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Re-thinking the Rillito River Corridor: Exploring Alternative Rehabilitation Opportunities and Strategies Downtown Urban Design Laboratory School of Architecture,

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Presentation on theme: "Re-thinking the Rillito River Corridor: Exploring Alternative Rehabilitation Opportunities and Strategies Downtown Urban Design Laboratory School of Architecture,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Re-thinking the Rillito River Corridor: Exploring Alternative Rehabilitation Opportunities and Strategies Downtown Urban Design Laboratory School of Architecture, the University of Arizona in Collaboration with the Pima County Parks and Recreation

2 Downtown Urban Design Laboratory School of Architecture, the University of Arizona in Collaboration with the Pima County Parks and Recreation Re-thinking the Rillito River Corridor: Exploring Alternative Rehabilitation Opportunities and Strategies

3 Urban Corridor Fluvial Corridor Edge Conditions Re-thinking the Rillito River Corridor: Exploring Alternative Rehabilitation Opportunities and Strategies Downtown Urban Design Laboratory School of Architecture, the University of Arizona in Collaboration with the Pima County Parks and Recreation

4 Alternatives Design Strategies As Cantilever Along a Narrow Edge Downtown Urban Design Laboratory School of Architecture, the University of Arizona in Collaboration with the Pima County Parks and Recreation Re-thinking the Rillito River Corridor: Exploring Alternative Rehabilitation Opportunities and Strategies

5 Downtown Urban Design Laboratory School of Architecture, the University of Arizona in Collaboration with the Pima County Parks and Recreation Re-thinking the Rillito River Corridor: Exploring Alternative Rehabilitation Opportunities and Strategies

6 Existing Parking Rillito River Bed DILLARDS Existing Parking Garage Existing Parking MACYS Re-thinking the Rillito River Corridor: Re-forming the Relationship Tucson Mall Site with the Rillito River Corridor Downtown Urban Design Laboratory School of Architecture, the University of Arizona in Collaboration with the Pima County Parks and Recreation

7 Re-thinking the Rillito River Corridor: Re-forming the Relationship Tucson Mall Site-Rillito River Corridor Tucson Mall Rillito River Downtown Urban Design Laboratory School of Architecture, the University of Arizona in Collaboration with the Pima County Parks and Recreation

8 Re-thinking the Rillito River Corridor: Exploring Alternative Rehabilitation Opportunities and Strategies Downtown Urban Design Laboratory School of Architecture, the University of Arizona in Collaboration with the Pima County Parks and Recreation

9 Downtown Urban Design Laboratory School of Architecture, the University of Arizona in Collaboration with the City of Tucson The Downtown Studio Office Typical presentation Day

10 Source: Global Footprint Network and Europe 2005 Report


12 University of Arizona School of Planning and Landscape Architecture In Collaboration with the Village of Moencopi Ignacio San Martin, Project PI Leslie Van Duzer, School of Architecture John Ashworth, Energy Engineering, SRP Tom Materials Analysis Carlos Licon, Research Assistance













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