specialized CDEs for students in grades 7-9.

17 Agriculture Sales CDE In this CDE, you demonstrate the professional
sales process, including customer relations, advertising and promotion, telephone skills and product display. As a part of the event, members complete a 50-question exam, present a project summary and make a sales presentation for an agricultural product. They also complete one of four practical problems and cooperatively solve a market analysis problem. Number of people: 4 Components: Sales Presentation Project Summary Customer Relations Order Taking/Customer Service Prospecting for New Customers

18 Creed Speaking CDE This CDE is the first national event
specifically for FFA members in grades 7, 8 and 9. It’s your chance to prove your ability to present the FFA Creed from memory and to answer questions about its meaning and purpose. The event is just one way to boost self-confidence, earn recognition and develop your ability to communicate in a powerful, organized and professional manner. Number of People:1 Components: Memorize and Present FFA Creed Answer Judges Questions

19 Floriculture CDE This CDE builds your knowledge and skills in
arranging, propagation and merchandising flowers and foliage. The competition includes plant identification, judging of arrangements and problem solving. Members also demonstrate their skills in flower arranging, propagation, preparation of floral and foliage products for sale. Number of People: 4 Components: Plant and Tool ID Problem Solving/ Decision Making Floral Arrangement Make and Package a Corsage or Boutonniere Identify and Controlling Plant Disorders Handling a Customer Complaint or Handling a Hazardous Situation Floriculture Display

20 Food Science and Technology CDE
In this CDE, you will complete a variety of learning activities related to food science and technology in the food industry. The competition covers product development and presentation, along with food safety issues and identification. Participants use their sensory skills to evaluate and solve problems while applying sound principles in a decision making process. Number of People: 4 Components: Food Market Plan Food Safety and Quality Food Safety/Sanitation Sensory Evaluation

21 Information CDE Greenhand FFA members are first year agricultural
education students well on their way to becoming great leaders of our organization. The FFA information contest challenges students by testing their knowledge of FFA and its rich history. Number of People: 1 Components: Review “The New FFA Questions and Answers.” Similar to Spelling Bee, answer questions one at a time until one winner remains.

22 Marketing Plan CDE Participate in this CDE to develop
practical skills in the marketing process by developing and presenting a marketing plan. The plan promotes a current or proposed agricultural product, supply or service. In competition, your team presents its plan and answers judges’ questions. Number of People: 3 Components: Develop and Present Market Plan Submit Written Plan

23 Novice Extemporaneous CDE
In this CDE, you deliver a speech on an agricultural topic after 30 minutes of preparation. It’s great practice to learn how to think on your feet and make your case quickly and persuasively. After each speech, judges may ask related questions. Number of People: 1 Components: At the Contest, prepare speech, and present to Judges. Answer Judges Questions

24 Novice Prepared Public Speaking CDE
In this CDE, you write and deliver a four- to six-minute speech about a current agricultural subject. The experience will help you excel in school, community and career settings. Participants are rated based on the written speech, speech delivery and their answers to judges’ questions. Number of People: 1 Components: Prepare Speech Submit prior to contest by deadline Present Speech to Judges Answer Judges Questions

25 Parliamentary Procedure Invitational CDE
Choose this CDE if you want to learn and polish parliamentary skills. At the competition, members complete a Written exam. Teams then conduct a mock chapter meeting to demonstrate knowledge of basic parliamentary law and the use of correct parliamentary procedures. Number of People: 6 members and one Alternate Components: Presentation Judges Questions

26 Veterinary Medicine CDE
Get involved in this CDE to improve your skills and knowledge in the veterinary assistance area. At the competition, members complete a written exam, a breed identification exam and four skill procedures that simulate what happens in the field. Number of People: 4 Components: Animal Breed Identification Parasite Identification Equipment and Instrument Identification Team Activity

27 Wildlife CDE This event will assess student knowledge
and skills in areas of wildlife and habitat management. Skills in navigating wildlife habitat will be measured using GPS, maps, and or compass activities. A group activity will test ability of the students to work as a team to complete a task in specified amount of time. Number of People: 4 Components: Problem Solving/Skill Activity Group Problem Solving/Skill Activity

28 Spring Conference Over 1,000 FFA members gathered on the University of Arizona Campus for the Arizona FFA annual Spring Conference to participate in developing their future through participating in Career Development Events (CDEs). Throughout the high school careers of many students will ask their teachers, "When will I ever use this in the real world?" Students enrolled in Agricultural Education have discovered that CDEs are the answer. Since 1928, FFA has worked to create CDEs that demonstrate the meaningful connections between classroom instruction and real-life scenarios CDEs build on what is learned in agricultural classes and the FFA.

29 Ag Business CDE Choose this CDE if you want to
build overall management skills and apply economic principles to agriculture and agribusiness. At the competition, members complete a written exam and solve farm analysis problems. Number of People: 4 Components Develop and analyze a budget. Develop and analyze a business agreement. Keep production and work experience records. Analyze business records. Prepare and analyze a financial statement. Develop a summary and analysis of crop or livestock enterprise. Analyze supply and demand forces at the market level. Understand key institutional arrangements in agriculture

30 Ag Mechanics CDE This CDE tests both technical and
agricultural mechanics skills and your ability to work with others while solving problems. The event takes a “systems” approach with various components in each “system”. Number of People: 4 Components: Machinery and Equipment Systems-Metal Fabrication, maintenance and repair Industry and Marketing Systems -Customer Relations. Accounting, communication, reading and understanding labels, regulations Energy Systems-Mechanical, electrical, chemical, solar, water, and wind power Structural Systems-Concrete, plumbing, heating ventilation, air conditioning, metal and wood construction Environmental/Natural Resource Systems- water quality, material compatibility, soil and water conservation, handling of waste, recycling.

31 Agronomy CDE Choose this CDE to build and prove your skills in
agronomic sciences. The purpose of this CDE is to create interest and promote an understanding in agronomy by providing opportunities for recognition through the demonstration of skills and proficiencies. Number of People: 4 Components: 50 Question Exam Identify Seeds, Insects, Soils, and Crops Demonstrate Knowledge of Agronomic Management Solve Problems

32 Aquaculture CDE The Aquaculture Career Development Event
allows students to compete in various activities involved in the aquaculture industry This career development event is a prime example of the growing diversity in agriculture. Number of People: 4 Components: Fish Identification Proper Feeding Filleting Techniques Building Water Systems

33 Entomology CDE The event consists of a two part trial to assess
knowledge about identification of many of our common arthropods in Arizona, and secondly to show competencies in knowledge about general insect morphology, physiology, behaviors and roles within the ecosystem. Number of People: 4 Components: Written Exam Identify common insects and arthropods of Arizona Identify by order, common name, type of mouthpart, and type of metamorphosis.

34 Forestry CDE Participate in this CDE to grow your skills in forestry
management. The purpose of this CDE is to spark student interest in the forestry industry, and to provide recognition for those who have demonstrated skills and competencies as a result of forestry instruction. Number of People: 4 Components: Written Exam Identify trees and forestry equipment Interview on forestry issues Skills in forest disorders, forest management, and inventory

35 Horse Evaluation CDE In this CDE, you evaluate and rank horses
on breed characteristics, conformation and performance. Team members cooperatively complete problems related to equine selection, management, nutrition and production. Number of People: 4 Components: Evaluate and rank horses on breed and characteristics Give oral reasons As a team solve problems involving equine selection, management, nutrition and production.

36 Job Interview CDE Choose this event to polish your skills in
landing a job and launching your career. Participants submit a resume and cover letter, complete a job application and participate in a telephone interview and one‐on‐one interview. Number of People: 1 Components: Submit a resume and cover letter Complete a job application Phone interview One-on-one interview

37 Livestock Evaluation and Selection CDE
This CDE helps you learn to evaluate beef cattle, sheep and swine and defend your decisions. The purpose of this CDE is to stimulate the study of, and interest in, livestock selection management and Production. Number of People: 4 Components: Written Exam Determine classes for market and breeding purposes Oral reasons

38 Meats Evaluation CDE In this CDE, you develop skills for careers in the meat animal industry. The purpose of this CDE to encourage members to gain knowledge in the management and evaluation of the meat process. Number of People: 4 Components: Written Exam Evaluate beef carcasses for quality and yield grade Identify various meat cuts Place carcasses As a team fulfill customer order, and complete a meat formulation problem

39 Range Management CDE The purpose of the State FFA Range Management
CDE is to develop the student’s skills and knowledge in range plants, management and evaluation. Students involved in this event identify range plants from a given list using plant mounts. Number of People: 4 Components: Identify range plants figure current use of range sites and determine best management practices for these sites Test on history and practices of range management

40 Nursery/Landscape CDE
This CDE focuses your skills in all aspects of producing, marketing, using and maintaining landscape plants and related products, equipment and services, including landscape design. The purpose of this CDE is to stimulate career interest, encourage proficiency development and recognize excellence in students of nursery practices and landscaping Number of People: 4 Components: Written Exam Identify plant materials and equipment Interpret landscape plans Skills in sales, management, merchandising, and plant materials Tools Identification

41 Soils CDE The Soils CDE consists of judging land, a written test
and identifying soil textures. Students engaged in this event work as a team to learn how soils are used for plant production and land classification. They understand the process by which soils can be modified to better suit its purpose. Number of People: 4 Components: Judge soil profiles Soil texture identification As a team determine how soil will be sued for plant production

42 Even more opportunities to compete!
Just because we think there are NEVER enough opportunities to compete…we’ve added a couple more to the calendar! Held in conjunction with the Gila Southern District CDE day in February, we are proud to host the state Dairy CDE. And, in conjunction with the Yuma District CDE day in April, you can compete in the state Poultry, Dairy Foods or Agriculture Communications CDE

43 Dairy Management CDE Get involved in this CDE to improve your
skills in dairy cattle selection and herd management. The purpose of this CDE is to emphasizing skills in dairy cattle selection and dairy herd management. Number of People: 4 Components: Written Exam Evaluate dairy cattle and physical characteristics Give oral reasons Cooperate as a team to analyze a herd record

44 Poultry CDE The National FFA Poultry Evaluation
Career Development Event encourages learning through activities relative to production and management, processing, marketing and food safety and quality of poultry products. Number of People: 4 Components Judge Poultry Judge Ready to Cook Poultry Judge Egg Shells Quality Factors for Processed Poultry Written Exam Team Activity

45 Dairy Foods CDE The National Dairy Foods Career Development Event is a competitive activity where participants must evaluate milk samples for flavor and quality, identify cheeses, evaluate milker parts for defects and distinguish dairy and non-dairy products. Number of People: 4 Components Evaluate Dairy Samples Written Exam Evaluate Milker Parts Distinguish Products

46 Agriculture Communications CDE
The purpose of the Agricultural Communications CDE is to provide individuals with basic communications skills necessary to take advantage of career opportunities in the agriculture industry. Number of People: 4 Components: Communications Project Proposal and Presentations – Each team will prepare a communications project proposal that will explain ways to publicize an event. Test Organizing and writing news story Organizing and writing a press release Developing and carrying out a broadcast Preparing a graphic and photo editing for a news story Developing a website Divided between Team Members

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