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Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc

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1 Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc
Constitution and By-Laws Training

2 2010 Constitution and By-Laws
Overview Constitution Lists the principles / tenants of the Fraternity By-Laws Defines how we operate Alpha Regulations Details administrative rules and regulations 2010 Constitution and By-Laws

3 2010 Constitution and By-Laws

4 2010 Constitution and By-Laws
Preamble We, the members of this organization, in order to promote a more perfect union among College men; to aid in and insist upon personal progress of its members; to further brotherly love and a fraternal spirit within the Organization; to discountenance evil; to destroy all prejudices; to preserve the sanctity of the home, the personification of virtue and the chastity of women, do hereby enact and establish this Constitution for the government of its members. 2010 Constitution and By-Laws

5 Mission, Objectives and Symbols
Name Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Incorporated Mission Develops leaders Promotes brotherhood Academic excellence Provides service and advocacy for our communities Objectives Stimulate the ambition of members Prepare them for the greatest usefulness in causes of humanity, freedom and dignity of the individual Encourage highest and noblest form of manhood Aid down-trodden humanity in its efforts to achieve higher social, economic and intellectual status Article I Name, Mission, Objectives and Symbols 2010 Constitution and By-Laws

6 Name, Mission, Objectives and Symbols (cont)
Greek Letters: AΦA Official Emblem: Shield Fraternal Design: Coat-of-Arms Official Colors: Old Gold and Black Official Flower: Yellow Rose Official Seal Official Organ: “The Sphinx” Article I Name, Mission, Objectives and Symbols (cont) 2010 Constitution and By-Laws

7 The General Organization (GO)
Parent Body Composition Chapters General Officers Board of Directors (BOD) Past General Presidents Committees, Commissions & Foundations Supreme Governing Body General Convention Biennial Sole power to enact legislation Composition Chairman of Standing Committees Chapter Delegates - 1 vote Representation Delegates apportioned by chapters’ financial membership as of May 1 of convention year Convening Conventions General President (GP) Quorum ¼ of the delegates registered Article II The General Organization (GO) 2010 Constitution and By-Laws

8 Regional Organization Designation & Regional Conventions
5 Regions: E, S, W, SW, MW Jurisdiction over chapters Headed by RVP and ARVP Regional Conventions Annual; lesser meetings acceptable Elect RVP and ARVP Limited legislative authority: Laying and collecting fees and taxes RVP: convention call Composition (residency requirement) Regional Officers General Officers Past General Presidents Chairman of GO’s standing committees Article III Regional Organization Sections 1&2 Designation & Regional Conventions 2010 Constitution and By-Laws

9 Regional Organization
Regional Officers Regional Vice President Assistant Regional Vice President RVP: appoints other officers Representation (residency requirement) Member in good standing with chapter Delegates Chapters’ financial membership First day of the month preceding the month of convention Immediate Past RVP and ARVP Current and immediate past General Officers Chairman of Standing Committees, Foundations and Commissions Article III Regional Organization Section 3 and 4 Regional Officers Representation 2010 Constitution and By-Laws

10 2010 Constitution and By-Laws
Elective Offices General President 5 Regional Vice President 5 Assistant Regional Vice President General Treasurer Comptroller Requirements Attended 2 of 3 GC’s immediately preceding convention of his election (ARVP exempt) ARVP Regularly enrolled; taking courses to 1st academic degree during his entire term of office Article IV General Offices Sections 1 and 2 Elective Offices and Requirements 2010 Constitution and By-Laws

11 2010 Constitution and By-Laws
Elections Committee recommends procedures for election unless noted in Constitution General President Election by ballot to each member in good standing GC narrows candidates to 2 nominees Nominee is unable to complete the process, the candidate receiving the next largest number of votes becomes the nominee General Treasurer & Comptroller Nominated and elected by the GC RVP & ARVP Residency Requirement Nominated and elected at regional convention Ballot and majority vote Article IV General Offices Sections 3 Election Procedure 2010 Constitution and By-Laws

12 Election Procedures (cont)
Vacancies GP fills vacancies (BOD recommends) General President Unable or incapacitated: Ad hoc committee of Past General Presidents Committee selects Acting General President from RVPs Acting GP serves until the inability or incapacity of GP is removed or successor is elected and qualified Tenure GP – four year term (no succession) RVP – two year term (not to exceed two terms) ARVP – one year term (not to exceed 4 consecutive years) General Treasurer/ Comptroller – four year term may succeed himself for one 4 year term Reports Biennial to GC Annual to BOD Article IV General Offices Sections 4 and 5 Election Procedures (cont) Tenure Reports 2010 Constitution and By-Laws

13 Board of Directors (BOD)
Voting Members General President Immediate Past General President General Treasurer Comptroller 5 Regional Vice Presidents 5 Assistant Regional Vice Presidents Non-voting Members Past General Presidents General Counsel Executive Director (ED) Article V Board of Directors (BOD) Section 1 Composition 2010 Constitution and By-Laws

14 Board of Directors (BOD)
Develops policies and programs within constitutional limits Recommends legislative changes to the GC Examines and presents Budget and Finance Committee proposals to the GC Ensures financial integrity and the best interest of the Fraternity between GC’s Quorum – more than half of voting members Performs duties and discharges responsibilities as provided in Constitution Establishes committees from its members (finance excluded) Co-opt non-members to act on its behalf Meets at call of GP at least once per year or by petition of min. of 2/3 of the voting members Article V Board of Directors (BOD) Section 2 Duties and Responsibilities 2010 Constitution and By-Laws

15 2010 Constitution and By-Laws
Proposals Member or chapter submits proposal to their RVP within 60 days of the regional convention Majority vote of delegates present and voting at the regional convention Adoption Affirmative vote of ¾ of delegates present and voting at the GC Negative vote of 51% of chapters veto the action of the GC Limitations GC only considers proposed amendments which have been properly submitted in the appropriate timeframe unless it’s shown that the RVP or ED intentionally failed to comply with the provisions Article VI Amendments 2010 Constitution and By-Laws

16 Constitutional and Parliamentary Authority
Constitution and By-Laws Regions, districts, chapters or subsidiaries constitution can not conflict with GO Parliamentary Authority Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised Where not specifically noted as rule in GO’s Constitution and By-Laws Article VII Constitutional and Parliamentary Authority 2010 Constitution and By-Laws

17 2010 Constitution and By-Laws

18 Duties and Responsibilities of Elected Officers
Presides over GC’s Ex-officio and President of the BOD Appoints general officers, directors, chairmen and members of all committees and commissions with Board concurrence Interprets the Constitution and By-Laws Only GC can appeal his decision Provides guidance, supervision to ED, and other officers within policy guidelines of the BOD Provides report to the GC which includes current status of all legislation, recommendations and resolutions May delay amendments to the Constitution and By-Laws for 30 days to chapters based on budgetary implications Performs other duties and represents the Fraternity Article I Duties and Responsibilities of Elected Officers Section 1 General President 2010 Constitution and By-Laws

19 Duties and Responsibilities of Elected Officers
Supervises chapters within region Settles controversies and misunderstandings Provides complete financial statements to GC Suspends members or chapters Performs other duties assigned by GP Appoints District Directors and other regional officers Article I Duties and Responsibilities of Elected Officers Section 2 Regional Vice President 2010 Constitution and By-Laws

20 Duties and Responsibilities of Elected Officers
Assists RVP with college chapter affairs Performs such duties assigned by the GP or their RVP Represents all chapters on the BOD Recommends members to standing and special committees Recommends, with RVP approval, fiscal improvements or constraints to regional convention Assists in regional convention preparation Article I Duties and Responsibilities of Elected Officers Section 3 Regional Assistant Vice President 2010 Constitution and By-Laws

21 Duties and Responsibilities of Elected Officers
General Treasurer Has charge / responsible for all moneys, funds, securities per accounting section of the Fraternal Regulations Bondable Comptroller Responsible to BOD for carrying out the financial mandates of the GC Maintains continuous audits of budgeted financials Authorizes budgeted expenditures approved by GP or BOD Reports on status of current year budget and proposed budget for next biennial fiscal year Article I Duties and Responsibilities of Elected Officers Section 4 and 5 General Treasurer and Comptroller 2010 Constitution and By-Laws

22 Duties and Responsibilities of Elected Officers
Violating the oath of office, Constitution, Standing Orders, other rules and regulations of Fraternity, malfeasance, criminal or civil actions that puts the Fraternity at risk Article I Duties and Responsibilities of Elected Officers Section 6 Removal 2010 Constitution and By-Laws

23 Office of Executive Director
Full authority, (approved budget / policy guidelines) GP supervision, to implement mandates, resolutions authorized by GC Keeps accurate accounts and minutes of BOD and GC Prints / sends GC minutes to chapters Uses approved accounting principles and practices Custodian of official records Supervises and lets contracts Provides convention report Maintains membership records Prepares, publishes, distributes membership directory Provides notice of General or Special Conventions Prepares list of GC’s voting delegates Custodian of the corporate seal Provides to chapter approved amendments to the Constitution and By-Laws Serves as Secretary of BOD Article II Office of Executive Director 2010 Constitution and By-Laws

24 Death of ED or inability, or refusal to act - GP, based on board recommendation, selects a member to act until a qualified successor has been appointed Article II Section 2 Procedure for Interim Replacement of the Executive Director 2010 Constitution and By-Laws

25 Duties and Responsibilities of Appointed Officers
Chief Legal Counsel Legal advisor to General Officers Approves surety bonds of General Officers and employees Represents Fraternity in litigation involving chapter or matters pertaining to chapter house loans & financing Authorization (BOD approval) to prosecute, defend, negotiate & settle legal actions Article III Duties and Responsibilities of Appointed Officers Section 1 General Counsel 2010 Constitution and By-Laws

26 Duties and Responsibilities of Appointed Officers
Official recorder, chronicler of events, memoirs, symbols, biographies, etc. of the Fraternity Collects & guards official documents & memorabilia Publishes “The History of Alpha Phi Alpha: A Development in College Life” Article III Duties and Responsibilities of Appointed Officers Section 2 Historian 2010 Constitution and By-Laws

27 2010 Constitution and By-Laws
Arranged, planned by BOD or designee with host chapter Officials Director of Conventions Parliamentarian Chaplain Sergeant of Arms Committees Rules and Credentials Resolutions and Recommendations Awards and Achievements Grievances and Discipline GP may appoint other special committee(s) Article IV General Convention 2010 Constitution and By-Laws

28 Standing Committees and Commissions
Lists Standing Committees & Commissions Composition 5-11 members: 1 from each region; 2 College brothers GP appoints chairs and members (term limitation) GP, upon recommendation by chair, may approve the co-opt of one or more members for special or limited purposes Responsibilities Investigate, inquire, prepare reports to GC, GP, BOD Chairs advise (directed by GP) ED or RVP(s) Article V Standing Committees and Commissions 2010 Constitution and By-Laws

29 Permanent Commissions, Foundations and Subsidiary Corp.
Enabling Authority Fraternity establishes entity & incorporates and creates rules for governance When needed, only GC can create subsidiaries or affiliates Corporate documents must stipulate corporation is subsidiary or affiliate of the Fraternity GC may fund affiliate or subsidiary corporation Annual Reports Include financial reports to BOD and GC GP (RVP’s advise) approves names of officers and members; General Treasurer, General Counsel, Comptroller - ex-officio; BOD included in entity’s membership Assets and Property No assets or property can go or benefit members, officers or members of GO Dissolution Assets after settlement: GO’s BOD recommends Article VI Permanent Commissions, Foundations and Subsidiary Corp. 2010 Constitution and By-Laws

30 2010 Constitution and By-Laws
College and Alumni Life Membership to members who fulfill requirements Member in Good Standing Financial with the Chapter and GO College Brothers: min. or equivalent cum. GPA of a 2.5 on a 4.0 scale Can’t be a member of another college or intercollegiate fraternity (honorary or professional exempt) Article VII Membership Section 1 Classes of Membership 2010 Constitution and By-Laws

31 Eligibility for College Chapter Membership
Male student of an accredited college / university Completed 1 semester or 2 quarters of a regular year’s program Full time student leading to first academic degree Min. cum. GPA. of 2.5 on 4.0 scale or equivalent (institution override) Good Character Registered voter Member in good standing of chapter presents his candidacy Article VII Membership Section 2 Eligibility for College Chapter Membership 2010 Constitution and By-Laws

32 Eligibility for Alumni Chapter Membership
Male holder of an earned accredited college/university’s baccalaureate degree Good Character Registered voter Member in good standing of chapter presents his candidacy Member who did not earn a baccalaureate degree Article VII Membership Section 3 Eligibility for Alumni Chapter Membership 2010 Constitution and By-Laws

33 Requirements for Life Membership
Payment of the Life Membership Fee as contained in the Constitution and Bylaws by any member Exempt from payment of Grand Tax Life Membership does not release or excuse a member from his chapter financial obligation Article VII Membership Section 4 Requirements for Life Membership 2010 Constitution and By-Laws

34 2010 Constitution and By-Laws
Receives three-fourths vote of the members present at a meeting of the chapter duly called for balloting or a meeting where prior notice is given He meets or has met all requirements for initiation of the Constitution and Bylaws He receives written approval from the RVP Article VII Membership Section 5 Initiation 2010 Constitution and By-Laws

35 Regional Organization
Districts are headed by District Director, appointed by RVP Area are headed by Area Director, appointed by RVP District and Areas Districts: are states or group of states States over 500 miles: RVP may appoint two District Directors Areas contain several chapters Chapters within a District may organize a District Conference Article VIII Regional Organization 2010 Constitution and By-Laws

36 Chapter Organization and Structure
Organizational Units Alumni and College Chapters Chapter in Good Standing minimum of 7, risk management certified; current chapter directory; financial with GO College chapter must have a min. chapter cum. GPA of 2.5 or equivalent on a 4.0 scale Chapter Designations College Chapters bear Greek letters in order Alumni Chapters same except the suffix Lambda Chapter Restrictions Chapter can not create an entity that abridges members’ rights Affiliations Standing Orders dictate membership admission Article IX Chapter Organization and Structure Section 1-4 2010 Constitution and By-Laws

37 Chapter Organization and Structure
College Chapter Establishment Accredited 4 year institution; Two or more acceptable Establishment: male student or an active member Alumni Chapter Establishment 7 or more active members Jurisdiction of chapters GC or BOD determines jurisdiction Property of the General Organization Property provided by the GO to chapter remains GO property Article IX Chapter Organization and Structure Section 5 -8 2010 Constitution and By-Laws

38 2010 Constitution and By-Laws
Discipline in relation to Chapter GC, RVP, BOD can suspend a chapter Discipline of Members Only GC may expel BOD - suspends recommends or expels RVP- may suspend; suspended member may appeal to GC or BOD Expulsion Chapter may recommend expulsion Action by the GC is final Request reinstatement after 3 years 2/3 majority of the GC needed for reinstatement Loss of Privileges Member who fails to affiliate with chapter within 5 months is denied privilege of chapter participation Member suspended by chapter cannot wear The Badge Article X Discipline 2010 Constitution and By-Laws

39 2010 Constitution and By-Laws
Grand and Chapter Tax due no later than November 15 Late fee $10 Grand and $50 Chapter Grand Tax: Alumni $150.00; College $75 3% of Grand Tax and interest of each living Life Member goes to regions 1st year college graduate – 50% of GO fees 2nd year college graduate – 75% of GO fees Chapter Tax formula: Grand Tax # of chapter delegates Life Membership Fee: $3,000 Alumni Chapter charter fee: $500 College Chapter charter fee: $250 Alumni initiation fee: $350 College initiation fee: $160 College Brothers $25 per year Article XI Fees and Taxes 2010 Constitution and By-Laws

40 2010 Constitution and By-Laws
Proposal Submitted 60 days prior to GC Adoption Affirmative vote of ¾ of delegates present and voting at GC Negative vote of 51% of the chapters shall veto action of GC Limitations GC only considers proposed amendments which have been properly submitted in the appropriate timeframe unless it’s shown that the RVP or ED intentionally failed to comply with the provisions Article XII Amendments 2010 Constitution and By-Laws

41 Refer questions or comments to
acknowledgement The Contents of this Presentation is based on materials developed by the National Membership Development Taskforce Presentation Compiled by John M. Williams There shall be NO DEVIATIONS or ADJUSTMENTS!! Refer questions or comments to 2010 Constitution and By-Laws

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