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Iberoamerican Academy of Management Business Meeting Philadelphia, August 2014 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Iberoamerican Academy of Management Business Meeting Philadelphia, August 2014 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Iberoamerican Academy of Management Business Meeting Philadelphia, August 2014 1

2 Executive Committee Members Herman Aguinis (President), Indiana University (USA) Roberto Vassolo (VP), IAE (Argentina) Martin Larraza Kintana (VP), Universidad Pública de Navarra (Spain) Pascual Berrone (VP), IESE (Spain) Joan E. Ricart (VP), IESE (Spain) Jose Luis Rivas Pérez (VP), ITAM (Mexico) Jose Ernesto Amorós Espinosa (VP), Universidad del Desarrollo (Chile) Monica Franco (VP), Cranfield (UK) Maria Jose Tonelli (VP), Fundacion Getulio Vargas, Brazil Rita Campos e Cunha (VP), Universidade Nova de Lisboa (Portugal) Cristina Cruz (VP), Instituto de Empresa (Spain) Jose Céspedes (VP), Universidad de Almeria (Spain) Guillermo van der Linde (Secretary), Pontificia Universidad Católica Madre y Maestra (Dominican Republic) Santiago Ibarreche (Treasurer), University of Texas at El Paso (USA) Carolina Gómez (Webmaster), Florida International U. (USA) Underlined names: Terms end in August 2014 (4 VP slots, Treasurer & Secretary—both appointed) 2

3 Secretary Position: Miguel (Mickey) Quiñones Miguel (Mickey) Quiñones is the O. Paul Corley Distinguished Chair of Organizational Behavior in the Department of Management and Organizations at the Cox School of Business at Southern Methodist University. He is originally from Puerto Rico and received his Ph.D. in industrial and organizational psychology from Michigan State University. He served as a U.S. Fulbright Scholar and Visiting Professor at the Pontificia Universidad Catolica in Santiago, Chile and was a visiting professor IE Business School in Madrid, Spain. He is an internationally recognized expert and well-published author in the areas of individual and organizational development as well as the strategic management of human capital. 3

4 Mission, Goals, and Initiatives Mission: To foster the general advancement of knowledge in the theory and practice of management among Iberoamerican scholars and/or those academics interested in Iberoamerican issues. Iberoamerica is defined broadly and includes Latino populations in North America, Latin America and Caribbean, Spain, and Portugal. Strategic goals: increased growth, visibility, and expansion. Recent initiatives: Listserv, Constitution and Bylaws update, innovations at IAM and AOM conferences, Management Research: The Journal of the Iberoamerican Academy of Management, website, connecting with other AOM affiliates (e.g. IACMR), membership drive 4

5 Agenda Listserv 1,300+ members from about 30 countries. For information, visit: Collaboration with other organizations such as IACMR IAM Constitution and Bylaws (Martin Lazarra)--Main changes: Board structure, terms and duties for officers, membership dues structure (student discount, bi-annual dues), Past Presidents’ Committee Report on IAM 2013 conference (Maria Jose Tonelli) Report on AOM 2014 PDW (Jose Ernesto Amorós) Report on Management Research (Rita Campos e Cunha) Report on budget and membership (Santiago Ibarreche) Report on Membership Drive Committee (Monica Franco) Report on revamped website (Carolina Gómez) IAM 2015 conference in Chile (Jose Ernesto Amorós) Report on location of future IAM conference (Pascual Berrone) Election 5

6 Membership Drive Committee Geographic regions and region representatives The Membership Drive Committee will draft an email in English and it will be translated/adapted into Spanish and Portuguese. That email will describe benefits of IAM membership and direct people to IAM's website and include instructions on how to become a member Region representatives will compile email lists of potential members in their regions, personalize the message as needed, and distribute the email message within their respective regions Other ideas? Suggestions? 6

7 Treasurer’s Report Solid financial footing Accounting/Auditing firm: Southwest Association Management, Inc. ("SAM, Inc.“) Michelle LaFlam Founder and President of SAM, Inc., Executive Director, Arizona Business Leadership Current balance: $57,000 New 2-year dues structure will help with budget planning and stability Currently, approximately 300 members, and 1,300+ Listserv members 7

8 Report on location of future IAM conference Pascual Berrone (IESE – Spain) (Committee Chair) Rita Campos e Cunha (NOVA – Portugal) Roberto Vassolo (IAE – Argentina) José Ernesto Amorós Espinosa (UDD – Chile) Maria Jose Tonelli (FGV – Brasil) Herman Aguinis (Indiana University - USA) Conference Site Selection Committee

9 Proposals Universidad del Rosario (Bogotá, Colombia) – 2017 University of Beira Interior, Covilhã, Portugal (2017 or 2019) Feevale University, Novo Hamburgo, Brazil Fundacao Escola de Comercio Alvares Penteado, Sao Pablo, Brazil University Nove de Julho (SP - Brazil) Universidad EAFIT, Medellin, Colombia Universidad de La Sabana, Bogotá, Colombia Porto Polytechnic, Porto Portugal Florida International University, Miami, USA 9 Expression of Interest

10 Election Process Nominating Committee: Herman Aguinis, Chair and IAM President Julio de Castro, IAM Immediate Past President Luis Gomez-Mejia, IAM Past President Maria Jose Tonelli, IAM Vice President Roberto Vassolo, IAM Vice President Self-nominations solicited using the IBERO list Candidates for VP slots: Santiago Ibarreche (U. of Texas, El Paso) Carolina Gomez (Florida International U.) Luiz F. Mesquita (Arizona State U.) 10

11 Santiago Ibarreche Santiago Ibarreche is a full professor in the Department of Marketing and Management at The University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP). Dr. Ibarreche earned a Master’s in Business Administration from the Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher Studies in Mexico City (ITESM) and a Ph.D. in Management from the University of Colorado. Dr. Ibarreche was Dean of ITESM in Mexico City, Director of the Center for Inter American and Border Studies, and Director of Center for Hispanic Entrepreneurship at UTEP. He has published several books and academic and trade articles in such journals as Academy of Management Executive, Contaduría Pública, and Ejecutivos de Finanzas. He has been a member of the Iberoamerican Academy of Management since 2001 and has served as IAM’s Treasurer from 2010 to 2014. 11

12 Carolina Gomez Carolina Gomez is an associate professor at Florida International University. Dr. Gómez has presented and published papers in forums such as AOM, AIB, Academy of Management Journal, Strategic Management Journal, Group and Organization Management, Journal of Business Ethics, International Journal of Human Resource Management, Journal of Management Studies, Journal of World Business, Journal of Business Research, and the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. Her research focuses mainly on cross- cultural organizational behavior, MNC management, and country differences that affect MNCs. She has been involved with the Iberoamerican Academy of Management in various capacities since 1998 and currently serve as its webmaster. 12

13 Luiz F. Mesquita Luiz F. Mesquita is an associate professor of management and strategy at the W. P. Carey School of Business, Arizona State University. Previously, he has been affiliated with IAE Business School (Argentina) and Insper (Brazil). His research on the coordination of activities among firms, in contexts where interdependencies can be simultaneously competitive and cooperative in nature, and the resulting effects of such coordination on firm performance has been published in AMJ, AMR, SMJ, and other outlets. He has taught in the United States, Brazil, and Argentina and serves on the editorial board of several journals including AMJ, SMJ, and JMS. He was born and raised in Brazil and lived in Argentina for two years. 13

14 Additional Comments and/or Questions? 14

15 We welcome and look forward to your continued involvement! Thank You! 15

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