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Arizona road trip December 2005. Sunset on the San Bernardino Mtns leaving southern California.

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Presentation on theme: "Arizona road trip December 2005. Sunset on the San Bernardino Mtns leaving southern California."— Presentation transcript:

1 Arizona road trip December 2005

2 Sunset on the San Bernardino Mtns leaving southern California.

3 Sunrise on the Sandia Mtn Range looking towards Nevada - note the naval weapons range antennae on the distant horizon.

4 Low point of the trip, at the bottom of Death Valley National Park.

5 Interesting colors in the rocks of Death Valley.

6 Copper, magnesium and iron paint the dry walls of Death Valley.

7 Late afternoon shadows in Grand Canyon National Park.

8 Birds eye view of the Canyon’s North Rim.


10 Colorado River carves a wide channel at the start of the Canyon.

11 Saguaro National Park on the west side of Tucson Arizona.

12 Mt Tucson from the park.

13 Signal Hill was used by early Americans to record stories in the in the rocks, still seen as petroglyphs.




17 Majestic rock formations on the Apache Trail east of Tucson.

18 The Granite Dells near Prescott Az.

19 The Dells have some of the oldest rock found in the southwest.

20 Got back to California just in time to see the storm clouds lifting.

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