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Medieval Church Focus Vocabulary 7 th Grade World History.

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Presentation on theme: "Medieval Church Focus Vocabulary 7 th Grade World History."— Presentation transcript:

1 Medieval Church Focus Vocabulary 7 th Grade World History

2 Roman Catholic Church  The Christian church headed by the pope in Rome  What was the Roman Catholic Church?  What do we call the Christian Church headed by the pope in Rome?

3 The Papacy  The office of the pope  What is the papacy?  What do we call the office of the pope?

4 Monastery  A place of prayer and worship and residence of monks.  What is a monastery?  What do we call a place of prayer and worship where monks reside?

5 Clergy  People who have priestly authority (Pope, Cardinal, Archbishops, Bishops, Parish Priests, Monks)  Who are clergy?  What do we call people who have priestly authority?

6 Excommunicate  To formally expel a person from the Roman Catholic Church  What is excommunicate?  What do we call it when a person is formally expelled from the Roman Catholic Church?

7 Investiture Controversy  A conflict between Pope Gregory VII and King Henry IV over who could appoint clergy  What was the Investiture Controversy?  What do we call the conflict between Pope Gregory VII and King Henry IV?

8 Saint Thomas Aquinas  An Italian scholar and monk who reconciled faith and classical learning with natural law  Who was Saint Thomas Aquinas?  Who reconciled faith and classical learning with natural law?

9 Cathedrals  Catholic church buildings during Medieval Europe thought to bring people closer to God  What are cathedrals?  What do we call Catholic church buildings in Medieval Europe?

10 Crusade  A series of wars fought between European Christians and Seljuk Turks Muslims for control of Palestine.  What is a crusade?  What do we call a series of wars fought between European Christians and Seljuk Turks Muslims for control of Palestine?

11 The Holy Land (Palestine)  The area surrounding the city of Jerusalem that is sacred to Christians, Jews, and Muslims.  What is the Holy Land?  What do we call the area surrounding Jerusalem that is sacred to Christians, Jews, and Muslims?

12 Reconquista  Re-conquest of the Iberian Peninsula by Christian armies who expelled the Moors and Jews.  What is the Reconquista?  What do we call the re-conquest of the Iberian Peninsula by Christians?

13 Inquisition  A court used by Church officials to try people opposed to Church teachings.  What is the Inquisition?  What do we call the court used by Church officials to try people opposed to Church teachings?

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