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2014 Troop Cookie Manager Training
Introduce yourself as a volunteer SUCC; give TCMs your contact information and warehouse delivery information to write on the cover of their TCM handbook. If you have a Service Unit Booth Coordinator, give them the information to fill out the box on the bottom of page 3. Inform TCMs that the handbook layout is new this year and it is designed chronologically by tasks throughout the cookie program. A new comprehensive index is provided at the end. TCM handbook page references are at the bottom of each slide. Cover
Girl Scout Cookie Program
The Girl Scout Cookie Program helps girls develop 5 business and leadership skills: Goal setting Decision making Money management People skills Business ethics The Girl Scout Cookie Program helps girls develop 5 business and leadership skills: Goal setting Decision making Money management People skills Business ethics It is important that these skills be fostered through program activity before and during the cookie season. Troop leaders can find guides and support resources at Page 2
Resources Glossary Online Resources Page 4
Inform TCMs this is a quick and easy reference page – no need to go into detail. Glossary Online Resources Page 4
Troop Timeline and Checklist
November – January: Pre-sale activities. Jan. 17: Troop initial order, delivery day appointment, and ACH banking information due in eBudde by 11:59 p.m. Feb. 1: Delivery day. Feb. 2: Cookie program begins at 9:00 a.m. Walkabout and standabout sales permitted. November – January: Pre-sale activities TCM must be registered and background checked:; password: cookies. Attend TCM training held by your SUCC. Verify with your SUCC any troop or parent/guardian outstanding balances. Verify with the Service Unit Registrar that all girls in the troop are registered. Log into eBudde to set up the troop after your SUCC gives you access (page 28). Conduct a Troop Family Cookie Party to train girls and parents/guardians on the cookie program (page 20-25). Cookie program logistics Jan Troop initial order, delivery day appointment, and ACH banking information due in eBudde by 11:59 p.m. (pages 35-36, 31). Feb. 1 - Delivery day – initial order pickup at warehouses (page 37). Feb. 2 - Cookie program begins at 9:00 a.m. Walkabout and standabout sales permitted (page 10). Page 5
Troop Timeline and Checklist
Feb. 3: Cookie cupboards open only to new orders and full case exchanges. Feb. 7: Booth sales begin. Mar. 9: Booth sales end. Last day to pick up new orders at cookie cupboards. Mar. 16: Cookie program ends. Feb. 3 - Cookie cupboards open only to new orders and full case exchanges (page 46). Feb. 7 - Booth sales begin (pages 12-13). Mar. 9 - Booth sales end. Last day to pick up new orders at cookie cupboards. Mar Cookie program ends. Pages 5-6
Troop Timeline and Checklist
Mar. 19: Finalized troop data and girl rewards orders due in eBudde by 11:59 p.m. Funds for final payment must be in troop bank account by end-of-business day. May – June: Reward distribution. Mar Finalized troop data and girl rewards orders due in eBudde by 11:59 p.m. (page 56). Funds for final payment must be in troop bank account by end-of-business day (page 17). May/June - Reward distribution. Page 6
Troop Cookie Manager Role
Maintain regular communication with SUCC and Troop Leader. Inform/train girls and adults. Coordinate troop cookie inventory. Coordinate troop’s booth sales with SUCC. Maintain accurate records of inventory/money transactions by collecting signed receipts. Collect money and deposit frequently. Order and distribute girl rewards. Stress the importance of TCM communication with the troop and inventory management throughout the sale. Thank you for volunteering to manage your troop’s cookie logistics! As the Troop Cookie Manager (TCM), you will: Maintain regular communication with Service Unit Cookie Coordinator (SUCC ) and Troop Leader regarding inventory and sale updates. Inform/train girls and adults about all aspects of the sale, including safety guidelines, participant responsibilities and sale policies. Obtain signed Participation Agreements for each girl before distributing sale materials. Submit troop ACH bank account information. Coordinate troop cookie inventory: ordering, re-ordering, distributing, and transferring cookies. Coordinate troop’s booth sales with the SUCC; convey relevant booth policies and guidelines to adult volunteers. Maintain accurate records of inventory and money transactions with girls and adults by collecting signed receipts. Collect all money due and make frequent bank deposits. Order and distribute reward items to girls. Submit any outstanding balance paperwork to SUCC and finalize troop eBudde information. Promote the cookie program in a positive and consistent manner. TCMs are responsible for all cookies ordered until signed for by a girl’s parent/guardian; cookies cannot be returned to council. TCMs are responsible for all money collected and for depositing it into the troop bank account for council payments. Any failure to account for money or cookies may result in legal action. Page 7
Managing Your Time and Troop Inventory
Identify your availability; set expectations with parents/guardians. Don’t allow parents/guardians to pick up cookies directly from the cookie cupboard. Be cautious of how many cookies are picked up at one time by a parent/guardian. Ask parents/guardians to submit payment for cookies previously picked up before giving them additional cookies. Stress the importance of TCM communication with the troop and inventory management throughout the sale. Managing your time and troop inventory It is very important to manage your time by first identifying your availability before the sale begins. This will allow you to set expectations with your parents/guardians and be more organized. Do not allow parents/guardians to pick up cookies directly from the cupboard. Be cautious as to how many cookies are picked up at one time by a parent/guardian. The maximum amount a troop may be reimbursed for a parent/guardian outstanding balance is $400, equivalent to 100 boxes. Ask parents/guardians to submit payment for cookies previously picked up before giving them additional cookies. This will help minimize the risk of outstanding balances. You may allow girls to return 1-2 cases of unsold cookies to the troop (to be used for booth sales or to fulfill other girls’ orders). Recommendation: Deadline of Tuesday, Feb. 18. Page 7
Cookie Details & Start Date
Start date: Sunday, Feb. 2 at 9:00 a.m. Emphasize the importance of sharing these Basic Facts & Policies with girls and parents/guardians. Girls are “on their honor” not to begin selling before the start date, Feb. 2. Page 8
Super Six Our cookie lineup will be: Thin Mints
Samoas All cookies sell for $4 a box Tagalongs Trefoils Do-si-dos Savannah Smiles Emphasize the importance of sharing these Basic Facts & Policies with girls and parents/guardians. Cookie varieties: Thin Mints, Samoas, Tagalongs, Trefoils, Do-si-dos, and Savannah Smiles All cookies sell for $4 a box. Page 8
Participation Policy Registered with a signed participation agreement.
Troops must have a registered adult cookie manager who completes training and a background check. Girls with unpaid outstanding balances may only participate in booth sales. Troops with outstanding balances or pending financial paperwork are not allowed to participate until cleared. Emphasize the importance of sharing these Basic Facts & Policies with girls and parents/guardians. Participation policies (See Participation Agreement for full details.) All girls must be registered Girl Scouts for the membership year with a signed Participation Agreement. Tip: Work with your Troop Leader early to ensure all girls are currently registered. Girls with guardians in more than one household should obtain separate, signed Participation Agreements. Each household handles its own cookies and money to protect individuals from incurring the other household’s debt. All troops must have an adult volunteer Troop Cookie Manager; he/she must be registered and background checked, and complete cookie training. Product Sales volunteers must renew background clearances every two years. If one is not current, please complete a background check:; password: cookies. Troops will be notified in the following circumstances: Individuals with outstanding balances with Girl Scouts San Diego may only participate in booth sales until the balance is paid in full. They may not handle inventory or money. Troops with outstanding balances from previous product sales or have pending financial paperwork are not allowed to participate in the cookie program until in good standing. Page 8
Safety Girls should: Have adult supervision at all times.
Sell only until 8 p.m. Never enter a customer’s house. Use only their first names. Emphasize the importance of sharing these Basic Facts & Policies with girls and parents/guardians. Safety first! Girls should: Have adult supervision at all times. Sell on walkabouts and at booth sites only until 8:00 p.m. Never enter a customer’s house. Only use their first names. If contact information is requested by a customer, contact information for the Troop Leader or TCM should be provided. Page 8
Online Marketing • Girls may , text, and use Cookie Club (our secure website) to inform and take orders. • Girls who are 13 or older may use social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter to promote sales. Girls may not send blast s, post online ads, post on Facebook groups, or on any websites open to the public or collect payment online, such as Craigslist, eBay, or PayPal. Emphasize the importance of sharing these Basic Facts & Policies with girls and parents/guardians. Online marketing Girls may , text message, and use Cookie Club to inform and take orders from family/friends/former customers. Girls 13 years or older may also use social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter to promote sales (they must follow Girl Scouts San Diego and GSUSA guidelines, found at Girls may not send blast s, post online ads, post on Facebook groups, or on any websites that are open to the public or collect payment online, such as Craigslist, eBay, or PayPal. Page 8
Exchange & Return Policy
All troops may exchange cookies for other varieties at cupboards beginning Mon., Feb. 3. Cookies may not be returned to Council. Exception: Cadette, Senior, and Ambassador troops may return up to 60 boxes. No transfers in and cookies may not be from initial order. Mixed level troops may not return. Emphasize the importance of sharing these Basic Facts & Policies with girls and parents/guardians. Exchange policies Damaged boxes may be exchanged at cookie cupboards at any time. Full cases, of the same variety, may be exchanged for different varieties at cookie cupboards anytime during the sale (at the cupboard manager’s discretion), beginning Monday, Feb. 3. Boxes, of any variety, may be exchanged for different varieties at cookie cupboards beginning Tuesday, Feb. 18. Troops may accept returns of unsold cookies from girls into troop inventory if they can be used at booth sales or to replenish another girl’s inventory. Suggested deadline: Tuesday, Feb. 18. Reminder: Troops are financially responsible for accepted returns. Return policies Cookies may not be returned to council once they have been signed for by the troop. Exception: Older girl troops/groups (Cadettes/Seniors/Ambassadors) may return up to a total of 60 boxes anytime during the sale to cookie cupboards (warehouse cupboards excluded). Important: Troop program level must be identified correctly in eBudde (page 31). Eligibility: 1) Troops cannot return cookies from their initial order. 2) Troops must not have accepted transfers into their inventory. Multi-level groups that include younger girls (Daisies/Brownies/Juniors) may not return. Page 9
Cookie Program Donations
Cash donations received are to be designated for Operation Thin Mint®(OTM). OTM donations are considered charitable contributions. Troops and girls should never ask for donations for their troop. Many companies will match charitable donations. Emphasize the importance of sharing these Basic Facts & Policies with girls and parents/guardians. Cookie program donations Cash donations received are to be designated for Operation Thin Mint®(OTM). OTM donations are considered charitable contributions for tax purposes. Report OTM donations of $250 or more to Girl Scouts San Diego so they can be recorded appropriately and an official receipt can be provided to the customer. Troops and girls should never ask for or accept donations for their troop. Many companies will match charitable donations – check with your employer. Page 9
Disregard of Policies Disregard of any cookie program policies may result in the following: Warning that the behavior does not fit into Girl Scout standards. Troop: lose highest proceed rate and/or lose “opt-out” privilege if an older girl troop. Girl: lose highest reward earned and/or cannot check out or return cookies. Lose remainder of booth sales. Emphasize the importance of sharing these Basic Facts & Policies with girls and parents/guardians. Girls and adults are expected to act respectfully and abide by the Girl Scout Law at all times. Please remember to be honest and fair, friendly and helpful, considerate and caring, respectful of others and a sister to every Girl Scout. Assume good intent as mistakes and misunderstandings happen to everyone. Disregard of any cookie program policies outlined in this handbook may result in the following: Warning that the behavior does not fit into Girl Scout and/or cookie program standards. Troop: loses highest proceed rate and/or loses “opt-out” privilege if an older girl troop. Girl: loses highest reward earned and/or cannot check out or return cookies. Lose remainder of booth sales. Page 9
Standabouts Lemonade-style stands in front of residences on private property. Standabouts at apartment complexes must be approved by apartment management. Residences on public property must be approved/coordinated as a booth site. Standabouts are permitted beginning the first day of the sale – Sunday, Feb. 2. Important for TCMs to share with girls and parents/guardians. Standabouts Lemonade-style stands in front of residences on private (non-commercial) property that do not need to be coordinated by the TCM or service unit. Standabouts at apartment complexes must be approved by apartment management. Residences on public property (i.e. hotel residences or onsite housing at businesses) must be approved/coordinated as booth sites, and may not occur until booth sales begin on Friday, Feb. 7. Standabouts are permitted beginning the first day of the sale - Sunday, Feb. 2. Page 10
Walkabouts Walkabouts (door-to-door sales):
A mobile cookie sale where girls (accompanied by adults) sell in residential areas or on public (non- commercial) property. Walkabouts are prohibited on private property. Organized by a troop or individual girls with adults. Important for TCMs to share with girls and parents/guardians. Walkabouts (door-to-door sales) Mobile cookie sales allow girls (accompanied by adults) to sell in residential areas or on public (non-commercial) properties, where soliciting is permitted. Walkabouts are prohibited on private property (i.e. shopping centers, parking lots, schools, etc.) Walkabouts may be organized by a troop or individual girls with an adult who will accompany them. Girls are permitted to walkabout in any neighborhood within San Diego and Imperial counties. Girls should use order cards to record customer information in case they do not have all varieties available, a customer does not have payment at that time, and/or to follow-up for reorders. Page 10
Walkabout Rocker Patch
“Every day is a walkabout day!” Walkabout throughout the cookie program and earn a Walkabout rocker patch. Important for TCMs to share with girls and parents/guardians. “Every day is a walkabout day!” Walkabout throughout the cookie program and earn a Walkabout rocker patch. Tip: Help girls set goals (i.e. number of houses in a day or week, number of blocks, etc.) Page 10
Goal Achiever Rocker Patch
Girls who set a personal goal (at least 12 boxes to meet the participation requirement) earn a Goal Achiever rocker patch. Important for TCMs to share with girls and parents/guardians. Goal Achiever rocker patch Girls who set a personal goal (at least 12 boxes to meet the participation requirement) and a troop goal, then use sales strategies to reach them earn a Goal Achiever rocker patch. Page 10
Mystery House Contest The first Girl Scout walking about selling cookies to stop by a “Mystery House” during the 2014 cookie program will win a special prize! Girls should not ask customers if they are the Mystery House. Girls should leave a door hanger with contact information. Important for TCMs to share with girls and parents/guardians. Mystery House Contest The first Girl Scout walking about selling cookies to stop by a “Mystery House” during the 2014 cookie program will win a special prize! There is at least one secret location in nearly every service unit. The first Girl Scout to visit the Mystery House will be presented a certificate by the host to claim her prize. Girls should not ask customers if they are the Mystery House; the girl will be notified by the host. Girls should leave a door hanger with first name, troop number, and adult contact information. It will “count” as a visit in case a Mystery House host is not home. Door hangers are available at and preprinted for $3 a pack in council stores. Page 10
Customers order nearly twice as many cookies online!
Girls can boost their sales and reach their goals with the help of Cookie Club to ask for orders online. TCMs should share Cookie Club and Cookie Locator with girls and parents/guardians. Girls can boost their sales and reach their goals with the help of Cookie Club to ask for orders online. (Delivery and payment must be done in person) Cookie Club is a safe, password-protected website; no personal information is revealed. Opens: Sunday, Jan. 12. Girls will have access to tools and can begin entering contacts as soon as they are set up. However, “ask” s cannot be sent until the cookie program begins on Sunday, Feb. 2. Closes: Sunday, Mar. 16. TCMs must set up girls in Cookie Club. Girls that were set up in Cookie Club last year rolled over and still have access – TCMs do not have to set them up again. New girl users of Cookie Club must be set up manually via TCMs must then provide girls with the website, and their login and password information. Note: The order is not complete until cookie/money transactions occur in person; therefore, they will not automatically transfer to eBudde. Page 11
Direct customers to booth sales!
TCMs should share Cookie Club and Cookie Locator with girls and parents/guardians. Direct customers to your booth sales! Customers can use our mobile or online app to find a booth sale nearby, It is important to keep the information current in eBudde by cancelling any booth sites your troop/girls cannot attend so customers have accurate booth information. Customers can use our mobile or online app to a find booth sale nearby: Page 11
Booth Sale Recorder Track your troop’s booth sales in eBudde and assign box credits to girls right from your smartphone or your computer with eBudde’s Booth Sales Recorder. Booth Sale Recorder Record/allocate girl booth sale credits (including OTMs) in eBudde using the Booth Sale Recorder. A mobile app is available for use at a booth sale. Adjustments can be made in eBudde. Page 11
Booth Sale Policies Booth Sales: Friday, Feb. 7-Sunday, Mar. 9
All booth locations must be coordinated by service units. Do not contact stores directly. For safety, two adults must be present at each booth sale (one registered and background checked). If you have an SUBC, they can relay this information. Booth Sales: Friday, Feb. 7-Sunday, Mar. 9 Booth sales begin the first full weekend of the cookie program Booth sales allow girls to sell at private commercial locations (i.e. grocery stores, banks, etc.). All booth locations must be coordinated by service units. Do not contact stores directly. SUCCs arrange council approval and certificates of insurance (REQUIRED for all booth locations). Exception: Booth sales at schools K-12 and religious institutions may be coordinated by their members without SUCC/council approval. However, all Girl Scouts who are members of the location must have equal opportunity to participate in the booth sales. (Follow specific location sales guidelines.) TCM must schedule all booth sales (on behalf of troop) through the SUCC or in eBudde Booth Scheduler (pages 41-43). If a booth sale cannot be attended, cancel immediately in eBudde Booth Scheduler (page 43). Credit cards may only be accepted at booth sales. All troops have the option to accept credit cards at booth sales using the council approved merchant. Credit card handbooks and signup details will be available in December, provided by your SUCC. All girls in a troop must have equal opportunities to participate in booth sales. Booth sale participation A signed Girl Scout Permission Slip is required for booth sale activity in addition to the cookie Participation Agreement initially collected (a Multi-booth Permission Form can be found at For safety, two adults must be present at each booth sale (one registered and background checked). Page 12
1:1 Booth Sale Policies NEW! One-to-one booth sales
Girls currently in 6th grade or above may sell at booth sites with a one-to-one (1:1) girl to adult ratio with her legal guardian who is registered and background checked. 1:1 If you have an SUBC, they can relay this information. One-to-one booth sales: Girls currently in 6th grade or above may sell at booth sites with a one-to-one (1:1) girl to adult ratio with her legal guardian who is registered and background checked. Recommendation: Girls should use their own inventory (cookies signed out to them). By not using troop inventory, risk is minimized of troops being responsible for unsold inventory. Tips: Use high volume booth sites (i.e. Saturday sites) for the entire troop. Limit how many 1:1 sites each girl can sign up for during the first weeks of booth sales. Page 12
Booth Sale Policies Military and older girl sites: Available via online lottery in eBudde Booth Scheduler, Monday, Jan. 27 – Wednesday, Jan. 29. Military sites - Any troop may participate; however, one person with a military ID must be present throughout the booth sale shift. Older girl sites - Cadettes, Seniors, and Ambassadors will have the first opportunity to sign up for these sites If you have an SUBC, they can relay this information. Important for TCMs to share with girls and parents/guardians. Military and older girl sites: Available via online lottery in eBudde Booth Scheduler, Monday, Jan. 27 – Wednesday, Jan. 29 (page 41). Military sites (i.e. commissaries, base exchanges; Camp Pendleton excluded): Any troop may participate; however, one person with a military ID must be present throughout the booth sale shift. Older girl sites (i.e. universities, farmer’s markets): Cadettes, Seniors, and Ambassadors will have the first opportunity to sign up for these sites during the military/older girl lottery (Jan ), following which they will be available to all troops when the full eBudde Booth Scheduler opens on Wednesday, Feb. 5 (page 41). Pages 12
Booth Sale Policies Girls must be present at all booth sales.
Only approach customers on their way out of the business. Cash donations are to be designated for OTM. Arrive no earlier than 10 minutes before your shift. Start packing up minutes before your shift ends. If you have an SUBC, they can relay this information. Important for TCMs to share with girls and parents/guardians. At the booth sale Girls must be present at all booth sales – adults may assist, but not sell Girl Scout products. Each troop/1:1 girl should have a copy of the eBudde Booth Scheduler confirmation of location and time. Troops are responsible for providing their own booth setup (i.e. cookies, table, canopy and materials). A maximum of four girls per shift, unless otherwise noted in the Booth Scheduler for a particular location. Girl Scouts are the only children allowed. Only approach customers on their way out of the business. Say thank you at all times regardless of whether a purchase is made. Girls and accompanying adults are expected to conduct themselves respectfully and professionally, and abide by the Girl Scout Law. Girls should dress in neat Girl Scout uniforms or t-shirts and should appear clean and tidy. Girls/adults will not have access to restrooms; they should plan accordingly. Do not bring food or eat at booths. Do not block doorways with tables, signs, or girls. Storefronts are not play areas – the cookie program is a girl-led business. Adults are not permitted to smoke at booths. Cash donations are to be designated for OTM. Use the Booth Sale Recorder to “buy” an OTM box for every $4 received and record it in eBudde. Troops and girls should never ask for or accept donations for their troop. Record girls’ booth sale credits in the Booth Sale Recorder app or online in eBudde (page 44). Arrive no earlier than 10 minutes before your shift; your sales cannot start until your time slot begins. Upon arrival, check with location manager/finishing troop for specific instructions. Cash box must remain closed until your time slot begins – do not take sales from the other troop! Be alert! Ensure an adult is near the girls, money and cookies at all times. Display your troop number. Start packing up minutes before your shift ends. Cash boxes must close when your time slot ends – do not stay into the next troop’s time for any potential customer who said they would “catch you on the way out”; they are the next troop’s sale. Leave area cleaner than you found it, and take your empty cases home. The last troop of the day should let location management know you are leaving and thank them. . Pages 13
Booth Sale Policies In the event of a problem:
Remember to act respectfully and abide by the Girl Scout Law as a representative of Girl Scouts. Compare eBudde confirmations. Under no circumstance should store management be involved in troop/girl conflicts. Locations have the right to cancel all remaining booth sales. If you have an SUBC, they can relay this information. Important for TCMs to share with girls and parents/guardians. In the event of a problem: Remember to act respectfully and abide by the Girl Scout Law as a representative of Girl Scouts. If another troop arrives at the same time and place: Troops/1:1 girls should compare eBudde Booth Scheduler confirmations (page 43). If one troop/1:1 girl does not have site confirmation, they must leave. If a serious problem arises with another troop/older girl, politely get the troop number and have the TCM contact the SUCC immediately. Under no circumstance should store management be involved in troop/girl conflicts. Locations have the right to cancel all remaining booth sales. If a problem arises with the property management, store management or security guards; have the TCM contact the SUCC immediately Pages 13
Cash, Checks and Credit Cards
Girls collect payment only when cookies are delivered. Do not accept online payments. Recommendation: Do not accept checks. Credit cards are only accepted at booth sales. TCMs and adults should always count cookies/money together and sign a M-3 receipt. Important for TCMs to share with girls and parents/guardians. Cookie program proceeds belong to the troop, not individual girls. Girls collect payment from customers only when cookies are delivered. Cookies are not to be delivered without receiving payment in full. Do not accept online payments. Do not accept bills larger than $20 (to avoid counterfeit bills). Recommendation: Do not accept checks (to eliminate risk of returned checks and fees). Troops may choose to accept checks from family/friends, but accept the risk as well. Note: Girl Scouts San Diego does not take responsibility and will not offer reimbursement for counterfeit bills, returned checks, or associated bank fees. Credit cards may only be accepted at booth sales if the troop opted in to use the council program (page 12). Adults should safeguard money immediately – money collection envelopes are provided in troop materials. Never send money to school with girls. Never deposit customer payments into personal bank accounts. For each transaction: TCM and parent/guardian should count cookies and/or money together and complete a receipt for the transaction. Both parties should sign the receipt and receive copies. Page 14
Girl Payments and Parent/Guardian Responsibility
Parents/guardians should submit payments regularly, within 5-7 days of receipt. Payments should be submitted in original form. Parents/guardians are responsible for all cookies received and signed for. Parents/guardians are responsible for all payments collected until turned into the TCM. Important for TCMs to share with girls and parents/guardians. Girls payment submission Parents/guardians should submit payments for cookies to the troop for deposit into the troop bank account regularly, within 5-7 days of receipt. Payments should be submitted to troop in their original form, as received from customers. Customer payments should never be deposited into personal bank accounts Parent/Guardian responsibility Parents/guardians are responsible for all cookies received and signed for. Parents/guardians are responsible for all customer payments collected until turned into the troop and recorded with a signed receipt. Recommendation: TCM should regularly collect payments from parents/guardians throughout the sale to minimize risk of loss and/or outstanding balances. If payments due are not turned in, parents/guardians must be reported to Product Sales as having an outstanding balance. Girl Scouts San Diego may actively pursue collection efforts through legal avenues. Parent/Guardian collection issues Should payment concerns arise with a parent/guardian, the TCM and/or Troop Leader are asked to attempt to resolve the issue within the troop before submitting an Outstanding Balance Report. Document the situation and all attempted contacts. This information may be needed if money remains uncollected at end of the sale (pages 53-54). Page 14
Unfortunate Situations
Girl Scouts does not take financial responsibility for losses due to: Theft Robbery Fire Counterfeit bills Returned checks Important for TCMs to share with girls and parents/guardians. Unfortunate situations Girl Scouts does not take financial responsibility for losses due to theft, robbery, fire, counterfeit bills or returned checks - but will try to assist on a case-by-case basis Page 14
Troop Monies and Responsibility
Deposit all payments into the troop account promptly and frequently. DO NOT track troop deposits in eBudde. Troops must pay for all cookies received, including unsold cookies. TCMs are financially responsible for all troop product inventory and payments collected. Troop monies Troops should deposit all payments into their troop bank account promptly and frequently. Do not track troop deposits in eBudde. Make deposits within 3-5 days of receiving payments. You (the TCM) are responsible for all money turned into you. Put all deposit receipts in the troop money collection envelope for your records – do not lose the envelope! Troop responsibility Troops must pay for all cookies received, including unsold cookies. The completion of Participation Agreements and M-3 receipts are documentation for every product/money transaction between troop and parent/guardian. Without this documentation, a troop may be responsible for unpaid balances. Troops are responsible for invalid returns, inaccurate entry, and insufficient documentation of parent/guardian outstanding balances. TCMs are financially responsible for all troop product inventory and payments collected. Responsibility is transferred to parent/guardian when Participation Agreements and M-3 receipts are completed and signed. Page 15
Payment Reminders The FIRST payment is due Tuesday, February 18
The first payment is $1 per box of troop inventory as of 11:59 p.m. on Sunday, February 9 The final payment is due Wednesday, March 19 Payment reminders First payment is due Tuesday, Feb. 18. First payment is $1 per box of troop inventory as of 11:59 p.m. on Sunday, Feb. 9, including initial order and additional cookie cupboard orders. Final payment is due Wednesday, Mar. 19. Wells Fargo troop accounts All fees incurred due to depositing large cash amounts during the months of February and March 2014 will be reimbursed when a troop banks under the council plan. Banks do not always add checks upon receipt. Your bank may contact you if your deposit slip is incorrect. Girl Scouts San Diego cannot offer any recourse if your troop deposit slip is incorrect. Page 15
Troop Proceeds Proceeds belong to the troop, not to individual girls.
Based on per girl average. Older girl options: The troop can receive the same girl reward items and troop proceeds as younger girls. The troop can choose to opt-out of girl rewards below the 525-box level (including OTM rewards) to receive an additional $.10/box. Troop proceeds Troop proceeds belong to the troop, not to individual girls. Proceeds are based on each troop’s per girl average (total number of boxes the troop sold divided by the number of girls selling). Troop Per Girl Average Proceed Rate 1-139 boxes $0.65 /box boxes $0.70 /box boxes $0.75 /box 276+ boxes $0.80 /box Older girl troop proceed options Cadette, Senior and Ambassador troops have two cookie proceed options, which must be a troop/group decision. (Multi-level groups that include Daisies, Brownies and Juniors are not eligible.) The troop can receive the same girl reward items and troop proceeds (shown above) as younger girls. - OR - The troop can choose to opt-out of girl rewards below the 525-box level (including OTM rewards) to receive an additional $.10/box. (These troops could earn up to $0.90/box!). Important: This option needs to be indicated in eBudde by Wednesday, Mar. 19 (page 31). Eligible girls will still receive patches. Any girl in the troop that has “opted-out” of rewards, but sells 525+boxes will receive her rewards for the 525-box level and above. (These girls remain ineligible for OTM rewards, except for the OTM patch.) Reminders: The troop program grade level needs to be identified correctly in eBudde (page 31). eBudde must reflect the proceed/reward option chosen by the older girl troop (page 31). Page 16
Council Proceeds and Payments
All cookie proceeds stay in San Diego and Imperial counties to benefit local Girl Scouts. All council proceed payments are made via ACH debit. First payment due Tues. Feb. 18 Final payment due Weds. Mar. 19 What if my troop does not have the funds available to make the scheduled payments? Contact Product Sales Council proceeds All cookie proceeds stay in San Diego and Imperial counties to benefit local Girl Scouts. All council proceed payments are made via ACH debit. Council will automatically withdraw the amount owed from the troop’s bank account within 10 business days of each payment due date. Friday, Jan. 17 Troops must enter bank account information in eBudde’s Settings Tab. Sunday, Feb. 16 Last day to contact Product Sales if troop cannot make first payment and needs to reduce the amount available for ACH withdrawal (see FAQ below). Tuesday, Feb. 18 Troops must have funds for their first payment deposited in their troop bank account by end-of-business day. ** First payment is $1 per box of a troop’s received inventory (including starting inventory and cookie cupboard transactions) as of 11:59 p.m. on Sunday, Feb. 9. Wednesday, Mar. 19 Troops must have all funds for final payment deposited into troop bank account by end-of-business day (minus any parent/guardian outstanding balances up to $400). ** Troops must enter parent/guardian outstanding balances (up to $400/girl) in eBudde to reduce the amount that is debited from the troop’s account for final payment (page 55). ** The end/remaining balance is found on the Sales Report Tab in eBudde, noted as “Amount You Owe Council” (page 57). No need to review every FAQ – simply direct TCMs to reference it Frequently asked questions What if my troop does not have the funds available to make the scheduled payments? First payment: Contact Product Sales by Sunday, Feb Provide your troop number, the available amount that can be withdrawn, and an explanation as to why you are requesting a council payment adjustment. Troops will not be allowed to pick up more cookies until the first payment amount is paid in full. Final payment: If the troop needs to adjust the final payment due to parent/guardian outstanding balances (up to $400/girl), note the adjustment in eBudde on the Deposits tab (page 55). Pages 16-17
2014 Rewards Girls earn individual rewards in addition to the troop proceeds. Items are cumulative. Rewards for up to 425 boxes are distributed by your SUCC in May/June. Rewards for 525+ boxes are mailed to girls’ homes. Registration letters for 525+ box events will be mailed in April. 525+ reward adjustments must be made at least 3 weeks before the event. Share your service unit goals so troops can help! Service unit bonus Ask your service unit how they plan to use their bonus, and how your troop can help them reach their goal. Girls earn individual rewards in addition to troop proceeds. The TCM submits girl reward orders in eBudde (page 52). Ensure that reward choices on Participation Agreements are completed at the time of signing. Items are cumulative! Rewards for up to 425 boxes will be distributed by service units in May/June. Rewards for 525 boxes and above will be coordinated directly with girls. Registration letters for the 525+ box events will be mailed/ ed in April. If girls do not receive letters by April 30, contact immediately. Event details/updates will be communicated via . Reward adjustments/exchanges must be requested three weeks prior to the event date. Cookie bucks will be given as an alternative to a reward event with three weeks advance notice. Note: Some reward substitutions may be necessary based on inventory/event space availability. No reward adjustments/exchanges will be provided with less than three weeks notice. Reward descriptions and pictures are provided on the order card and in the Family Guide. Page 18
Troop Booth Sign Reward
Troop that follow their initial order recommendation and place their order by Friday, January 17 will receive one exclusive sign for their cookie booths. Troop Booth Sign Reward Troops that follow their initial order recommendation (page 34) and place the order by Friday, Jan. 17 will receive one exclusive sign for their cookie booths. *Distributed on delivery day, Feb.1. Page 18
Operation Thin Mint® Since 2002, we have sent more than 2.2 million boxes of cookies to military troops around the world. Girls invite customers to donate a charitable contribution to Operation Thin Mint®. From Girl Scout troops to military troops Since 2002, local Girl Scouts and their customers have sent over 2.2 million boxes of cookies and countless handwritten “notes to show we care” to grateful military troops stationed around the world. Girls invite customers to donate a charitable contribution to Operation Thin Mint®. Girls collect money for OTM when they deliver cookie orders. If a customer only donates to OTM without purchasing cookies, girls collect money at that time. Girls provide customers with receipts for OTM donations (receipts are provided with troop materials). Troops will not physically receive OTM cookies and they do not come out of troop inventory. Troops receive proceeds for OTM, just like other cookie sales. TCMs must enter girls’ OTM credits in eBudde, just like physical boxes, by designating every $4.00 donated as a purchase of an OTM box of cookies (page 39). “Notes to show we care” Ask customers and girls to write encouraging messages. Approximately 100 notes per troop are needed – we try to send one note with each box of cookies. Blank note cards and marketing materials are available at the Balboa Service Center, cookie cupboards and downloadable at Boost your OTM donations Girls should ask ALL customers to make donations to OTM. Girls earn rewards for OTM donations, which also count towards regular girl rewards. Note: Older girl troops that opt-out of rewards also opt-out of OTM rewards, but will still be eligible for the OTM patch OTM Hat & OTM Superstar Celebration* at OTM Sendoff *Hot chocolate and coffee provided; no food will be served Page 19
Operation Thin Mint® Sendoff
FREE EVENT!! Operation Thin Mint® Sendoff Saturday, May 3, aboard the USS Midway. FREE EVENT!! Invite your cookie customers to join more than 4,000 Girl Scouts and their families to celebrate the Operation Thin Mint® Sendoff! Girls who sell 100+ OTM boxes are invited to a special pre-event. Saturday, May 3, Aboard the USS Midway Page 19
Troop Family Cookie Party (Training)
Materials list Training goals Explain cookie program benefits. Convey basic facts and policies. Provide important dates and deadlines. Distribute materials. Collect signed Participation Agreements. Review materials list and share what will be distributed and when. TCM/Troop materials TCM Handbook TCM Volunteer Position Description and Agreement Credit Card Handbook and Kit (optional – available in December) “5 boxes for $20” sign Parent/guardian training outline (script available online: One box of cookies for Troop Family Cookie Party Booth Lottery Agreement M-3 receipt books (1/girl) Money collection envelope (same as girl money collection envelope) OTM flyer and box topper (for booth sales) OTM box wraps (2/troop) OTM blank note cards Cookie Party Pack ($24 in council stores) Cookie sampler – one of each variety Cookie mobile decorating kit ($3 in council stores/downloadable free) Preprinted door hangers ($3 per pack in council stores/downloadable free) Girl and parent/guardian materials Family Guide (1/family) Participation Agreement (1/girl) Order cards (1/girl; distributed at delivery) “5 for $20” order card attachments (1/girl) Money collection envelope (1/girl) OTM customer receipts (1 pad/girl) Digital resources: Emphasize the importance of meeting/training the troop. Training goals Explain cookie program benefits for girls, troops, and Girl Scouts San Diego. Convey basic facts and policies, safety guidelines, and money management procedures. Provide important dates and deadlines. Tip: Distribute a calendar of your troop deadlines. Distribute the Family Guide. Collect completed and signed Participation Agreements. Training preparation Meet with Troop Leader to discuss: Date for troop training. Benefits of the cookie program and incorporating girl programming into the experience. Develop a troop inventory management plan (consider tips on page 7). Setting girl and troop goals. Troop proceeds structure (page 16). If applicable, explain older girl reward options (page 16). Booth sales plan. Troop money management – collection and deposits in troop bank account TCM should provide this info to the troop to help with ease of sale. Determine the following information to provide parents/guardians on Participation Agreements: TCM contact information. When and where will parents/guardians pick up initial girl orders following warehouse delivery pickup? What is your cupboard reorder schedule? Will your troops accept checks? When is money due? Can cookies be returned to the troop? If so, when? …and, how many? How can parents/guardians help you? Page 20
Troop Training & Cookie Ordering
Use the training outline to train girls and parent/guardians. How many cookies should a troop order? See the customized letter from your SUCC. Troops/groups are advised to place initial orders based on their previous year’s sales. Plan ahead! Place an initial order with enough starting inventory to stock your troop through Monday, Feb. 10. Point out the Training Outline resource. Pages provide comprehensive scripts for TCMs to train parents/guardians and girls. Discuss Ordering cookies. How many cookies should a troop order? See the customized letter from your SUCC. Troops/groups are advised to place initial orders based on their previous year’s sales. Troop initial order recommendations are based on a percentage of total physical boxes sold last year. The recommendation is just that and may be adjusted as needed based on the individual troop. New troop recommendations are specific to program level and based on council’s average sales from the previous year. This recommended quantity is provided as a per girl average (PGA). To calculate a troop’s total recommended order, multiply the PGA by the number of girls in the troop. Plan ahead! Cookie cupboards traditionally run out of cookies the first weekend of booth sales. Place an initial order with enough starting inventory to stock your troop through Monday, Feb. 10. Troop Reward Troops that follow their initial order recommendation and place the order by Friday, Jan. 17 will receive the Troop Booth Sign Reward – distributed with starting inventories on delivery day (page 34). Page 21-25
Booth Scheduling Basics
Live booth lotteries All troops will have an equal opportunity to sign up for booth sites within their service unit boundaries. Maximum of 9 booth sites. Prepare for the lottery! Provide lottery details (i.e. date, time, location, etc.). All troops will have an equal opportunity to sign up for booth sites within their service unit boundaries. To ensure fairness, each service unit or region conducts a live booth lottery for troops to select booth locations and time slots. Troops will be able to sign up for a maximum of 9 booth sites at live lotteries. What can I do to prepare for the lottery? Talk with your troop! Determine the best days/times. Determine which adults will be able to assist at booths. If volunteers will be supervising booths that the TCM or leader will not be attending, ensure they are registered and ask them to complete a background check. Note preferences on the worksheet (also available at and bring it to the live lottery Page 26
Getting Started in eBudde
Info you will need for setup Banking information Troop Roster eBudde is the web-based inventory management system used to track troop cookie activity The eBudde system has been tested on a variety of computer types and different web browsers. No need to review all the specs, but instruct TCMs to verify their computer compatibility. TCMs should request this information from the troop leader. Encourage them complete this step early. Info You Will Need For Setup Banking information It is the TCM’s responsibility to enter the banking information in eBudde Note: Troops will not be able to pick up cookies until banking information has been entered. Troop Roster You will need a list of girls registered in the troop. Council will upload all registered girls into eBudde in December Pages 27
eBudde Due to new security features in the eBudde system, all previous TCMs are considered new users this year. Password: 641Samoas!! (case sensitive) Users can reset their passwords. Improved security features are the biggest changes to eBudde – ensure TCMs are aware of the following information/processes. Due to new security features in the eBudde system, all previous TCMs are considered new users this year. All TCMs will need to follow the same procedure for logging in. Your SUCC will activate your account after your training. 1. Go to Tip: Add this web address to your favorites. 2. Enter your username and temporary password: Username: Your address Password: 641Samoas!! (case sensitive) 3. Enter your new password and answer the security questions on the contact information page. Note: All fields are required on this page. Password requirements: 8 characters long Must have at least one capital letter Must have at least one non-alphabetic character 4. Click “Submit”. Additional security In the event that a user has five consecutive failed login attempts, the account will be disabled for 10 minutes. Forgotten password Users can reset their own passwords. Select the click here link under the fourth bullet on the log in page and eBudde will offer two ways to reset your password. Request a temporary password be ed to you. Note: Temporary passwords are only valid for 24 hours. Answer two of your security questions and reset your password. Pages 28
eBudde: Introduction to Tabs
Informational Dashboard, Contacts. Before the Sale Settings, Girls, Init. Order, Delivery. During the Sale Girl Orders, Booth Sites, Transactions. After the Sale Rewards, Deposits, Sales Report, Reports. Highlight what a helpful resource this is – what can be found on each tab and how to use each in completing TCM eBudde tasks. eBudde: Introduction to Tabs Pages 29
eBudde: Contacts Tab Page 30
Do not explain eBudde instructions step-by-step; simply draw attention to the highlighted sections. The Contacts Tab will show the contact information and role of anyone with eBudde access for your troop as well as the preferences of all users. Council and service units will often send important information via eBudde. Verify that you have your preference set so that you do not miss out on important communications. Verify that the Receives and Active boxes are checked. Page 30
eBudde: Settings Tab Pages 31-32
These instructions will need more attention as they are the foundation of troop management in eBudde. Update troop settings 2. Number and #Girls Registered will be automatically generated from a council upload or entered by your SUCC. #Girls Selling will be calculated from entries made on the Girl Orders Tab. You will not be able to change these values. 4. Select the appropriate program grade Level. Correct selection of Level will impact return and opt-out eligibility. Mixed level troops that include girls in K-5, should select Group. Mixed level troops that include girls in 6th grade and above should select the level of the majority of girls. 5. Cadette, Senior and Ambassador troops who have chosen to receive the higher proceed rate will need to select the check box to Opt out of rewards for additional proceeds. Stress the changes and details regarding entering ACH information – No more ACH website: 6. Verify or enter the troop’s Bank information. For security, only the last 4 digits are visible unless you are entering new information. Returning troops will have banking information pre-populated. Verify that the last 4 digits of the account number are correct. If not, re-enter the account number. New troops will need to enter bank name, routing number and account number. Note: The Wells Fargo routing number listed may be different than what is printed on your checks. You do not need to edit the routing number if you bank with Wells Fargo. Troops banking with someone other than Wells Fargo will need verify the routing number. Adding troop level users You can enter additional adult troop members as Troop Leaders, Cookie Managers, View Only Users and Troop Booth Recorders. Enter their name and addresses in order to give them access. All users will have the default password: 641Samoas!! (case sensitive). Inform TCMs of the privileges associated with each user type when entering additional troop eBudde users. Troop level user types Troop Leaders: users entered as Troop Leaders have full access to eBudde. Troop Cookie Chairs (TCM): users entered as Troop Cookie Chairs have full access to eBudde. Troop View Only Users: users entered as View Only can see the troop and have access to reports. They cannot make any entries or edits. Troop Booth Sale Recorder Only: users have access to record booth sale data on the Booth Sites Tab or on the mobile app downloaded to their mobile device. They have access to the Contacts Tab and the Booth Sites Tab only. Troop Leaders and TCMs already have permissions as Troop Booth Recorders; do not enter the Troop Leader or TCM as a Booth Sale Recorder - their eBudde access will be removed. Only give Booth Recorder access to parents that need to log booth sale results. Pages 31-32
eBudde: Girls Tab Troops and girls will be uploaded by December 13.
Girls can be deleted from the list until the initial order is submitted. The troop roster Troops and girls will be uploaded by December 13 from the council’s membership database. Girls can be deleted from the list until the initial order is submitted. If a girl remains on the list after the initial order is submitted, but is no longer in the troop, zero out any orders for her on the Girl Orders Tab. As long as there are no cookies associated with her name, her presence on the roster will not affect the calculation of the troop’s PGA. If a girl is missing from the Girls Tab, contact your SUCC for instructions to add her. Inform TCMs of the service unit’s instructions for adding girls to eBudde. Your SUCC will mark the “Reg’d” box upon receiving confirmation of the girl’s registration. Page 33
Determining the Initial Order
Your troop initial order recommendation is based on a percentage of total physical boxes the troop sold last year. Orders must be submitted by 11:59 p.m. on Friday, Jan. 17. The system will be locked to initial orders after that time. Distribute Initial Order letters; for new troops, have them completed prior to training. Orders must be submitted by 11:59 p.m. on Friday, Jan The system will be locked to initial orders after that time. There are four parts to placing an initial order: Enter the troop’s initial order. Check order totals. Submit and print the order. Select a delivery time. Your troop initial order recommendation is based on a percentage of total physical boxes the troop sold last year. This recommendation is explained on a customized letter provided by your SUCC. The recommendation is just that and may be adjusted as needed based on the individual troop. New troop recommendations are specific to program grade level and based on troops’ average sales from the previous year. This recommended quantity is provided as a per girl average (PGA). To calculate a troop’s total recommended order, multiply the PGA by the number of girls in the troop. Reminder: Troops that follow their initial order recommendation and place the order by Friday, Jan. 17 will receive the Troop Booth Sign Reward – distributed on delivery day, Saturday, Feb. 1 (page 37). First payment: On Tuesday, Feb. 18, troops must pay $1 per box of cookies received as of 11:59 p.m. on Sunday, Feb. 9 (to include the initial order and any cupboard orders; page 16). Girl inventory or troop inventory? There are two methods for entering initial orders: by girl or by troop. Ordering by girl will assign packages to individual girls and will show on the Girl Orders Tab as the initial order. Entries on the girls’ initial order line cannot be edited - changes to girls’ records must be entered as returns. Ordering by troop (unassigned boxes) allows you to enter one order for the entire troop. These boxes will need to be allocated to the girls on the Girl Orders Tab prior to the end of the sale. Place initial orders in individual boxes, but note it will be delivered in cases (1 case = 12 boxes). If not placed in full case increments (i.e. 10 boxes of Thin Mints), eBudde will add the necessary number of boxes to equal a full case. The additional boxes added to the order will be shown on the Extras line on the Initial Order Tab. Page 34
Initial Order Plan Ahead!
Cookie cupboards traditionally run out of cookies the first weekend of booth sales. Place an initial order with enough starting inventory to stock your troop through Monday, Feb. 10. New! Plan Ahead! Cookie cupboards traditionally run out of cookies the first weekend of booth sales. Place an initial order with enough starting inventory to stock your troop through Monday, Feb. 10. Page 34
eBudde: Initial Order Tab
Draw attention to the video camera icons – they indicate that a recorded instructional clip is provided on the website to assist with a particular task. Entering the initial order Check your order totals Review your order - make any necessary changes to girl orders or troop inventory orders. You can edit as often as you wish prior to submitting your order. Remember to click Save any time you make changes. Submit and print your order You can only submit your order once. If you have changes after submitting, contact your SUCC immediately. Video icon indicates instructional video is available online. Page 35
eBudde: Delivery Tab Page 36 Scheduling warehouse pickup
After submitting the initial order, select a pickup time for delivery day at the warehouse. The date and location for pickup are scheduled by council and cannot be changed. Troop bank account information must be entered on the Settings tab in eBudde by Friday, Jan. 17 in order for the troop to pick up cookies at the warehouse on delivery day, Saturday, Feb. 1. Page 36
Delivery Day – Saturday, Feb. 1
Bring eBudde delivery confirmation with you. For safety reasons, children and pets are NOT allowed at the warehouse. Count all cookies before signing for them. TCMs are financially responsible for all cookies until receipts are signed upon distribution to girls. Plan ahead Print your delivery confirmation from eBudde, available after Wednesday, Jan. 22. Arrange enough vehicles for picking up the entire troop’s initial order at the warehouse at the appointment time. If you are unable to pick up, you must find someone from your troop who can. For safety reasons, children and pets are NOT allowed at the warehouse. Set a location and assign times for parents/guardians to pick up cookies from you after your warehouse pickup. Delivery day checklist Be on time! If you arrive early, do not block the loading area – wait out of the way until your scheduled pickup time. The entire troop order must be picked up at one time. Please be patient and courteous with your service unit volunteers at the warehouse. Bring your printed eBudde delivery confirmation; it lists the exact amounts you are to receive. Count all cookies before signing for them. TCMs are financially responsible for all cookies until receipts are signed upon distribution to girls; keep receipts in a safe place as documentation. Do not accept damaged cases; exchange them right away at the warehouse. Pick up your troop delivery packet, which contains your girl order cards. Following warehouse pickup Remove cookies from cars IMMEDIATELY – many are chocolate and will melt. Separate cookies by girl prior to distribution. Page 37
Delivery Day – Parent/Guardian Distribution
Be cautious as to how many cookies are picked up at one time. Count cookies together. Complete M-3 receipts and have both you and parent/guardian sign. Distribute order cards. Parent/guardian distribution Be cautious as to how many cookies are picked up at one time by a parent/guardian. TCM and parent/guardian should count cookies together and complete a receipt. Use a separate book of M-3 receipts for each girl; it will make tracking cookie transactions easier. Both parties should sign the receipt and receive copies. TCMs should complete and sign M-3 receipts for their own Girl Scout’s cookies and keep them with troop records. This will keep your personal financial responsibility separate from the troop’s. Distribute order cards – fill in due dates and your contact information. Damaged boxes can be exchanged at any cookie cupboard beginning Monday, Feb. 3. Pages 37
M-3 Receipts TCMs should use one book per girl and always keep the white copy. Parents/guardians receive the yellow copy. All transactions with parents/guardians should be documented on these receipts – inventory in/out, money collected and balances due. Both TCM and parents/guardians must sign all receipts. These signed receipts are very important! If a parent/guardian disputes cookies or money turned in/owed, these receipts serve as records and will prove the transfer of liability from troop to parent. Note how OTM money is logged. Use this blank line to record OTM money Page 38
eBudde: Girl Orders Tab
This tab is used to track sales and payment information for the girl/troop. It is extremely important to keep accurate records throughout the sale! Transfer information from M-3 receipts to eBudde as soon as possible and regularly. Do not wait until the end of the sale to update eBudde! Use the Booth Sale Recorder to track all booth activity (page 44). It will automatically divide the number of boxes and OTMs recorded as being sold and credit each girl with appropriate boxes and payments. Pages 39-40
Booth Scheduler Timeline
Feb. 3, 7:00 p.m. All sites are viewable in eBudde. Verify troop signups from lotteries, contact SUCC regarding any issues. Feb. 5, 7:00 p.m. eBudde Booth Scheduler opens. Troops are allowed a total of 12 sites (including live and MOG lottery signups). Military/Older Girl lottery (MOG): Jan Any eligible troop may participate in the online military/older girl lottery and acquire one site per day. Older girl sites are first made available to Cadettes, Seniors, and Ambassadors during this lottery. Following this three-day lottery all unclaimed older girl sites will be available to all troops when the full eBudde Booth Scheduler opens on Wednesday, Feb. 5. eBudde Booth Scheduler (page 42) Following the live lotteries, all booth sites (claimed and unclaimed) will be uploaded into eBudde. The eBudde Booth Scheduler opens on Wednesday, Feb. 5 – troops may select sites from any service unit. Beginning at 7:00 p.m. each night, troops may select up to three sites per day. Feb. 3, 7:00 p.m. All sites are viewable in eBudde. Verify troop signups from lotteries, contact SUCC regarding any issues. Feb. 5, 7:00 p.m. eBudde Booth Scheduler opens. Troops are allowed a total of 12 sites (including live and MOG lottery signups). Remember to take a copy of the eBudde confirmation page with you to all booth sales. Page 41
eBudde: Booth Sites Tab
Search for available booth sites. Browse the list by city Notes: Unavailable time slots will say claimed next to the time. Any site-specific instructions will be listed in the yellow box eBudde confirmation page Take this page to all booth sales. In the event that another troop arrives during your time , the adults should compare confirmation pages to determine a course of action. Cancelling a booth site: If your troop decides it will be unable to attend a scheduled booth site for any reason (i.e. illness, weather, absent volunteers), please cancel your reservation of the site on the eBudde Booth Scheduler as soon as possible before the start of the time slot. This will enable another troop to use the site and maintain accurate real time data on the Cookie Locator for customers. Ensure that all girls in the troop have equal opportunity to attend booth sales. At least one adult in attendance at a booth sale must be registered and background checked. Cancel your reservation if you are unable to attend! Pages 42-43
eBudde: Booth Sale Recorder
Having historical sales information is a valuable resource for service units and troops. Entering your troop’s booth sale results will allow more data to be available for future years. Entering data in the Booth Sale Recorder On the Girl Orders Tab, recorded sales for each girl appear under the OTM and Booth columns. The associated funds show as paid for each girl because the troop already has the money from the booth sale; the line will balance to $0. Mobile Booth Sale Recorder app The mobile Booth Sale Recorder app can be downloaded for smartphones and wireless-enabled tablets, allowing users to record booth data anywhere—even from the booth site! Editing a booth sale entry Edits cannot be made to recorded booth sales on the Girl Orders Tab (the line is greyed out). If changes need to be made, re-enter the data using the previous instructions (from “Record Sales”). Once the sale is resubmitted, it will update on the Girl Orders Tab. Pages 44-45
Cookie Cupboards All orders placed after Jan. 17 will be done via the cupboard website. Beginning Monday, Feb. 3: Orders/exchanges must be in full cases, of the same variety. Tuesday, Feb. 18 – Sunday, Mar. 9: Orders/exchanges may be in mixed cases, of mixed varieties. Cookie Cupboards Local homes and warehouses throughout San Diego and Imperial counties offer convenient locations and times for troops to pick up additional cookies for girl reorders and booth sales. All orders placed after Jan. 17 will be done via the cupboard website, ( and available for pick up, beginning Monday, Feb. 3. The initial warehouse order is the only order placed in eBudde. New orders may be placed Monday, Feb. 3 - Sunday, Mar. 9. Beginning Monday, Feb. 3: Orders/exchanges must be in full cases, of the same variety (i.e. 12 Thin Mints, 12 Tagalongs). Tuesday, Feb. 18 – Sunday, Mar. 9: Orders/exchanges may be in mixed cases, of mixed varieties (i.e. 8 Do-si-dos and 4 Samoas = 12 boxes). Exchanges and eligible older girl returns only (no new orders) during the last week of sales: Monday, Mar. 10 – Sunday, Mar. 16. Damages may be exchanged at any time. All exchanges are at the discretion of the cupboard manager and are based on their available inventory. Check cupboard schedules online to verify cupboard availability and instructions. Schedules are subject to change and some cupboards may close before end of the sale. Place orders 24 hrs before scheduled pickup. Some cupboards may be able to accommodate same-day or “rush” orders, while some may require additional lead time; check cupboard specific details. Please be courteous! Be aware of troop inventory – TCMs are ultimately responsible for all cookies ordered by the troop. Do not schedule individual parents/guardians from the same troop to pick up at the cupboards. The troop will not have a signed M-3 receipt documenting the transfer of financial responsibility from troop to family. Additionally, multiple individual pickups from the same troop limits cupboard schedule availability for other troops. Keep cupboard receipts in a safe place to be used in reconciling transactions at the end of the sale. Page 46
Cupboard Website Pages 47-49 Go to
Log in: Same address used to access eBudde. Password: Troop number. You will be prompted to change your password the first time you log in. Briefly review the cupboard tabs with the TCMs. Entering returns or exchanges Enter returns as negative numbers (i.e. a return of 2 cases of Trefoils is entered as “-24”). Exchanges must be even exchanges that balance to zero. Enter cookies being returned as negative numbers and cookies being picked up as positive numbers. Editing a transaction Edits can only be made if the transaction has not been processed by the cupboard manager. Cancelling a transaction Cancellations can only be made online if the order has not been processed by the cupboard manager. Note: If the cookie cupboard has already processed the order, transaction edits or cancellations cannot be made in the online system. You will need to contact the cupboard directly by messaging them. You can use the Get Help with Cupboards Tab or the mail icon next to the order. Pages 47-49
Tips for Handling Unsold Cookies
Tell the SUCC immediately! Sign up for additional booth sale opportunities or go on a troop walkabout. Post on the “Exchange Cookies with Others” page. Troop-to-troop transfers. Troops may accept unsold cases from girls back into troop inventory if they can be used at booth sales or to replenish another girl’s inventory. Recommendations: 1) Accept only 1-2 cases from girls. 2) Set a deadline by which cookies can be returned to the troop (suggestion: Tuesday, Feb. 18) If the troop has extra cookies by their final week of booth sales, tell the SUCC immediately! Check the eBudde Booth Scheduler for additional booth sale opportunities or go on a troop walkabout. Post on the “Exchange Cookies with Others” page on the cookie cupboard website. Troop-to-troop transfers Cookie box transfers among troops are a win-win situation for everyone. Troops can connect with each other to even out their inventories - some will need more inventory, others will need to reduce their inventory. Transfers may be done in boxes, and do not need to be in multiples of 12. Box-for-box exchanges between troops do not need to be recorded. When transferring cookies to another troop, the troop proceeds and credit toward rewards are also transferred. Older girl (Cadette, Senior, and Ambassador) troops may transfer with another troop. However, if they accept a transfer of cookies in to their inventory from another troop, they will not be eligible to return cookies at the end of the sale. The troop that transfers cookies out to another troop enters the troop transfer information (page 51). eBudde will automatically update the receiving troop’s transaction with this information. Both troops should sign each other’s copy of the transaction receipt for documentation/reconciliation. Page 50
eBudde: Transactions tab
If any transaction issues are not resolved by March 19, turn in the receipts documenting the transaction to your SUCC. Page 51
Reward orders are due by 11:59 p.m. on Wednesday, Mar. 19
eBudde: Rewards Tab All troops must submit orders for patches-even troops opting out of rewards. All troops must submit orders for patches-even troops opting out of rewards. Reward orders are due by 11:59 p.m. on Wednesday, Mar. 19 Girl rewards are cumulative. Enter the total number of Goal Achiever and Walkabout rocker patches the troop earned. eBudde calculates girl rewards based on the boxes sold as recorded in the Girl Orders Tab. Make selections at the 140, 525, 650, 800, 1000, 1500 and 3000 box levels based on girls’ Participation Agreements. If the selections on the Participation Agreement are incomplete, contact the girl to confirm her choice. If the girl cannot be reached, select the reward event. She will be able to change the selection upon receiving her registration letter, if necessary. Reward orders can only be submitted once. If changes need to be made after submission, contact your SUCC. When viewing the girl selections, disregard the 0 associated with the OTM rewards. The rewards listed are the rewards she will receive. When viewing the troop selections, disregard the 0 in the first column. The numbers in the second column indicate the quantity earned by the troop. Reward orders are due by 11:59 p.m. on Wednesday, Mar. 19 Page 52
Outstanding Balances Troops may be reimbursed up to $400/girl for parent/guardian outstanding balances. It is the responsibility of the TCM to account for all troop product and money. Responsibility is transferred from the TCM to a parent/guardian when a Participation Agreement is signed and collected, and receipts are completed. Parent/guardian outstanding balances Experience shows that immediate contact by the TCM with the parent/guardian with an outstanding balance is the most effective method of collection Any parent/guardian who does not turn in money by Wednesday, Mar. 19 should be submitted as having an outstanding balance After Mar. 19, parents/guardians must submit late payments directly at Girl Scouts Balboa Service Center to ensure payment is recorded correctly. End of sale reminders Maintain communication with parents/guardians throughout the sale regarding balances due and due dates. Do not use troop proceeds to cover outstanding balances. Do not hold up the entire troop’s wrap up due to a parent/guardian outstanding balance. Troops may be reimbursed up to $400/girl for parent/guardian outstanding balances. Girl rewards at 525+ box levels may not be distributed if balance is not paid in full. When not to short council proceeds: When cookies are left in troop inventory at the end of the sale; troop must pay the full amount due. When to short council proceeds: When the TCM has proper documentation demonstrating that a parent/guardian took financial responsibility for cookies, but failed to pay for them – the troop is no longer responsible for paying council for the cookies (up to $400 per girl; page 7). Note: Product Sales will verify the information entered. The troop may be required to make additional payments if outstanding balances are recorded incorrectly. Troops/groups and parents/guardians are responsible for outstanding balances due, regardless of when the error is identified. Pages 53-54
Do not enter troop bank deposits in the Deposits Tab.
eBudde: Deposits Tab Stress the appropriate use of the Deposits Tab. Recording an outstanding balance in eBudde Do not enter troop bank deposits in the Deposits Tab. In the event of an outstanding balance, record it in eBudde to reduce the troop’s final payment accordingly. Do not enter troop bank deposits in the Deposits Tab. Page 55
Wrap-Up Week Checklist
Wrap-up week: Monday, Mar. 10 – Sunday, Mar. 16 Sell the last of your cookies. Transfer extra cookies to troops who need them. Collect all money from parents/guardians. Finalize your troop’s sale. Stress the importance of completing wrap-up procedures. Wrap-up week: Monday, Mar. 10 – Sunday, Mar. 16 Sell the last of your cookies on walkabouts, at standabouts, and to family/friends/former customers. (Booth sales are not allowed after Sunday, Mar. 9.) Try to transfer extra cookie inventory to another troop – do not wait until the last day of the sale. Collect all cookie money from parents/guardians. Finalize your troop’s sale (by Wednesday, Mar. 19) After Wednesday, Mar. 19 Do not accept any money from parents/guardians. Parents/guardians must pay debts directly at Girl Scouts Balboa Service Center to ensure payment is recorded correctly. Remaining cookies may be sold to family, friends, and previous customers only – No public sales after Mar. 16. Keep a copy of the eBudde Sales Report for your records for one year. Submit copies of the troop’s final paperwork to the Troop Leader for financial reporting. Final eBudde Sales Report Troop bank deposit slips Participation Agreements and M-3 receipts Complete the volunteer 2014 cookie program survey that will be ed to you by your SUCC. Page 56
eBudde: Sales Report Page 57
Trp Proceeds Rate: Base rate of 0.65 for all troops. Tiered Rate: Between 0.05 and 0.15 based on PGA. No Reward Proceeds: 0.10 for troops opting out, otherwise 0.00. Adding these together gives the per box proceeds. This troop is earning 0.80/box (0.70 based on PGA and 0.10 additional for opting out). After council has received the final payment, that information will be uploaded to eBudde. Amount of final payment, due March 19. Page 57
Have a wonderful 2014 Cookie Program!
Thank you! Have a wonderful 2014 Cookie Program! Thank you for volunteering for the 2014 cookie program. Celebrating 100 years of Girl Scouting.
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