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Training boy leaders to run their troop is the Scoutmaster's most important job.

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Presentation on theme: "Training boy leaders to run their troop is the Scoutmaster's most important job."— Presentation transcript:

1 Troop 815 Lumen Christi Catholic Church Mequon Thiensville Troop Leadership Training

2 Training boy leaders to run their troop is the Scoutmaster's most important job.
Robert S. S. Baden-Powell

3 Upon completion of this training, you will be expected to:
Develop personal goals for your position Devote necessary time to your new position Work together to make the troop go Be a role model for other Scouts

4 Module I – Introduction To Leadership KNOW (35 minutes)
The Boy-Led Troop & Living the Scout Oath & Law (Kim) The Boy-Led Patrol (Tom) Troop Organizational Chart (Steve) Position Overview & Patrol Leaders’ Council (Kim) National Honor Patrol Award (Tom)

5 Module II – How To Do Your Job BE (35 minutes)
Scoutmaster’s Vision of Success (Kim) Teaching EDGE Discussion (Tom) Troop Progress Discussion (Steve) Your Assignment (Kim)

6 Module III – What is expected of me? DO (35 minutes)
Servant Leadership: Motivating Scouts to Lead (Kim) Defining Success in Your Position (Steve) Troop Meeting Plan (Tom) Scoutmaster Conference (Kim)

7 Introduction to Leadership

8 The Boy-Led Troop and Living the Scout Oath and Law

9 What is “a Boy-Led Troop”?
“Empowering boys to be leaders” is the core of Scouting. A Boy Scout Troop is a small democracy. With the Scoutmaster's direction, the boys are formed into patrols, plan the troop's program, and make it a reality.

10 Keys to a successful Troop
Annual Troop calendar Regular Troop meetings Fun Troop activities and competition Active Patrol Leaders' Council Meaningful public service Challenging outdoor activities Regular advancement for all Scouts

11 Living the Scout Oath and Law
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12 The Boy-Led Patrol

13 The Patrol Method The patrol method is not a way to operate a Boy Scout troop, it is the only way. Unless the patrol method is in operation, you don't really have a Boy Scout Troop. Robert S. S. Baden-Powell

14 Three types of patrols New-Scout patrols Regular patrols
Venture patrols

15 The object of the Patrol Method is not so much saving the Scoutmaster trouble as to give responsibility to the boy. Robert S. S. Baden-Powell

16 Successful Patrols Patrol meetings Patrol activities Patrol name
Everyone has a role Representation at Patrol Leader Council Meetings

17 Troop Organization

18 Troop Organizational Chart

19 Position Overviews

20 All Youth Leaders Should
Sets a good example. Enthusiastically wears the Scout uniform correctly. Lives by the Scout Oath and Law. Shows Scout spirit.

21 Senior Patrol Leader The Senior Patrol Leader is elected by the Scouts to represent them as the top youth leader in the troop. Reports to the Scoutmaster.

22 SPL Runs troop meetings, events, activities, and planning conference.
Runs the Patrol Leaders' Council meeting. Appoints other youth leaders with counsel of the Scoutmaster. Assigns duties and responsibilities to youth leaders. Assists the Scoutmaster with youth leadership training. Gives regular reports to Troop Committee.

23 Assistant Senior Patrol Leader
The Assistant Senior Patrol Leader is the second highest-ranking youth leader in the troop. He is appointed by the Senior Patrol Leader with the approval of the Scoutmaster. Report to he Senior Patrol Leader.

24 ASPL Helps the SPL lead meetings and activities.
Runs the troop in the absence of the SPL. Helps train and supervise other non PLC leadership. Serves as a member of the Patrol Leaders' Council. Lends a hand supervising patrols and building patrol spirit.

25 Patrol Leader The Patrol Leader is the elected leader of his Patrol.
Reports to the Senior Patrol Leader.

26 PL Appoints the Assistant Patrol Leader.
Represents the Patrol on the Patrol Leaders’ Council. Plans and steers Patrol meetings. Helps Scouts advance. Keeps Patrol members informed. Knows what his patrol members and other leaders can do.

27 Assistant Patrol Leader
The Assistant Patrol Leader is appointed by the Patrol Leader and leads the Patrol in his absence. Report to the Patrol Leader.

28 APL Helps the Patrol Leader plan and steer Patrol meetings and activities. Helps him keep Patrol members informed. Helps the Patrol get ready for all Troop activities. Represents his Patrol at Patrol Leaders’ Council meetings when the Patrol Leader cannot attend.

29 Troop Guide The Troop Guide works with new Scouts.
Reports to the Assistant Scoutmaster for the new-Scout Patrol in the Troop.

30 Troop Guide Introduces new Scouts to troop operations.
Guides new Scouts from harassment by older Scouts. Helps Scouts earn First Class rank in their first year. Teaches basic Scout skills. Coaches the Patrol Leader of the new-Scout patrol. Assists the New Scout Assistant Scoutmaster with training.

31 Quartermaster The Quartermaster keeps track of troop equipment and sees that it is in good working order. Reports to the Assistant Senior Patrol Leader.

32 Quartermaster Keeps records on Troop equipment.
Makes sure equipment is in good working condition. Issues equipment and makes sure it is returned in good condition. Makes suggestions for new or replacement items. Works with the Troop Committee ember responsible for equipment.

33 Scribe The Scribe keeps the Troop records. He records the activities of the Patrol Leaders’ Council and keeps a record of dues, advancement, and Scout attendance at Troop meetings. Reports to the Assistant Senior Patrol Leader.

34 Scribe Attends and keeps a log of Patrol Leaders’ Council meetings.
Records individual Scout attendance and dues payments. Records individual Scout advancement progress. Works with the Troop Committee member responsible for records and finance.

35 Historian The Historian preserves Troop photographs, news stories, trophies, flags, scrapbooks, awards, and other memorabilia. Reports to the Assistant Senior Patrol Leader.

36 Historian Gathers pictures and facts about troop activities and keeps them in a historical file or scrapbook. Takes care of troop trophies, ribbons, and souvenirs of troop activities. Keeps information about former members of the troop.

37 Librarian The Librarian oversees the care and use of troop books, pamphlets, magazines, audiovisuals, and merit badge counselor lists. Reports to the Assistant Senior Patrol Leader.

38 Librarian Sets up and takes care of a Troop library.
Keeps records of Troop books and pamphlets. Adds new or replacement items as needed. Keeps books and pamphlets available for borrowing. Keeps a system for checking books and pamphlets in and out, and follows up on late returns.

39 Instructor The Instructor teaches basic Scouting skills.
Reports to the Assistant Senior Patrol Leader.

40 Junior Assistant Scoutmasters
The Junior Assistant Scoutmaster serves in the capacity of an Assistant Scoutmaster except where legal age and maturity are required. He is appointed by the Scoutmaster because of his leadership ability. Reports to the Scoutmaster. Performs duties as assigned by the Scoutmaster.

41 Patrol Leaders’ Council
Boy Scouts is "Boy-Led." The Patrol Leaders' Council (PLC), not the adult leaders, is responsible for planning and conducting the Troop's activities. The Scoutmaster and ASM’s provide direction, coaching, and training the PLC needs to lead the Troop. The Troop Committee provides resources to help the PLC.

42 Patrol Leaders’ Council
Meets once a month and briefly after Troop meetings. Patrol Leaders are elected to representative their patrols at the PLC meetings. Each Patrol is always represented at each monthly PLC meeting. The Patrol Leaders present the ideas and concerns of their patrols and in turn share the decisions of the Patrol Leaders' Council with their patrol members.

43 Patrol Leaders’ Council
The PLC selects and plans the troop's activities at the annual program planning conference. The troop's yearly plan is then submitted to the Troop Committee for approval. At its monthly meetings, the PLC organizes and assigns activity responsibilities for the weekly troop meetings. The Troop Committee interacts with the PLC through the Scoutmaster.

44 National Honor Patrol The National Honor Patrol Award is given to patrols whose members make an extra effort to have the best patrol possible. A Patrol can earn the award by doing the following over a three-month period.

45 National Honor Patrol Have a Patrol name, flag, and yell.
Keep Patrol records up-to-date. Hold two Patrol meetings every month. Take part in at least one hike, outdoor activity, or other event. Complete two Good Turns or service projects approved by the Patrol Leaders’ Council.

46 National Honor Patrol Help two Patrol members advance one rank.
Wear the full uniform correctly at Troop activities (at least 75 percent of patrol’s membership). Have a representative attend at least three Patrol Leaders’ Council meetings. Have eight members in the Patrol or experience an increase in Patrol membership.

47 Break

48 How to Fulfill Your Role

49 Scoutmaster’s Vision of Success
“Training boy leaders to run their Troop is the Scoutmaster's most important job.”- BP Boy Led Enhanced Communication Greater Visibility Increased Membership Scout Spirit

50 Teaching EDGE

51 What is EDGE? EDGE™ is the method you will use to teach in your Troop.
The key to making EDGE™ work is to use it for all teaching opportunities. Make it a habit.

52 EDGE Explain: The trainer explains how something is done.
Demonstrate: After the trainer explains, the trainer demonstrates while explaining again. Guide: The learner tries the skill while the trainer guides him through it. Enable: The trainee works on his own under the watchful eye of the trainer. The trainer’s role in this step is to remove any obstacles to success, which enables the learner to succeed.

53 How is the Troop Doing? What should we start doing that we are not currently doing? What do we stop doing that is not working? What should we continue doing that is working well and helps us succeed?

54 Your Assignment Your assignment as a youth leader is to take time to assess the needs of the Scouts you lead. Discuss ways to better understand the needs of our Troop’s Scouts.

55 Break

56 What is Expected of Me?

57 Motivating Scouts to Lead
Servant Leadership Motivating Scouts to Lead

58 Servant Song We are pilgrims on a journey. We are brothers on the road. We are here to help each other Walk the mile and bear the load.

59 Servant Leadership A leader is most effective if he cares about others. Wants to help them succeed. A servant leader cares about the success of the group as a whole.

60 Servant Leader and the Patrol Method
An effective Patrol Leader: Will help each member of his Patrol succeed. understand what success looks like for the Patrol as a group and for each Patrol member. believes the Troop will succeed through servant leadership and the Patrol Method.

61 Servant Leader and the Patrol Method
An effective Patrol Leader: knows his patrol members well enough to understand their goals and challenges. will help them to succeed. Believes success requires team work. wants to make a difference within his Troop.

62 Defining Success in Your Position

63 Troop Meeting Plan Link to form

64 Scoutmaster Conference
New youth leaders need the guidance of the SM. Personal coaching by the SM helps the PLC to better understand the aims of Scouting and what is expected of them by the troop adult leadership. The SM helps youth leaders set their goals in order to achieve success.

65 A leader is best when people barely know he exists; not so good when people obey and acclaim him; worse when they despise him. But a good leader who talks little when his work is done, his aim fulfilled, they will say ‘we did it ourselves Sun-Tsu Chinese philosopher

66 Now the real work begins.
Congratulations! Now the real work begins.

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