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Battleground of North America 1697 - 1750. Treaty of Ryswick - 1697 Brief end to hostilities in North America French got a massive amount of land This.

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Presentation on theme: "Battleground of North America 1697 - 1750. Treaty of Ryswick - 1697 Brief end to hostilities in North America French got a massive amount of land This."— Presentation transcript:

1 Battleground of North America 1697 - 1750

2 Treaty of Ryswick - 1697 Brief end to hostilities in North America French got a massive amount of land This expansion include forts from Biloxi to York on the Hudson Bay

3 Queen Anne’s War 1704 - 1713 The French King Louis XIV wants a grandson on the Spanish Throne England didn’t Fought in Europe and England won

4 Treaty of Utrecht France lost all North American possessions except for Isle Royale and Isle St. Jean and New France Keeps the Mississippi Keeps the Ohio River valley

5 Britain got India and Gibraltar Britain now controls the Gulf of the St. Lawrence France now starts to build forts to control areas Louisbourg 30 years of stability


7 PacificOcean Gulf of Mexico AtlanticOcean HudsonBay CANADA Newfoundland ACADIA LOUISIANA Upper Country Upper Louisiana(Illinois Country) Savannah (1733) Charleston (1680) Baltimore (1729) Philadelphia (1681) New York (1626) Boston (1630) Port-Royal (1605) Louisbourg (1719) Plaisance (1662) Tadoussac (1600) Québec (1608) Trois-Rivières (1634) Montréal (1642) LowerLouisiana Baton-Rouge (1720) La Nouvelle-Orléans (1718) Biloxi (1699) Mobile (1702) Fort Bourbon Fort Dauphin Fort La Reine Fort Saint-Pierre Fort Beauharnois Fort Michillimakinac Fort Détroit Fort Frontenac Fort Orléans Fort Saint-Louis Fort de Chartres Fort Rosalie Fort Toulouse Fort Duquesne Fort Chambly Fort Richelieu



10 King Georges War 1744-48 – King Georges War – French attack Canso a fishing village Massachusetts Gov.Shirley – takes Louisbourg Treaty of Aix la Chapelle Louisbourg returned to the French! 1748 – British build Ft. Halifax

11 Fort Oswego, Lake Ontario French Fishing Rights


13 Conflict In the early 1750s, the French commenced construction of a line of forts, starting with Ft Presque Isle on Lake Erie followed by Ft Le Boeuf needed to control areas


15 Rivalry in the Ohio River Valley English and French build forts now in the ORV to claim land 1748 – Land speculators from Virginia obtain a grant from the British crown of 2 m acres in the Ohio River Valley

16 French challenge this 1754- G. Dinwiddie (Virginia) sends G. Washington out to expel the French. They pounce on a party of Frenchmen from Ft Duquesne, kill their leader, retreat and build Ft. Necessity. The French attack Ft. Necessity and force Washington into signing a peace treaty. Shocked the British and the 13 colonies !


18 French Indian War: 1754 French build more Forts In the 1750’s French build Ft. Le Beouf Fort Presque Isle British and French fight it out at Ft Duquesne again and British General Braddock is defeated! Another shock!

19 The Acadians Settled on the Bay of Fundy 1632 French –Catholic »Farmers »1713 – pass to the British »by 1750 about 10,000 Acadians

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