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My Journal Brigadier general Carl Jamison By Doe Min Jun Ernest Ng.

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Presentation on theme: "My Journal Brigadier general Carl Jamison By Doe Min Jun Ernest Ng."— Presentation transcript:

1 My Journal Brigadier general Carl Jamison By Doe Min Jun Ernest Ng

2 Instructions Use your mouse only. Do not use the “enter” or “space bar”. Click on relevant hyperlinks, and do not give up! Keep you and your troops alive till the end! Try your best!

3 BEGIN You are Brigadier general Carl Jamison. You control a brigade (4 battalions) [4000soldiers] in defending Singapore against the Japanese. Lead them well in the war.

4 Story… Japanese planes bombed Malaya and Singapore (Tengah and Seletar airfields, city area and the old airport at Kallang) -8 Dec 1941 Those Jap bastards sunk our only warships in Southeast Asia, Prince of Wales and Repulse. We are screwed. -10 Dec 1941

5 Story… Finally. A break. The Japs have already captured a huge part of Malaya. We are wasting precious resources running from them. Only if we could do something about it…… -6 JAN 1942.

6 MAKE YOUR CHOICE The Japanese advance. At slim river, an epic battle is about to take place. You not only control your brigade, you also command2000 Gurkhas. You: send out the Gurkhas and let your troop provide cover firesend out the Gurkhas and let your troop provide cover fire OR use half your troop to provide a distraction while the Gurkhas and the other half of your troop flank the japs from both sidesuse half your troop to provide a distraction while the Gurkhas and the other half of your troop flank the japs from both sides OR abandon the Gurkhas and run away with your brigade, shooting weakly

7 Result. The Gurkhas fought bravely. There was a huge bloodshed. Their outdated rifles were no use against the Japanese tanks. Soon, we joined in the battle as well. We put up a good fight but were effectively slaughtered. Some of us, including me, were kept barely kept alive and were tortured. Then, we were all killed. YOU FAILED ! [CLICK THIS] NOOB!

8 result. A small victory, at least. We did lose, and run, but we did a huge dent on their numbers. Sadly, the Gurkhas could have been put to much better use. Their outdated rifles were ineffective against Japanese tanks. [Roughly 3000 men left. About 4000 Japanese estimated to be taken out by my men.] Now, we have to run. -17 Jan 1942. NEXT! [CLICK THIS]

9 MAKE YOUR CHOICE “They cannot have tanks, they said”– “We have tactical advantage!” they said! The British are once again, wrong about the Japanese. You do not have much time to flee. You instructed your troops to choose… foodAmmunitionmap

10 RESULT led my troop down the dangerous jungles, away from the coastline where the japs probably were. Luckily, we had enough food to eat. We arrived at Johor safely, but had to fee again to Singapore-29 Jan 1942. NEXT! [CLICK THIS]

11 Result led my troop down the dangerous jungles, away from the coastline where the japs probably were. Luckily, we had enough ammunition to keep ourselves safe. We easily arrived at Johor but had to run away to Singapore at 29 Jan 1942. I hope that our fortress is really “impregnable”. NEXT! [CLICK THIS]

12 RESULT… MAP: led my troop down the dangerous jungles, away from the coastline where the japs probably were. In rained, and all our maps were drenched. Then, we were found by Japanese soldiers. We put up a fight but were effectively slaughtered. Some of us, including me, were kept barely kept alive and were tortured. YOU FAILED ! [CLICK THIS]

13 Story… We blew up the causeway. ever The Japanese set up their headquarters at the Sultan of Johor’s palace. We could never fire there as it belonged to our ‘friend’ (sultan of johor). How could we ever do that? Meanwhile, they also began to bomb Singapore daily. -31 Jan 1942

14 MAKE YOUR CHOICE The British just received information that the Japanese have sent a force to attack Pulau Ubin! You… Bring your troop to go and help stop them! Bring your troop to go and help stop them! OR Volunteer to stay and defend the area! 7 Feb 1942- 8 Feb 1942

15 Story & Result Many of the British went all the way to Pulau Ubin to stop the Japanese. We went to Pulau Ubin, only to find that there were so few Japanese! We had been tricked. At least we were still alive! NEXT! [CLICK THIS]

16 Story & Result Many of the British went all the way to Pulau Ubin to stop the Japanese. We stayed to guard our temporary camp. A while later, large numbers of Japanese swarmed in and slaughtered us. Some of us were tortured for a while, then killed as well. YOU FAILED ! [CLICK THIS]

17 Story… Miscommunication from Percival allowed us to lose more land and supplies. The Japanese captured our reservoirs, and Percival decided to surrender to them. I knew this could not happen…

18 MAKE YOUR CHOICE! Do you… Organize a small team to perform a guerilla raid on japan before Percival surrenders? Give Up?

19 Result The Japanese spot your team and kills off every single one of you. The British still surrender to Japan. Your effort was in vain YOU DIED ! [CLICK THIS] Remember, you have to keep Jamison alive.

20 Result You gave up, but it was the right thing to do. How would you have known that the Japanese were also short on supplies AND men? You went with Lieutenant-General Percival to the Old Ford Factory and surrendered. NEXT! [CLICK THIS]

21 YOU WIN! Although this was not the best ending that could have been, it was the right one! You kept yourself and troops alive until the end, AND stuck to the historical truth!

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