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Introduction to Our Troop
Boy Scout Troop 1018 Introduction to Our Troop Version 1.4 Notes Welcome Purpose of the presentation: To give parents a little background on the Boy Scouting program in general To introduce you to Troop 1018 Version 2 May 2010 Troop 1018, Dranesville UMC
Introduction History of Scouting The Scouting Program – what and why
Organization Differences between Cub & Boy Scouts Meetings and campouts Advancement and Merit Badges Expectations Costs Other “odds and ends” Wrap-Up & Questions Introduction History of Scouting Important to know a bit of the historical background to better understand the program today The Scouting Program (it is a program) What Scouting is about, why I believe The Scouting program is important, and how it can prepare your sons for the future Look at a Harris study that shows some of the positive influences of the program in other areas Differences between Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts Specifics about Troop 1018 and its program What’s unique about us What you can expect if you choose to join our troop Expectations of Scouts and their parents in Troop 1018 Costs of Scouting “Odds and Ends” – Frequently asked questions about Scouting and Troop 1018 Wrap-up – “leftovers” Questions – but please ask as we go along Troop 1018, Dranesville UMC
History of Scouting Founded by Lord Baden-Powell in the United Kingdom
(Brownsea Island – 1907) Brought to America by William Boyce Founded - 8 Feb 1910 (Feb is our “anniversary month”) Centennial Year – special activities planned Chartered by Congress in 1916 Worldwide movement, Scouting programs exist in over 200 countries and territories Founded by Lord Baden-Powell in England in early 1900’s BP was a retired Royal Army general – hero of the Boer war in South Africa Very interesting history – well beyond this short presentation In the army developed special training programs to teach “scouting” skills Saw a void - boys, particularly in the city, had idle time and weren’t being taught about the outdoors Set program up to teach outdoor skills and self reliance Experimental camp in 1907 at Brownsea Island, (UK) Published “Scouting for Boys” in 1908 An immediate best seller The Scouting program exploded in popularity Program brought to America in 1910 by William Boyce, an American businessman Found out about Scouting during a trip to England Met with B-P to get background on Scouting Founded on Feb 8, 1910; February is the “anniversary month” of Scouting Chartered by Congress in 1916 Now in over 200 countries and territories; millions of boys around the world have been Scouts Troop 1018, Dranesville UMC
What is Scouting? B-P – “Fun with a purpose”
BSA Mission Statement: “To prepare young people to make ethical and moral choices over their lifetimes by instilling in them the values of the Scout Oath and Law." The Scout Oath Duty to God and Country Duty to Others Duty to Self Scout Law 12 Points of the Scout Law Emphasize that Scouting is a program – not just a camping club B-P called it “fun with a purpose” Emphasized that, unless it was fun, boys would quickly lose interest Develop life skills, service, leadership Program objective: Develop character, self-reliance, citizenship, and leadership in a values based environment We teach and abide by the Scout Law and Oath Scout Law – 12 Points – A Scout is Trustworthy . . . Scout Oath – 3 parts Duty to God and Country Duty to Others Duty to Self Note that the 3 parts also correlate to the Scout sign and symbol Troop 1018, Dranesville UMC
The Scouting Program Preparation for the future The Outdoor Program
Life skills, citizenship through merit badges Leadership through “on the job training” Teamwork through the patrol method Uniform: pride in organization, self-appearance The Outdoor Program The centerpiece of Scouting Understand and appreciate our natural resources Leave No Trace activities Self reliance; working together toward goals; teamwork Association with adults Boards of Review; Merit Badge Counseling Service to others Outdoor program is a centerpiece of the overall Scouting experience Obviously something that people always associate with Scouting Key point – The program is much more Teaching life skills Giving leadership opportunities Learning to work as a team Building self confidence Through Scouting, we are working hard to prepare our Scouts for the future Troop 1018, Dranesville UMC
Getting Started with 1018 Troop Handbook Boy Scout Handbook
Good source of info for new Scout families Boy Scout Handbook Definitive guide on Scouting for the boys New version for 2010 Troop website ( Information Updated troop calendar Pictures of past activities To get you started with the troop we’ve published the troop handbook Covers lots of commonly asked questions Boy Scout handbook has lots of info for the Scouts themselves Has procedures for advancement as well as a “how to” for most camping activities Troop website Great source of info on all things 1018 Troop 1018, Dranesville UMC
BSA Organization Troop 1018, Dranesville UMC
Troop Organization Troop 1018, Dranesville UMC
The Troop Committee Mission Statement
The troop committee, which is the troops Board of Directors, supports the troops adult and youth leaders in delivering a quality program to the troop’s Scouts What are we charged with doing in order to accomplish this broad mission? The Training Syllabus uses the role playing cards for the next section. Since the group as a whole participates in this exercise, you may omit the cards and display the roles from the following slides. The rest of the exercise is done following the Training Syllabus, asking for specific ways to accomplish each of the roles listed.
The Troop Committee Assure that quality adult leadership is recruited and trained and encourage adult leader training in the areas of program and support.
Ensure that the troop has an active, safe outdoor program each year
The Troop Committee Ensure that the troop has an active, safe outdoor program each year
Assist with transportation
The Troop Committee Assist with transportation
The Troop Committee Carry out the policies and regulations of the Boy Scouts of America
The Troop Committee Manage troop finances
Obtain and maintain troop equipment
The Troop Committee Obtain and maintain troop equipment
Serve on Boards of Review
The Troop Committee Serve on Boards of Review
Support Youth Recruitment
The Troop Committee Support Youth Recruitment
The Troop Committee As you can see, it takes a lot to run an effective troop, so your participation is important to the troop and any level!
Scout Information Troop 1018, Dranesville UMC
Scout Organization Troop 1018, Dranesville UMC
Carrying out the Program in 1018
Patrol Method Patrol consists of 8-12 boys Each patrol headed up by a “patrol leader” elected by the patrol New Scout patrol New Scout patrol will have a “Troop Guide” – an older Scout that will assist the younger Scouts The patrol method – organizing into groups of 6-10 boys is the fundamental building block of Scouting Planning and activities are carried out as a patrol – e.g. a patrol plans its own menu, sets up tents together New boys will be grouped into a “New Scout Patrol” through the summer, then can decide to form a permanent patrol or go into an existing patrol (no hard rules) Troop 1018, Dranesville UMC
The 1018 Program Weekly meetings during the school year
Skills instruction, activity planning Guest speakers Game nights Advancement nights Tours, special activities Outdoor program Monthly campouts – different themes – hikes Camporees Summer Camps – regular and high adventure Weekly meetings during the school year – unless otherwise specified (rare) they run from 7:30 – 9:00. Programs include: Skills instruction Planning for upcoming campouts or events Guest speakers Game nights – board games, mini-golf Advancement nights (usually first Monday of the month) – no specific program – geared toward advancement, boards of review, Scoutmaster conferences, etc. Tours Historic places, model RR show, airport Outdoor program Monthly campout Winter camping Hikes Our district Troop 1018, Dranesville UMC
Cub Scouts vs. Boy Scouts
The Scouts themselves lead PLC plans agenda; SPL runs meetings Scouts active in annual planning conference Scouts plan their outings – menus, etc Emphasis on leadership and teamwork Boys are responsible for their own advancement Advancement done at their own pace Adult role: mentor, suggest, safety Adult leaders, not parents, sign off advancement & merit badge requirements Scout led Senior Patrol Leader sets agenda, runs the troop meetings Patrol Leaders’ Council (PLC) does the monthly planning Scouts active in planning the annual schedule Scouts plan their outings, meals, campsites, duties, etc Emphasis on leadership and teamwork Boys get the experience of working together as a team that depends on each other (for example, if the dishes don’t get washed, nobody eats) Learning through experience – the good and the bad Boys are expected to be self-motivated – responsible for their activities Adult leaders mentor, suggest, ensure safety We will not compromise on safety “Rules of Safe Scouting” – taught in adult leader training and we adhere to these rules Adult leaders sign off advancement and merit badge requirements – not the parents or other Scouts Troop 1018, Dranesville UMC
Cub Scouts vs. Boy Scouts
The “Prime Directive” (with apologies to Star Trek): “Never do for a boy what he can do for himself.” Scout led Senior Patrol Leader sets agenda, runs the troop meetings Patrol Leaders’ Council (PLC) does the monthly planning Scouts active in planning the annual schedule Scouts plan their outings, meals, campsites, duties, etc Emphasis on leadership and teamwork Boys get the experience of working together as a team that depends on each other (for example, if the dishes don’t get washed, nobody eats) Learning through experience – the good and the bad Boys are expected to be self-motivated – responsible for their activities Adult leaders mentor, suggest, ensure safety We will not compromise on safety “Rules of Safe Scouting” – taught in adult leader training and we adhere to these rules Adult leaders sign off advancement and merit badge requirements – not the parents or other Scouts Troop 1018, Dranesville UMC
Advancement Troop 1018, Dranesville UMC
Advancement Boys advance in rank as they learn more skills and take on more responsibility 1st three ranks (Tenderfoot, Second Class, First Class) emphasize “traditional” Scouting Skills (camping, first aid, nature) Next ranks (Star, Life, Eagle) emphasize a variety of skills (merit badges), community service and leadership. Requirements listed in the Scout Handbook Scouts advance at their own pace (there is no “right” pace) 1st Class rank is the goal of a “successful Scout” Boy Scouting has six ranks as listed here Requirements for the first three are traditional Scouting skills – camping, hiking, nature, first aid, etc and can be worked on simultaneously – you advance in rank order, but you can work on a 1st Class requirement while a Tenderfoot, for example Star, Life, and Eagle each require a certain number of merit badges, hours of community service, and months in a leadership position Requirements are listed in the Scout handbook When a Scout masters a skill, he demonstrates it to one of the adult leaders who will sign it off When all requirements for a rank are complete the Scout (not the parent) makes an appointment for a SM Conf, spirit board, and board of review Troop 1018, Dranesville UMC
Advancement (con’t) Requirements for 1st three ranks can be worked on simultaneously Upon completion of requirements a Scout schedules his: Spirit Board (scheduled with the Senior Patrol Leader) Scoutmaster Conference (scheduled with the Scoutmaster) Board of Review (Scheduled with the Advancement Chair) Goal: 1st Class at the end of second year Troop 1018, Dranesville UMC
Merit Badges Merit Badges enhance a Scout’s knowledge or skills or introduce him to an entirely new field. Examples: Professions: Chemistry, Nuclear Science, Journalism Hobbies: Stamp Collecting, Winter Sports, Genealogy Nature, outdoors: Hiking, Swimming, Climbing, Backpacking Life Skills: Personal Management, First Aid, Cooking, Lifesaving Citizenship: Community, Nation, World Basic procedure for Scouts: Find a MB counselor; get Scoutmaster to sign “blue card” Read the MB pamphlet (we have many in the troop library) Meet with the counselor and go over the requirements, plan Complete the requirements; the MB counselor signs, the Scout turns in the completed form to the troop. In earning Merit Badges boys learn about new things. Some are geared toward: Professions – idea is to exposed a Scout to what a profession entails and what’s involved in preparing for a career in that field Hobbies – some can become lifelong passions Nature & the outdoors – Learning to appreciate nature and the outdoors Life skills Personal Management – financial & time management First Aid – how to deal with both routine and emergency situations Cooking – What could be a better “life skill” Lifesaving – preparing for emergencies Communications – public speaking; organizing presentations Troop 1018, Dranesville UMC
- Robert Gates, Eagle Scout, Secretary of Defense
Troop Leadership One of the great benefits of the Scout program is the opportunity to learn leadership through “on the job training” “I don't think there's any organization in the world, certainly not in the United States, that better prepares young men for leadership in this country than the Boy Scouts of America” - Robert Gates, Eagle Scout, Secretary of Defense Leadership training (learn leadership by being a leader) People are not “born leaders” – they learn leadership skills A Senior Patrol Leader “runs” the troop, conducts meetings, etc Adults help, but the boys learn to lead New experiences A framework to try new things The boys come up with ideas – e.g. – we spent the night on the USS New Jersey – direct result of an input from the Scouts themselves Advancement Boys learn to progress using a template of skills laid out for them – just like the “real world” 25 years from now, a boy will undoubtedly still be using the leadership skills of Scouting, and those that become Eagle Scouts will always be Eagles and doors will continue to open for them. Troop 1018, Dranesville UMC
Troop Leadership Opportunities to learn
Boys learn leadership skills through hands on training Senior Patrol Leader runs the troop The SPL is elected by the troop and appoints other leadership positions Scouts in leadership positions learn what they need to do; set and carry out goals (duties are listed on the website) Actively serving as a troop leader is required for advancement to Star, Life, and Eagle Opportunities to learn Troop Leadership Training District and national-level leadership instruction Troop 1018, Dranesville UMC
Universally recognized as a sign of high achievement
Eagle Scout Rank Universally recognized as a sign of high achievement Proven leader – must have served in several troop leadership roles Last of seven advancement levels in Scouting 21 merit badges, including “life skills” such as Personal Management, Citizenship, Family Life Leading an Eagle service project Only about 5% of Scouts achieve the Eagle Rank Eagle Scout – the highest rank – has its own slide because, in achieving the rank of Eagle Scout, a young man is so well positioned for the future Recognized everywhere as a sign of achievement Not easy – 21 merit badges, including some that are tough to get e.g. – Personal management – learning about personal finances & keeping a budget for 3 months Only about 4% of Scouts entering the program will become Eagle Scouts Higher percentage in Troop 1018, particularly among those that stay with the program In a nutshell – becoming an Eagle opens doors throughout a person’s life Hundreds of Scholarships (including one that pays up to $48K over 4 years) Various unique opportunities, such as Antarctic Scout program – National Science Foundations funds an Eagle Scout to spend a winter as a research scientist in Antarctica – one of the requirements for the position is that the individual must be an Eagle Scout Troop 1018, Dranesville UMC
Eagle Scout Rank Why become an Eagle? A tremendous learning experience
Pride that comes from setting a high goal for yourself and achieving it Leadership opportunities “Being an Eagle Scout will definitely impress admission officers at top colleges” – College Confidential website Hundreds of scholarships Job networking (National Eagle Scout Association) Unique opportunities: NSF “Antarctic Scout” program Eagle Scout – the highest rank – has its own slide because, in achieving the rank of Eagle Scout, a young man is so well positioned for the future Recognized everywhere as a sign of achievement Not easy – 21 merit badges, including some that are tough to get e.g. – Personal management – learning about personal finances & keeping a budget for 3 months Only about 4% of Scouts entering the program will become Eagle Scouts Higher percentage in Troop 1018, particularly among those that stay with the program In a nutshell – becoming an Eagle opens doors throughout a person’s life Hundreds of Scholarships (including one that pays up to $48K over 4 years) Various unique opportunities, such as Antarctic Scout program – National Science Foundations funds an Eagle Scout to spend a winter as a research scientist in Antarctica – one of the requirements for the position is that the individual must be an Eagle Scout Troop 1018, Dranesville UMC
What We Do at Meetings Program is determined by the PLC Flag ceremony
Announcements Program for the evening (sometimes includes patrol time) Game Scoutmaster Minute Scout benediction Troop 1018, Dranesville UMC
Campouts Typical campout runs from Friday evening to mid-day Sunday
Adult leaders generally make reservations, arrange transportation SPL and Patrol Leaders: Plan the menu, duty roster, and activities Ensure troop and patrol gear is packed Individual Scout: Packs his own gear and clothing - checklist on the website Purchases food, if designated Parents Facilitate Scout’s preparation, answer questions Get your son to the drop off point on time Pick him up promptly when the campout is over Troop 1018, Dranesville UMC
What We Do on Campouts Scouts (and adults) camp as patrols
SPL and PLs lead the campsite set up Patrols set their own general schedules Patrols cook their own meals Duty roster Clean up afterwards Usually have scheduled activities, such as hikes, skills training, sports, flag ceremony Games Campfire Troop 1018, Dranesville UMC
Summer Camps Choice of camps is decided by the troop committee
1018 goes to two camps each summer “Traditional” Emphasis on advancement and merit badges Live in tents; eat in a dining hall Activities for all Scouts at all levels This summer: Goshen Scout Reservation, VA High Adventure Advanced outdoor skills (such as backpacking, sailing) Restricted to older Scouts This summer: Northern Tier, Canada & Minnesota Summer Camps – Two camps each summer “Traditional Camp” – for all Scouts (Goshen, Resica Falls, Hawk Mountain, Treasure Island, Rock Enon) Like to go to different camps to give the boys a range of experiences Choose camps that have programs for both younger and older Scouts Good first year program for new Scouts Good merit badge opportunities for “middle” Scouts Special program for older Scouts such as COPE or rock climbing High Adventure – for Scouts 13 and over Camps such as Kandersteg, Lenhok’sin, Northern Tier, Philmont, Sea Base Special activity – 60 mile C&O Canal hike Special Events - BSA National Jamboree Troop 1018, Dranesville UMC
Scoutbuck Program Troop 1018 returns a portion of fundraiser profits to participating Scouts in the form of “Scoutbucks” Some Scouts have been able to fund most of their activities through Scoutbucks Money held in escrow for use for Scouting related activities or purchases Troop committee establishes rules Treasurer monitors the balances SM approves purchases If a Scout leaves the troop his Scoutbucks revert to the troop Troop 1018, Dranesville UMC
Expectations of Scouts
Live by the Scout Oath and Law Support the Scouting program Work toward advancement Interface with leaders Fully participate in the troop and patrol Inform us when you can’t participate Participate in troop fundraisers Wear the uniform with pride Carry out leadership responsibilities Perform community service Handout: “Troop Courtesy and Safety Guidelines” Live by the Scout Oath and Law – these rules are simple and direct Show respect to adults and fellow Scouts Be polite Support the Scouting program – positive attitude Work toward advancement – a Scout is expected to keep advancing Do their part to serve to troop and patrol – fully participate Inform troop when they can’t participate for other reasons (sports, church commitments, school activities, etc) Participate in troop fundraisers Wear proper uniform at all times Perform community service (Scouting for Food, Scout Sunday) Troop and personal service opportunities Fundraising is not community service Troop 1018, Dranesville UMC
Expectations of parents
Help/encourage your son Monitor his progress Enable his participation, but don’t do his work for him A “gentle push” from time to time Press him to fulfill obligations Help the troop Actively participate as an adult leader Committee member, Assistant SM, trainer, merit badge counselor Participate in specific activities Fund raising, driving, planning an activity This is an important slide For most boys, his success in Scouting is a direct function of the encouragement and help he gets from his family Monitor his advancement – offer help Enable his participation Get him to meetings and activities Every boy that has made Eagle in Troop 1018 has had strong parental support Try to deconflict your schedules with Scouting activities Be a part of his Scouting experience Actively participate in the troop As a small troop, we need strong parental support Do NOT have to commit to being there every week (but that would be nice) Fill in when you can Lots of adult help (planning, merit badge counseling, trainer, etc) can be done on your schedule As a volunteer organization, we’re only as strong as the time people are willing to put forth to make the program successful Troop 1018, Dranesville UMC
Costs of Scouting $50 Annual Dues
Registration, patches, misc troop expenses Activities – registration & food ($20) Uniform ($50 - $75) – uniform exchange Camping equipment Do NOT need much to get started Lots of troop gear available for checkout Summer camp ($100 - $1400) Nobody denied Scouting experience for financial reasons Scoutbucks can defray most costs Camperships $50 annual dues payable in Sept ($25 for the remainder of the year for those that join in spring) Includes a subscription to Boy’s Life magazine Activity Fee (typical campout: $20 including food) Uniforms ($50-$75) Troop has a uniform exchange program Camping equipment (can cost as little or as much as you like) Most is available for checkout from the troop Very good rundown on our website to get you started in this area Summer camp ($100 - $1400) Local camps tend to run $125-$150 for the week High adventure tend to cost $ $1400, principally because of air fare Nobody denied Scouting experience because of a lack of funding Troop 1018 has a “Scoutbuck” program that allocates a portion of fundraising money to the individual Scout Camperships are available Troop 1018, Dranesville UMC
Do’s and Don’ts Do No Troop 1018 travels in Class A uniform
Be on time to meetings and activities Sign up for activities early and follow through on commitments No Firearms, ammunition, fireworks Sheath knives or any knife with a blade longer than 6 inches No electronics on campouts Troop 1018, Dranesville UMC
Other Info Fundraisers – wreaths & mulch Medical Forms – required!
Training – lots available for adults and Scouts Many courses now available online Must have YPT to participate in ANY activity involving direct youth contact “Two Deep Leadership” Official troop records recorded in “Troopmaster” data base Uniforms We do two principle fundraisers a year Wreath sales leading up to the holidays Mulch in the springtime Mulch requires a lot of effort and we need as much help as possible Flexibility – mentioned before People have busy schedules; we try hard to work around those You and your son will get out of Scouting what you’re willing to put in; if other activities are always more important, Scouting will not deliver to its potential The troop gives these items to new Scouts when they join Scarf, slide, handbook, 1018 patch You will still need a Council patch – we have them at cost if you want to get one from us – there are a number of different ones available Uniform – new Scouts are expected to have complete uniforms right after joining with patches sewn on correctly Troop 1018, Dranesville UMC
Other Info (con’t) Order of the Arrow
Keep your Scouting documents together Communications via Monthly newsletter mailed to each family Website ( Summer camp – immediate sign up Our primary means of getting info out is via and our website If this is an issue, let us know, as we assume that the news gets out this way Our website has lots of good info As questions have come up over the years, I’ve added content New Scout orientation We have a Saturday morning program for new Scouts and adults that introduces the program and fulfills requirements for the “Scout” (first rank) badge “Scoutcraft basics” campout in April Emphasis is on basic outdoor skills for new Scouts Parents invited and encourage to participate Summer camp End of June This year we’re going to Camp Olmstead at Goshen Scout Reservation Troop 1018, Dranesville UMC
Questions? Wrap - Up Thanks for Joining!!! Troop 1018, Dranesville UMC
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