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Coordination of Benefits Module 5. 4-25-072 Session Topics Overview Other payers Determining who pays first Better communications Information sources.

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1 Coordination of Benefits Module 5

2 4-25-072 Session Topics Overview Other payers Determining who pays first Better communications Information sources

3 4-25-073 Session Topics Overview Other payers Determining who pays first Better communications Information sources

4 4-25-074 What Does COB Mean? Coordination of benefits Streamlining the payment process Protecting the Medicare trust funds Supporting Part D plans in tracking TrOOP True out-of-pocket costs Providing quality customer service

5 4-25-075 Why Is COB Necessary? Prior to 1980, Medicare was primary Federal law changed Medicare Secondary Payer (MSP) Certain employers’ insurance pays as primary Determination based on all available insurance Medicare Modernization Act (MMA) Requirements for plans providing drug coverage Improved oversight and communications

6 4-25-076 What Is MSP? Medicare Secondary Payer mandates Certain insurance pays health care bills before Medicare pays Identify other insurance that may pay first Medicare is primary In the absence of other insurance Includes prescription drug coverage

7 4-25-077 Identifying the Appropriate Payer Many possible coverage combinations Medicare may be primary payer Medicare may be secondary payer Medicare may not make payment Data sources include Initial Enrollment Questionnaire (IEQ) Providers, group health plans, employers

8 4-25-078 Initial Enrollment Questionnaire Improves how MSP information is gathered Mailed to people About 3 months before Medicare entitlement Requests other health insurance information Five different questionnaires Information entered in Common Working File Maintains record of person’s data

9 4-25-079 COB Systems IRS/SSA/CMS Data Match Databases maintained by multiple stakeholders Federal agencies States Plans Pharmacies Assistance programs

10 4-25-0710 COB Contractors Group Health Incorporated (GHI) Assures claims are paid correctly “the first time, every time” Centralizes COB for MSP NDCHealth (Per-Se) Acts as TrOOP facilitator Centralizes COB for Medicare Part D

11 4-25-0711 COB Agreement Program COB Agreement Program (COBA) Contract between COB Contractor and other health insurance organizations National standard contract Medigap plans, Part D plans, EGHPs, others Consolidates Medicare crossover process Enrollee eligibility data Medicare paid claims data transmittals

12 4-25-0712 Session Topics Overview Other payers Determining who pays first Better communications Information sources

13 4-25-0713 Other Possible Payers No-fault or liability insurance Workers’ compensation Federal Black Lung Program COBRA continuation coverage Employer/retiree group health plans FEHBP Military coverage (VA and TRICARE For Life) Others

14 4-25-0714 Other Possible Drug Coverage Medicaid programs State Pharmacy Assistance Programs (SPAPs) Patient Assistance Programs (PAPs) AIDS Drug Assistance Programs (ADAPs) Safety-net providers Indian Health Service coverage Personal health savings accounts Part B drug coverage

15 4-25-0715 Session Topics Overview Other payers Determining who pays first Better communications Information sources

16 4-25-0716 When Medicare is Primary Medicare is the only insurance Other source of coverage is Medigap policy Medicaid Retiree benefits Indian Health Service Veterans benefits and TRICARE for Life COBRA continuation coverage Except 30-month coordination period for people with End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD)

17 4-25-0717 Medicare is Secondary To employer group health plans (EGHP) Working aged: EGHP with 20 or more employees Disability: EGHP with 100 or more employees ESRD: EGHP of any size 30-month coordination period To non-EGHP involving Workers’ Compensation (WC) Black Lung Program No-fault/liability insurance

18 4-25-0718 Medicare Part D Medicare usually primary Part D plan pays first Situations involving EGHP Part D plan denies primary claims Non-EGHP situations Part D plan makes conditional primary payment To ease burden on enrollee Medicare is reimbursed

19 4-25-0719 Other Drug Coverage and Part D Enrollment Considerations Current coverage is creditable Coverage as good as Medicare drug coverage Can keep it as long as still offered Won’t pay penalty if enroll in Part D later Current coverage NOT creditable Coverage not as good as Medicare drug coverage Can enroll in Part D 11/15 – 12/31 each year Late enrollment may result in penalty

20 4-25-0720 Employer Group Health Plans Offered by many employers and unions Current employees Retirees Spouse or family members May be fee-for-service plan May be managed care plan Can choose to keep or reject

21 4-25-0721 EGHP…Working Aged Age 65 or older AND Working and covered by EGHP or Covered by working spouse’s EGHP Medicare is generally secondary payer If employer has 20 or more employees For self-employed, if covered by EGHP of employer with 20 or more employees

22 4-25-0722 LGHP…Medicare Due to Disability Have Medicare based on disability AND Working and covered by large EGHP (LGHP) or Covered by LGHP of working spouse Or other family member Medicare is secondary payer If employer has 100 or more employees or Self-employed, if covered by LGHP of employer with 100 or more employees

23 4-25-0723 EGHP…ESRD Have Medicare and ESRD AND Covered by EGHP of any size Coverage through self or family member Need not be based on current employment Medicare is secondary payer During 30-month coordination period Unless Medicare already primary to retiree plan

24 4-25-0724 EGHP…ESRD (cont’d) EGHP primary payer for first 30 months Medicare becomes primary after 30 months Separate 30-month coordination periods Each time eligible for Medicare based on ESRD Applies only to people with ESRD For details

25 4-25-0725 Retiree Health Plans Medicare pays first Retiree coverage pays second Might offer additional benefits Prescription drug coverage Routine dental care Refer to plan’s benefits booklet Employer/union may change benefits, change premiums, or cancel

26 4-25-0726 Employer/Union Drug Plan Options EGHP options Take Retiree Drug Subsidy Become a Medicare drug plan Wrap around Medicare drug coverage Pay enrollees’ Medicare drug plan premium May change at any time during year Not required to make changes during specific enrollment period

27 4-25-0727 Important Considerations for People With Retiree Coverage Most retiree plans offer generous coverage for entire family Employer/union must disclose how its plan works with Medicare drug coverage Talk to benefits administrator for more information People who drop retiree drug coverage May lose other health coverage May not be able to get it back Family members may lose coverage

28 4-25-0728 People With Retiree Coverage Who Qualify for Extra Help Those with limited income and resources Income at or below 150% of Federal poverty level Pay very little for prescriptions in a Part D plan CMS automatically enrolls people with Medicare and full Medicaid benefits Including those with retiree drug coverage May have to choose between Medicare drug coverage and retiree coverage

29 4-25-0729 To Assist People With Retiree Coverage and Extra Help … CMS encourages employers/unions to Allow those disenrolling by mistake to re-enroll Allow separate package for family members Add supplemental coverage option Help retirees who choose to opt out of Medicare drug coverage Coordinate with state Medicaid or other assistance programs

30 4-25-0730 Knowledge Check Who pays first if… A person has a Medicare drug plan and 1.Retiree plan 2.Plan of retired spouse 3.Retiree plan and plan of retired spouse 4.Plan based on current employment of self or spouse

31 4-25-0731 No-Fault Insurance Pays regardless of who is at fault Medicare is secondary payer Medicare may make conditional primary payment If claim not paid promptly Usually within 120 days Person won’t have to use own money to pay bill Must be repaid when claim is resolved

32 4-25-0732 Liability Insurance Protects against certain claims Negligence, inappropriate action, or inaction Medicare is secondary payer Health care professionals must attempt to collect before billing Medicare Medicare may make conditional payment If the liability insurer will not pay promptly Usually within 120 days Medicare recovers conditional payment

33 4-25-0733 Workers’ Compensation Medicare will not pay for health care related to workers’ compensation claims If workers’ compensation claim denied Claim may be filed for Medicare payment Medicare may make conditional payment

34 4-25-0734 Black Lung Program Lung disease caused by coal mining Services under this program Considered workers’ compensation claims Not covered by Medicare Medicare primary for conditions not related to black lung Information Federal Black Lung Program 1-800-638-7072

35 4-25-0735 COBRA Employees and dependents can keep health coverage after leaving EGHP If private or state/local government employer with 20 or more employees Called “continuation coverage” Continues for 18, 29, or 36 months Depending on the qualifying event Person must pay entire premium

36 4-25-0736 COBRA and Medicare Medicare is usually primary Medicare is secondary during 30-month coordination period for ESRD State Health Insurance Assistance Program (SHIP) volunteers may help

37 4-25-0737 Bankruptcy of Former Employer COBRA rules may offer protection May require continued coverage by another company If under same corporate structure May be able to get “COBRA-for-life”

38 4-25-0738 COBRA Contacts EGHP benefits administrator Department of Labor 1-866-4-USA-DOL State department of insurance Medicare Coordination of Benefits Contractor 1-800-999-1118 CMS 410-786-1565 1-877-267-2323, extension 6-1565

39 4-25-0739 Federal Employee Health Benefits Program (FEHBP) An EGHP Remains primary until person retires Pays first If person with Medicare or covered spouse still working For person or spouse during first 30 months of eligibility due to ESRD

40 4-25-0740 How FEHBP Works with Part D FEHBP considered creditable drug coverage As good as Medicare drug coverage People can have both FEHBP and Part D Adding Part D provides little, if any, savings Unless qualify for extra help COB contractor captures and maintains enrollment data

41 4-25-0741 VA Benefits People with Medicare and VA benefits Can get treatment under either program Must choose which benefits to use each time Generally Medicare cannot pay for service authorized by VA VA cannot pay for service covered by Medicare In limited situations both can pay

42 4-25-0742 How VA Works with Part D VA offers creditable drug coverage As good as Medicare drug coverage People can choose which benefit to use, VA or Medicare A single prescription cannot be covered by both plans at once COB contractor captures and maintains enrollment data

43 4-25-0743 TRICARE For Life (TFL) Medical coverage for Uniformed services retirees age 65 or older Medicare-eligible Must have Medicare Part A and Part B No monthly premium Except Medicare Part B

44 4-25-0744 How TFL Works with Medicare Generally, Medicare is primary payer Medicare pays if appropriate Paid claims automatically sent to TFL TFL makes payment to provider

45 4-25-0745 How TFL Works with Part D TFL considered creditable drug coverage As good as Medicare drug coverage People can have both TFL and Part D Adding Part D may benefit people who qualify for extra help COB contractor captures and maintains enrollment data

46 4-25-0746 Part D COB Medicaid programs State Pharmacy Assistance Programs (SPAPs) Patient Assistance Programs (PAPs) AIDS Drug Assistance Programs (ADAPs) Safety-net providers Indian Health Service coverage Personal health savings accounts Part B drug coverage

47 4-25-0747 Part D and Medicaid People with both Medicare and Medicaid Get drug coverage from Medicare Get low-income assistance (“extra help”) States may opt to cover non-Part D drugs Does not count toward TrOOP COB between plans, states, and pharmacies Not required Part D plans may choose to share data Some Special Needs Plans coordinate services for Medicaid recipients

48 4-25-0748 Knowledge Check Who pays first if … A person has both Part D and Medicaid? A person has Part D, a retiree plan, and Medicaid?

49 4-25-0749 Qualified SPAP Coverage secondary to Part D Contributions count toward TrOOP May opt to participate in COB and TrOOP facilitation, to help Effectively wrap around Part D Speed up reimbursement of erroneous payments Facilitate timely access to prescriptions Some may enroll members in Part D Must be non-discriminatory

50 4-25-0750 Patient Assistance Programs PAPs sponsored by Pharmaceutical manufacturers Other entities Provide assistance to people with limited income and resources

51 4-25-0751 How PAPs work with Part D PAPs can choose to Operate outside the Part D benefit No interaction with TrOOP Structure assistance as a charity Contributions can count toward TrOOP PAPs can participate in COB either Electronically at point-of-sale or Submitting paper claims to TrOOP contractor

52 4-25-0752 AIDS Drug Assistance Programs Help pay for HIV/AIDS drug treatments Contributions do not count toward TrOOP Can choose to participate in COB either Electronically at point-of-sale or Submitting paper claims to TrOOP contractor

53 4-25-0753 Safety-Net Providers Serve low-income communities Examples include Federally Qualified Health Centers Rural Health Clinics Critical Access Hospitals Offer services through a “closed pharmacy” Many in 340B Drug Pricing Program

54 4-25-0754 How Safety-Net Providers Work with Part D Part D plans encouraged to contract with safety-net providers Contributions by safety-net providers Generally do not count toward TrOOP Only count toward TrOOP if unadvertised AND either Offered in non-routine manner Offered to extra help recipients

55 4-25-0755 Indian Health Service (IHS) Copayments or deductibles None for services obtained through IHS and Tribal pharmacies May apply when received through Urban pharmacies Apply when services received from non-I/T/U pharmacies IHS/Tribal/Urban Indian

56 4-25-0756 How IHS Works with Part D TrOOP Federal (IHS) funds do not count toward TrOOP Tribal funds from non-Federal sources count Funds used to pay copayments and deductibles PDPs work with IHS and Tribal pharmacies to track All Part D pharmacy networks must Offer contract to all I/T/U pharmacies in region Provide convenient access

57 4-25-0757 Personal Health Savings Accounts Contributions count toward TrOOP When not structured as group health plan Health Savings Accounts, Flexible Spending Accounts, Medicare Medical Savings Accounts May voluntarily participate in COB Contributions do not count toward TrOOP When structured as group health plan Health Reimbursement Arrangements Must participate in COB

58 4-25-0758 Medicare Part B and Part D Systems do not automatically coordinate Guidelines help differentiate Part B-covered drugs Part D-covered drugs Details available on CMS website

59 4-25-0759 Session Topics Overview Other payers Determining who pays first Better communications Information sources

60 4-25-0760 COB-Related Provisions Under MMA Health insurance and prescription drug coverage COB Information sharing Electronic prescribing IT interoperability

61 4-25-0761 Part D COB Process Members must report additional drug coverage May pay premiums, copayments, deductibles Pharmacists access enrollment information online Member may have to pay out of pocket If pharmacy not able to bill supplemental plan If supplemental plan covers only part of the Medicare drug plan premium

62 4-25-0762 Key Concepts Medicare can be primary or secondary payer COB ensures proper payment Federal laws govern coordination of benefits States play a crucial role

63 4-25-0763 Session Topics Overview Other payers Determining who pays first Better communications Information sources

64 4-25-0764 Information Sources Medicare Coordination of Benefits xContracting_COB.asp#TopOfPage xContracting_COB.asp#TopOfPage Medicare and Other Health Benefits: Your Guide to Who Pays First

65 4-25-0765 Information Sources (cont’d) Medicare/TRICARE Benefit Overview U. S. Department of Labor Federal Black Lung Program COBRA

66 This training module provided by the For questions about training products, email To view all available NMTP materials or to subscribe to our listserv, visit

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