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GSCO – MY2014 Training Update. Nuts and Bolts Online or In-person Call Out Example GS101 Online Course Sequence - Leadership Program level In-person Program.

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Presentation on theme: "GSCO – MY2014 Training Update. Nuts and Bolts Online or In-person Call Out Example GS101 Online Course Sequence - Leadership Program level In-person Program."— Presentation transcript:

1 GSCO – MY2014 Training Update

2 Nuts and Bolts Online or In-person Call Out Example GS101 Online Course Sequence - Leadership Program level In-person Program level every time they bridge Required Suggested

3 Call Out Example Course Sequence - Leadership Nuts and Bolts Program Level Complementary topic 1 topic 2 topic 3 topic 4 Efficient delivery Reference New leader packet pdf topic 5 topic 6 topic 7 Topic 2+ Interactive and fun Participatory Relevant Useful handouts and doables Scalable Customizable Professional Personable

4 GS worldwide structure, GSCO staff – contact list Volunteer structure (Who are we?- we build leaders, and this is how Levels of Girl Scouting- Promise and Law& GSLE Progression (high awards +) New leader timeline Online registration and Troop Management Health forms and permission forms Responsibilities to: girls, admin, parents, safety Ratios Parent information meeting Troop leadership committee and recruiting help Arranging meeting places and times Important Girl Scouts days and guidelines for planning, year planner Troop finances: bank account, dues and budgets, transparency and accounting, money earning, and annual reporting Product Sales Forms reference Insurance First Aid Events, programs and camp opportunities Adult learning opportunities Group Agreement Volunteer Essentials and Safety Activity Checkpoints (ref. page #s) Connect certain topics to Program Level trainings Handouts: Volunteer Essentials Use screen shots when we reference web and “print” resources Planning: ALWAYS come back to the girl- led model when referencing handouts (also mention Program Level training for more!) Starter info/resource for first couple of meetings Content - Nuts and Bolts

5 National Program Portfolio (Journeys and Girls Guides) Active preview of each Journey and Girls Guide Offer techniques to facilitate Customizing Journey and using in tandem with Girls Guide (local events, community partners, product sales, field trips) Promise and Law- mission Program Level Characteristics Age appropriate activities Getting to know your girls / age characteristics Conflict resolution Technology -safety online, group agreement and politeness, leveraging use with older girls, Travel - camp, field trips Girl-adult ratios and safety Progression in… Field trips Outdoor Program and Camping Highest Awards What are they? Journey tie in and preview Resources – make hands-on with time in mind Volunteer Essentials (print v electronic) Safety Activity Checkpoints Website, (links to documents) Service Unit / Volunteer Support Structure Safety First aid Ratio checkpoints permission health forms Money/Product Sale Girl led at every age Earning and Learning via product program Costs /budgeting – economics Safety Money earning beyond product sales? Form- Troop Money Earning Application Content - Program Level

6 Content cont. - Program Level Traditions and Ceremonies Songs – age appropriate GS Way-Quiet sign, motto, buddys etc Bridging / looking forward Girl Scouts Sisterhood: Council, National, International / WAGGGS Investiture and rededication Hand out-listing all (idea – Ceremony glossary in VS?) Ceremony planning rubric – GSLE tie in Take Action and Community Service Difference between take action and community service -Scaling and making age appropriate -Empowering -Demonstrate within training (in person) Planning w/ and for girls 3 Hows - GIRL LED GSLE Plant "progression" seeds though out program-level trainings Letting go of being "in charge" as the girls grow - how adult roles change over time Show the graphic of progression 6 parts Troop government- patrols, business model Fun, interactive, quick things to use with girls (see PA training: bag of tricks) PBJ sandwich for planning - progression Parent Involvement Troop committee and delegating Communications Welcome Families to Girl Scouts Group Agreement Explain again what it is - do it at beginning of program level training (model it) – -revisit if there are issues w/fulfilling agreed- upon role. Modeling collaborative/cooperative leadership for the girls in troop.

7 Questions?

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