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NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF SCOUTS OF HAITI (NASH). A motto: BE PREPARED For several years the country has suffered many disasters and pandemics. Always ready.

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Presentation on theme: "NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF SCOUTS OF HAITI (NASH). A motto: BE PREPARED For several years the country has suffered many disasters and pandemics. Always ready."— Presentation transcript:


2 A motto: BE PREPARED For several years the country has suffered many disasters and pandemics. Always ready to serve, the Scouts of Haiti act for the country in collaboration with national organizations (DPC, red cross...) and international (UNICEF, UNDP;... TSF) emergency.

3 Plan: Some interventions of NASH Scouting The NASH The five-year plan NASH, a structure adapted to a crisis management Future, a national partnership with civil protection

4 Some interventions of NASH...

5 In 2006: HIV / AIDS Prevention

6 In 2004 and 2008: The Cyclones

7 January 12, 2010: The Earthquake

8 Spontaneous mobilization from the same day - 3000 Scouts for 3 months -Camp security -Assistance to the vulnerable person -(Water, food, hygiene kit....) -Installation of shelters Organized mobilization with the office - Distribution (food and equipment) => the donations - Displacement camps (child support vulnerable person) with 300 young adults for 10,000 families in the WEST and SOUTH-EAST - Census child separate fields camps in March - Montage of 3000 shelters

9 End of 2010 Cholera awareness

10 Scouting

11 SCOUTING: a planetary movement Movement to non-political and open to all contributes to the physical, intellectual, emotional, social, spiritual children, adolescents and youth (boys and girls) A progressive self-education through action and taking responsibility in projects useful to the Community. A learning democracy, by life in community and teamwork, to become a responsible and active citizens. In respect of nature and the environment


13 The NASH: a national movement of young Association was created on October 1 st,1946 State-approved on November 10 th, 1947 Recognized O.N.G. On December 20 th, 1984 45 000 members, including 25 000 young adults 350 local groups spread over the whole country. A motto: BE READY Association serving the Haitian society

14 THE NASH: 15 departments

15 Structure of the NASH National Departmental District Group

16 National Coordinator Responsible Program Training Manager Communication Manager Commissioners + Teams: Sns Pack Troop Road Training Communication President Commissioner General Deputy Commissioner International Commissioner Secretary Treasurer Executive Committee National Teams (Volunteer) National Bureau (employees) General Assembly

17 Department and District Commissioner CommitteeTeams Council President Commissioners... SNS Pack Troop Road …

18 Groups Conseil de Groupe Office of Group Pack Troop Road 7-12 years Cubs 7-12 years Cubs 12-17 years Scouts 12-17 years Scouts 17-23 years Roaders 17-23 years Roaders

19 Five Year Plan

20 Participation of NASH in the reconstruction and development of the country. General Objective : General Objective :

21 6 Specific Objectives: 1. Improve the living conditions of victims, especially children and youth. 2. Participate in the development of a national system of civil protection. 3. Participate in social and professional integration of young people and vulnerable youth. 4. Supporting the education and upbringing of children, particularly disadvantaged, and participate in the redesign of the Haitian education system. (non-formal education) 5. Determine and implement a national policy of youth needs and expectations of new generations. 6. Ensure that NASH has the necessary means for its operation, develop financial independence and establish a governance system transparent and reliable.

22 Participate in the development of a national system of civil protection. Our goals: Training and equipping materials in the "emergency cells Scouts of haiti" county (CUSH). Form all of the senior (18 in x) in safety techniques. NASH integrate within the cell and disaster risk management of the CPD at national level.

23 The NASH a structure adapted to crisis management...

24 The NASH an hierarchical organization close to the CPD National Local

25 Flowchart Structures Flowchart Structures SNS National Team SNS Departmental Team SNS District Team SNS Roaders COUN Departmental Committee Communal Committee Local Committee CNGRD National Council


27 Ability to participate in a national prevention Years experience in risk and disaster response. COMMITMENT TO OUR VOLUNTEER MEMBERS. NHS (National Scout) with CUSH (Emergency Unit Scout of Haiti) A national training structure 29 trainers in first aid and disaster risk management A network of swap space and community training: the CEC (Kay Eskout Kominote) Departmental level integration in risk management and disaster

28 Our actions to strengthen Us

29 Creation of CUSH Partnership with UNICEF to strengthen our capabilities Emergency cells Scouts of Haiti 30-40 trained young adults, 18-25 years Under the coordination of a departmental head Equipped with materials: Life jackets and buoys can help rescue lives during the storm Hardware consolidation homes to reduce damage (such as tarps, hammers, nails. Equipment clearing and cleaning (such as shovels, picks, wheelbarrows.


31 Training of trainers in CAP 29 future trainers from all the national scouting department Partnership with Capois firefighters for 7 days of training

32 Training of the elder branch These are more than 500 young adults trained by the NGO IFA and rescue scouts and French guides

33 Telephone center and satellite Internet management. 3 kits satellite internet (at Cap Haitian to port au prince and cays) 16 satellite phones located throughout the national territory

34 The association puts its structure and resources to help Haitian society by intervening at all levels of prevention and management of risks and disasters.

35 The future, a national partnership with civil protection

36 Moulin sur mer training 86 Scouts formed in partnership with the CPD

37 Proposal for the future Partnership existing departmental => strengthen the national partnership Sharing skills and training The NASH member SNGRD

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