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1 Topeka Public Schools Student Suspensions and Expulsions 2009-2010.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Topeka Public Schools Student Suspensions and Expulsions 2009-2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Topeka Public Schools Student Suspensions and Expulsions 2009-2010

2  Definitions  Rules and Regulations  Authorization  Guidelines  Student Data  Acts of Behavior 2

3  "Short term suspension" is a period of time a student is removed from school for disciplinary reasons not to exceed ten (10) consecutive school days.  "Extended term suspension" is a period of time a student is removed from school, for disciplinary reasons for more than ten (10) days but not more than 90 consecutive school days.  "Expulsion" is a period of time a student is removed from school for disciplinary reasons for more than 90 school days but not more than 186 consecutive school days. (pg. 7 Student Handbook ) 3

4 I.Legal Authority for Suspension and Expulsion A.(From K.S.A. 72 ‑ 8901 through K.S.A. 72 ‑ 8908)  The Board of Education of any school district may suspend or expel or by regulation authorize any certified employee or committee of certified employees to suspend or expel any student. (pg. 8 Student Handbook) 4

5 C.Authorization to Suspend and Expel The Board of Education extends its authority to suspend and expel any student to the following certified personnel:  1.Superintendent, associate superintendent, general director, principals, associate principals, and assistant principals and the area technical school's general director, associate director, assistant director, and coordinator of curriculum and staff services. (pg. 9 Student Handbook) 5

6 D. Guidelines Established Within Schools  The administrator of each school, with input from the school’s staff and site-based council, may establish student handbooks (often called school rules or guidelines) necessary for implementing this policy and for maintaining a safe and orderly learning environment, and good discipline. Any guidelines made within a specific school year must not be in conflict with the Board of Education policies. (pg. 9 Student Handbook) 6

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8  BSR – Breaking School Rules  ODF – Open Defiance  WDO – Willful Disobedience  CLT – Class Disturbance  FIT – Fighting – Violent To Student  ABU – Abusive Language/Obscenity  FSD – Failure To Serve Detentions/ISS  ARG – Arguing Non-Violent  TRE – Threat – Word Or Deed 8

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15 ETHNICITYTOTAL SUSPENSIONS NUMBER OF DIFFERENT STUDENTS SUSPENDED % OF GROUP SUSPENDED 08/0909/1008/0909/1008/0909/10 AFRICAN- AMERICAN112298759158717.0%17.1% ASIAN44342.5%1.3% HISPANIC- LATINO4943952812539.6%8.4% NATIVE- AMERICAN585717375.9%3.5% PACIFIC- ISLANDER000000.0% REFUSED TO DESIGNATE4801603.0%N/A WHITE9467715074328.0%5.4% ALL MINORITIES1826144390888112.4%11.3% 15

16 16 School NameGrade African- AmericanAsian Hispanic Latino American Indian Pacific IslanderWhiteTotal LOWMAN HILL02 1 1 CHASE08 11 EISENHOWER0611 FRENCH08 11 JARDINE071 1 JARDINE08 1 113 LANDON07 2 2 LANDON0811 ROBINSON0711 ROBINSON0811 HIGHLAND PARK09 2 1 3 HIGHLAND PARK121 1 TOPEKA WEST091 1 TOPEKA WEST101 1 TOPEKA HIGH093 25 TOPEKA HIGH10271 414 TOPEKA HIGH111 1 13 TOTAL EXPULSIONS1612201141

17 Establish a positive learning atmosphere Assure the rights and responsibilities of students, parent(s), and school personnel Specify conduct that disrupts such an environment Specify logical responses to infractions Standardize procedures to be used in responding to disciplinary problems. (pg. 9 Student Handbook) 17

18  Truancy Intervention  Positive Behavioral Support (PBS)  CHAMPs  Conversation, Help, Activity, Movement, Participation  Bullying Prevention (Olweus)  Love and Logic  Comer Schools  No fault, consensus building, parental involvement 18

19  Middle School  CHAMPs  Foundations  Love and Logic  PBS  School Resource Officers  Olweus Bullying  High School  CHAMPs  PBS  Deans of Students (THS, HPHS)  STARS (THS)  ELC (TWHS)  Highland Connect (HPHS)  Flexible Scheduling Options (HPHS & HSA) 19

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