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To run off and hide abscond. stay, respite, a temporary relief reprieve.

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Presentation on theme: "To run off and hide abscond. stay, respite, a temporary relief reprieve."— Presentation transcript:

1 to run off and hide abscond

2 stay, respite, a temporary relief reprieve

3 chaos, disorder, turmoil anarchy

4 postpone, delay reprieve

5 cremate, burn to ashes incinerate

6 theft, robbery larceny

7 dishearten, discourage daunt

8 lifeless, inert; without energy inanimate

9 dupe, deceive hoodwink

10 preordained, destined, determined in advance fated

11 entry, admittance access

12 supple, flexible pliant

13 cliff, ledge precipice

14 laborious, fatiguing, difficult arduous

15 valiant, audacious, courageous, daring, fearless, brave intrepid

16 remedy, set right rectify

17 pretentious, bombastic, highfalutin pompous

18 unravel, unwind, unsnarl disentangle

19 malign, vilify, denounce, to attack with words revile

20 bigoted, unfair, partial biased

21 promising, favorable; fortunate auspicious

22 partner in crime accomplice

23 stimulus, instigator catalyst

24 hidden, undeveloped latent

25 submit, give way to succumb

26 slipshod, sloppy, slapdash

27 chatter, babble prattle

28 obliterate, demolish annihilate

29 to make easier, to assist facilitate

30 unruly, beyond control incorrigible

31 not letting light through opaque

32 saucy, bold, shameless brazen

33 given to fighting militant

34 supreme, foremost, primary paramount

35 disprove, confute rebut

36 still, motionless, fetid stagnant

37 morbid, doleful; not sociable morose

38 a large-scale departure or flight exodus

39 capricious, based on one’s whims arbitrary

40 slavery, captivity, forced labor servitude

41 to scold, find fault with; a rebuke reprimand

42 to stop proceedings temporarily; move to another place adjourn

43 having a pleasing appearance comely

44 a trick feint

45 to strengthen fortify

46 to make fun of rudely jeer

47 exotic, unfamiliar alien

48 immoral, corrupt dissolute

49 the process of driving or forcing out expulsion

50 food for horses fodder

51 pay back, reimburse compensate

52 Irregular, unpredictable erratic

53 raw material for a designated purpose fodder

54 concise, short and sweet terse

55 multiply, burgeon, increase proliferate

56 Ordinary, run-of- the-mill mediocre

57 subdue, vanquish, conquer subjugate

58 tempt, to tease tantalize

59 unwavering, firm unflinching

60 unreadable illegible

61 taint, soil, stain sully

62 profitable Lucrative

63 stubborn; close- minded OPINIONATED

64 stimulus, instigator catalyst

65 saucy, bold, shameless brazen

66 partner in crime accomplice

67 submit, give way to succumb

68 slipshod, sloppy, slapdash

69 chatter, babble prattle

70 obliterate, demolish annihilate

71 to make easier, to assist Facilitate

72 filch, rob, swipe pilfer

73 a likeness semblance

74 conclude, finish terminate

75 seize illegally usurp

76 angry, livid irate

77 excessive fatness obesity

78 looter, pirate marauder

79 to make up, devise fabricate

80 famous, outstanding, renowned eminent

81 livid, angry irate

82 to overcome surmount

83 excessive fatness obesity

84 split, breach, break rift

85 commonplace, overused, hackneyed trite

86 attached, sticking to adherent

87 expel, dispel; to drive out exorcise

88 an extremely poor person pauper

89 a follower, supporter adherent

90 an angry argument altercation

91 to make shorter abridge

92 ignore, wink at condone

93 angelic cherubic

94 to disagree dissent

95 filch, rob, swipe pilfer

96 a likeness semblance

97 conclude, finish terminate

98 seize illegally usurp

99 angry, livid irate

100 looter, pirate marauder

101 hidden, undeveloped latent

102 unruly, beyond control incorrigible

103 not letting light through opaque

104 given to fighting militant

105 supreme, foremost, primary paramount

106 a large-scale departure or flight exodus

107 disprove, confute rebut

108 morbid, doleful; not sociable morose

109 capricious, based on one’s whims arbitrary

110 slavery, captivity, forced labor servitude

111 submit, give way to succumb

112 to scold, find fault with; a rebuke reprimand

113 still, motionless, fetid stagnant

114 partner in crime accomplice

115 stimulus, instigator catalyst

116 hidden, undeveloped latent

117 thief, robber, bandit BRIGAND

118 to let go; give up RELINQUISH

119 careful, cautious CIRCUMSPECT

120 an opening; to break through BREACH

121 to seize, confiscate COMMANDEER

122 A difficult problem with no perfect answer DILEMMA

123 A complete standstill DEADLOCK

124 to wipe out; to erase EFFACE

125 awkward, heavy, hard to handle CUMBERSOME

126 a hopeless mess MUDDLE

127 scattered fragments, litter DEBRIS

128 uncontrolled UNBRIDLED

129 to scold admonish

130 to spread out; wordy DIFFUSE

131 false, not true SPURIOUS

132 stubborn; close- minded OPINIONATED

133 thief, robber, bandit BRIGAND

134 to let go; give up RELINQUISH

135 careful, cautious CIRCUMSPECT

136 an opening; to break through BREACH

137 to seize, confiscate COMMANDEER

138 A difficult problem with no perfect answer DILEMMA

139 A complete standstill DEADLOCK

140 to wipe out; to erase EFFACE

141 awkward, heavy, hard to handle CUMBERSOME

142 a hopeless mess MUDDLE

143 scattered fragments, litter DEBRIS

144 uncontrolled UNBRIDLED

145 to scold admonish

146 to spread out; wordy DIFFUSE

147 false, not true SPURIOUS

148 to run off and hide abscond

149 stay, respite, a temporary relief reprieve

150 chaos, disorder, turmoil anarchy

151 postpone, delay reprieve

152 cremate, burn to ashes incinerate

153 theft, robbery larceny

154 dishearten, discourage daunt

155 lifeless, inert; without energy inanimate

156 dupe, deceive hoodwink

157 preordained, destined, determined in advance fated

158 entry, admittance access

159 supple, flexible pliant

160 cliff, ledge precipice

161 laborious, fatiguing, difficult arduous

162 valiant, audacious, courageous, daring, fearless, brave intrepid

163 remedy, set right rectify

164 pretentious, bombastic, highfalutin pompous

165 unravel, unwind, unsnarl disentangle

166 malign, vilify, denounce, to attack with words revile

167 bigoted, unfair, partial biased

168 promising, favorable; fortunate auspicious

169 partner in crime accomplice

170 stimulus, instigator catalyst

171 hidden, undeveloped latent

172 submit, give way to succumb

173 slipshod, sloppy, slapdash

174 chatter, babble prattle

175 obliterate, demolish annihilate

176 to make easier, to assist facilitate

177 unruly, beyond control incorrigible

178 not letting light through opaque

179 saucy, bold, shameless brazen

180 given to fighting militant

181 supreme, foremost, primary paramount

182 disprove, confute rebut

183 still, motionless, fetid stagnant

184 morbid, doleful; not sociable morose

185 a large-scale departure or flight exodus

186 capricious, based on one’s whims arbitrary

187 slavery, captivity, forced labor servitude

188 to scold, find fault with; a rebuke reprimand

189 to stop proceedings temporarily; move to another place adjourn

190 having a pleasing appearance comely

191 a trick feint

192 to strengthen fortify

193 to make fun of rudely jeer

194 exotic, unfamiliar alien

195 immoral, corrupt dissolute

196 the process of driving or forcing out expulsion

197 food for horses fodder

198 pay back, reimburse compensate

199 Irregular, unpredictable erratic

200 raw material for a designated purpose fodder

201 concise, short and sweet terse

202 multiply, burgeon, increase proliferate

203 Ordinary, run-of- the-mill mediocre

204 subdue, vanquish, conquer subjugate

205 tempt, to tease tantalize

206 unwavering, firm unflinching

207 unreadable illegible

208 taint, soil, stain sully

209 profitable Lucrative

210 stubborn; close- minded OPINIONATED

211 stimulus, instigator catalyst

212 saucy, bold, shameless brazen

213 partner in crime accomplice

214 submit, give way to succumb

215 slipshod, sloppy, slapdash

216 chatter, babble prattle

217 obliterate, demolish annihilate

218 to make easier, to assist Facilitate

219 filch, rob, swipe pilfer

220 a likeness semblance

221 conclude, finish terminate

222 seize illegally usurp

223 angry, livid irate

224 excessive fatness obesity

225 looter, pirate marauder

226 to make up, devise fabricate

227 famous, outstanding, renowned eminent

228 livid, angry irate

229 to overcome surmount

230 excessive fatness obesity

231 split, breach, break rift

232 commonplace, overused, hackneyed trite

233 attached, sticking to adherent

234 expel, dispel; to drive out exorcise

235 an extremely poor person pauper

236 a follower, supporter adherent

237 an angry argument altercation

238 to make shorter abridge

239 ignore, wink at condone

240 angelic cherubic

241 to disagree dissent

242 filch, rob, swipe pilfer

243 a likeness semblance

244 conclude, finish terminate

245 seize illegally usurp

246 angry, livid irate

247 looter, pirate marauder

248 hidden, undeveloped latent

249 unruly, beyond control incorrigible

250 not letting light through opaque

251 given to fighting militant

252 supreme, foremost, primary paramount

253 a large-scale departure or flight exodus

254 disprove, confute rebut

255 morbid, doleful; not sociable morose

256 capricious, based on one’s whims arbitrary

257 slavery, captivity, forced labor servitude

258 submit, give way to succumb

259 to scold, find fault with; a rebuke reprimand

260 still, motionless, fetid stagnant

261 partner in crime accomplice

262 stimulus, instigator catalyst

263 hidden, undeveloped latent

264 thief, robber, bandit BRIGAND

265 to let go; give up RELINQUISH

266 careful, cautious CIRCUMSPECT

267 an opening; to break through BREACH

268 to seize, confiscate COMMANDEER

269 A difficult problem with no perfect answer DILEMMA

270 A complete standstill DEADLOCK

271 to wipe out; to erase EFFACE

272 awkward, heavy, hard to handle CUMBERSOME

273 a hopeless mess MUDDLE

274 scattered fragments, litter DEBRIS

275 uncontrolled UNBRIDLED

276 to scold admonish

277 to spread out; wordy DIFFUSE

278 false, not true SPURIOUS

279 stubborn; close- minded OPINIONATED

280 thief, robber, bandit BRIGAND

281 to let go; give up RELINQUISH

282 careful, cautious CIRCUMSPECT

283 an opening; to break through BREACH

284 to seize, confiscate COMMANDEER

285 A difficult problem with no perfect answer DILEMMA

286 A complete standstill DEADLOCK

287 to wipe out; to erase EFFACE

288 awkward, heavy, hard to handle CUMBERSOME

289 a hopeless mess MUDDLE

290 scattered fragments, litter DEBRIS

291 uncontrolled UNBRIDLED

292 to scold admonish

293 to spread out; wordy DIFFUSE

294 false, not true SPURIOUS

295 to run off and hide abscond

296 stay, respite, a temporary relief reprieve

297 chaos, disorder, turmoil anarchy

298 postpone, delay reprieve

299 cremate, burn to ashes incinerate

300 theft, robbery larceny

301 dishearten, discourage daunt

302 lifeless, inert; without energy inanimate

303 dupe, deceive hoodwink

304 preordained, destined, determined in advance fated

305 entry, admittance access

306 supple, flexible pliant

307 cliff, ledge precipice

308 laborious, fatiguing, difficult arduous

309 valiant, audacious, courageous, daring, fearless, brave intrepid

310 remedy, set right rectify

311 pretentious, bombastic, highfalutin pompous

312 unravel, unwind, unsnarl disentangle

313 malign, vilify, denounce, to attack with words revile

314 bigoted, unfair, partial biased

315 promising, favorable; fortunate auspicious

316 partner in crime accomplice

317 stimulus, instigator catalyst

318 hidden, undeveloped latent

319 submit, give way to succumb

320 slipshod, sloppy, slapdash

321 chatter, babble prattle

322 obliterate, demolish annihilate

323 to make easier, to assist facilitate

324 unruly, beyond control incorrigible

325 not letting light through opaque

326 saucy, bold, shameless brazen

327 given to fighting militant

328 supreme, foremost, primary paramount

329 disprove, confute rebut

330 still, motionless, fetid stagnant

331 morbid, doleful; not sociable morose

332 a large-scale departure or flight exodus

333 capricious, based on one’s whims arbitrary

334 slavery, captivity, forced labor servitude

335 to scold, find fault with; a rebuke reprimand

336 to stop proceedings temporarily; move to another place adjourn

337 having a pleasing appearance comely

338 a trick feint

339 to strengthen fortify

340 to make fun of rudely jeer

341 exotic, unfamiliar alien

342 immoral, corrupt dissolute

343 the process of driving or forcing out expulsion

344 food for horses fodder

345 pay back, reimburse compensate

346 Irregular, unpredictable erratic

347 raw material for a designated purpose fodder

348 concise, short and sweet terse

349 multiply, burgeon, increase proliferate

350 Ordinary, run-of- the-mill mediocre

351 subdue, vanquish, conquer subjugate

352 tempt, to tease tantalize

353 unwavering, firm unflinching

354 unreadable illegible

355 taint, soil, stain sully

356 profitable Lucrative

357 stubborn; close- minded OPINIONATED

358 stimulus, instigator catalyst

359 saucy, bold, shameless brazen

360 partner in crime accomplice

361 submit, give way to succumb

362 slipshod, sloppy, slapdash

363 chatter, babble prattle

364 obliterate, demolish annihilate

365 to make easier, to assist Facilitate

366 filch, rob, swipe pilfer

367 a likeness semblance

368 conclude, finish terminate

369 seize illegally usurp

370 angry, livid irate

371 excessive fatness obesity

372 looter, pirate marauder

373 to make up, devise fabricate

374 famous, outstanding, renowned eminent

375 livid, angry irate

376 to overcome surmount

377 excessive fatness obesity

378 split, breach, break rift

379 commonplace, overused, hackneyed trite

380 attached, sticking to adherent

381 expel, dispel; to drive out exorcise

382 an extremely poor person pauper

383 a follower, supporter adherent

384 an angry argument altercation

385 to make shorter abridge

386 ignore, wink at condone

387 angelic cherubic

388 to disagree dissent

389 filch, rob, swipe pilfer

390 a likeness semblance

391 conclude, finish terminate

392 seize illegally usurp

393 angry, livid irate

394 looter, pirate marauder

395 hidden, undeveloped latent

396 unruly, beyond control incorrigible

397 not letting light through opaque

398 given to fighting militant

399 supreme, foremost, primary paramount

400 a large-scale departure or flight exodus

401 disprove, confute rebut

402 morbid, doleful; not sociable morose

403 capricious, based on one’s whims arbitrary

404 slavery, captivity, forced labor servitude

405 submit, give way to succumb

406 to scold, find fault with; a rebuke reprimand

407 still, motionless, fetid stagnant

408 partner in crime accomplice

409 stimulus, instigator catalyst

410 hidden, undeveloped latent

411 thief, robber, bandit BRIGAND

412 to let go; give up RELINQUISH

413 careful, cautious CIRCUMSPECT

414 an opening; to break through BREACH

415 to seize, confiscate COMMANDEER

416 A difficult problem with no perfect answer DILEMMA

417 A complete standstill DEADLOCK

418 to wipe out; to erase EFFACE

419 awkward, heavy, hard to handle CUMBERSOME

420 a hopeless mess MUDDLE

421 scattered fragments, litter DEBRIS

422 uncontrolled UNBRIDLED

423 to scold admonish

424 to spread out; wordy DIFFUSE

425 false, not true SPURIOUS

426 stubborn; close- minded OPINIONATED

427 thief, robber, bandit BRIGAND

428 to let go; give up RELINQUISH

429 careful, cautious CIRCUMSPECT

430 an opening; to break through BREACH

431 to seize, confiscate COMMANDEER

432 A difficult problem with no perfect answer DILEMMA

433 A complete standstill DEADLOCK

434 to wipe out; to erase EFFACE

435 awkward, heavy, hard to handle CUMBERSOME

436 a hopeless mess MUDDLE

437 scattered fragments, litter DEBRIS

438 uncontrolled UNBRIDLED

439 to scold admonish

440 to spread out; wordy DIFFUSE

441 false, not true SPURIOUS

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