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Program Level Cadette
Patrol System Patrol leaders may be elected or appointed
Terms allow leadership experience Leader meets with patrol leaders for planning and reports. Patrol leaders meet with patrol members to plan and carry out activities. Patrol System Patrols are organized in small groups of 4-6 girls which enables every member to play an active role in the troop’s affairs. Patrols can choose a patrol name, patrol symbol, patrol flags, or signs, or develop patrol cheers which often help foster team spirit. Patrol leaders are selected after patrols are formed and are elected by the members of the patrol. They represent their patrols in the Court of Honor and wear cords on their shoulders as a sign of office. One cord stands for the troop, the other for the patrol. The cords are received at an installation ceremony. Patrol meetings are held regularly, usually during regular troop meetings. This system works well for large troops.
Town Meeting Moderator elected by girls
Moderator leads discussion and agenda Leader advises moderator Moderator’s term set to allow girls leadership opportunities. Leader Moderator Town Meeting There is no formal government in this system. Everyone participates in decision-making and leadership. A discussion moderator may be elected or selected at random to guide troop discussions. The whole troop works together to establish a group consensus on issues that effect the troop. This system works well in small groups.
Executive Committee Leader Girls elect officers
Officers meet and confer about troop operations and plans Leader advises Girls may vote on options developed by executive committee Committee serves for a term of 1 month, 1 quarter, 1/2 year or to allow all girls to experience leadership roles. Executive Board In this system, there is one leadership team for the whole group. There are four officers (president, vice president or member at large, secretary, treasurer) who are elected by the troop to represent them. Main responsibilities are to help make plans and assign jobs for activities or projects. Girls need to decide how to feed their ideas and suggestions to the board. This could be a simple suggestion box at a troop meeting. This system tends to work well with smaller troops.
Girl’s Guide to Girl Scouting
Cadette Welcome to the Cadette session of information on the Cadette Girl’s Guide to Girl Scouting. My name is ________________________________, (also include any background about what you do for Girl Scouts, when you were a Cadette leader, etc) and I will be leading this session.
Cadette Girl Scouts Membership Star and white disc
Choice of the New Profiles or Traditional Girl Scout Membership Membership Star and white disc
Special Opportunity Awards
Cadette Girl Scouts Special Opportunity Awards Bridge to Girl Scout Senior Award Girl Scout Cadette Safety Award Girl Scout Cookie Sale Activity pin Girl Scouts Global Action Award My Promise My Faith, Year 1 My Promise My Faith, Year 2 My Promise My Faith, Year 3 World Thinking Day Award Cadette Summit Award
National Leadership Awards
Community Service bars One bar for each age level (Cadette, Senior and Ambassador). Provide 20 hours of service to an organization (not Girl Scouts). Details are in the Girl’s Guide to Girl Scouting. Form for reporting hours of service is on our website, Service to Girl Scouting bars Provide 20 hours of service to Girl Scouts. The Torch Award One award for each age level (Cadette, Senior and Ambassador). Complete one Leadership Journey. Serve for one full term in a leadership position. Examples: At your school, church, library, community center, after school club, or similar organization.
LiA and Program Aide Leader in Action (LiA) Awards
Cadettes only. There are three different LiA awards, one for each of the Journey series. LiA is earned by assisting a Brownie Troop to complete any of the three Journeys. To earn the LiA, girls will share their organizational skills, use one of their special talents, teach Brownies something important from their Journey and reflect on their experience. Requirements for each LiA award is listed in the Brownie Journey Adult Guides. Earning the LiA award is a pre-requisite for the Program Aide pin. Program Aide pin (PA) Program Aides learn to work directly with younger girls in settings such as Troop activities, Council or Service Unit events/day camps. To earn the Program Aide pin, girls must: Earn one LiA award. Complete a GSCCS Program Aide Core Training course. Work directly with younger girl over six activity sessions.
Troop Crests Also new in The Girl’s Guide to Girl Scouting are updated Troop Crests. The descriptions include the various ways each symbol has been interpreted over the years so that girls can consider those meanings as they choose their own troop crest. There are two versions of the troop crest descriptions posted: A younger version for Brownies and Juniors and an older version for Cadettes, Seniors and Ambassadors. If your troop already has a troop crest, you may certainly keep it. If you have a new troop, or the girls are ready for a new one because they’ve bridged or want a change, then these are their choices.
Here is a brief overview of what a badge looks like…
Here is a brief overview of what a badge looks like….same shape as before They are now all called badges regardless of your grade-level. There are bright graphics, interesting sidebars, tips about history, and ideas of what to do for more fun. Each badge has a purpose (what skill girls will build). Each badge has five steps – a girl must complete all to earn the badge. Each step has three choices for HOW to complete the step. Girls only have to do one, but are free to do more if they’re having fun. Each badge includes a journey tie-in. These are very loose tie-ins, similar to the ones we’ve seen in the online journey maps. It’s a way to help girls and you figure out ways to earn badges as they’re doing journeys. Finally, every badge has a few ideas about how a girl can give service with her new skill. This is in reference to Juliette Gordon Low’s famous quote that a badge is a sign that a girl has developed a skill well enough to give service to it. Does she have to do this to earn the badge? Absolutely not! It’s just planting a seed for girls – now that they know how to do this, how could they help others? Another change you’ll notice is that badges intentionally take time. Hurrying girls through badge requirements in a one-day event wasn’t ever a lasting way to help girls gain a skill. These are proficiency badges, so they are meant to take girls time as they develop their skill and discover more about a topic. That means, when a girl takes the time to earn a badge, we need to make sure we really recognize her efforts, and help parents see the importance of every badge. It’s not about how many badges a girl earns, it’s about the skills she gains! (Repeat that sentence if necessary, to make certain volunteers hear it.) 12
Working with the Journeys and Earning Badges
These 3 Journey Awards can be earned along with the Skill Building Badge Sets (see slide). In the It’s your World Change It, aMAZE, the journey will take the girls through all life’s twists and turns to create true friendships, plenty of confidence, and maybe even peace. With the It’s Your Planet, Love It Journey- Breathe, as girls explore the air, they’ll investigate the environment inside and out as they gain an aerial view of everything “air” from wind to noise to deforestation. In the It’s Your Story-Tell It!, MEdia, girls are encouraged to explore the great, big multimedia world and remake media to better reflect the reality they know. Example: as girls are working on their aMAZE journey, as they are thinking about friendships and relationships, perhaps they could write a script for a play to show younger girls about what they have learned along their journey. Writing the script would be one of the 5 steps in Screenwriter. And you know that Screenwriter is also going to cross over into MEdia as well!
Financial Literacy and Cookie Business Badges
When it is product sales time, take the opportunity to teach the girls about handling and using money by doing Budgeting, Comparison Shopping or Financing My Dreams. When it is time for cookie sales, Business Plan, Marketing and Think Big are great ways to learn about the cookies and how to sell them. It is suggested that girls earn one of the Financial Literacy and Cookie Business Badges for each year at that grade level. One a year for the three years of Cadettes!
3 Journeys for Girl Scout Cadettes
It’s Your World. Change it! aMAZE Interact –Diplomat -Peacemaker It’s Your Planet. Love it! Breathe Affirm –Alert -- Aware It’s Your Story. Tell It! Media Monitor – Influence - Cultivate Notes to share with participants: Within the program for Girl Scout Cadettes there are many opportunities for leadership training, earning awards, taking trips, etc. Part of your job is letting the girls know what all of their options are in Girl Scouting. On the next slides you will find most of the programs listed. What does this list suggest to you about the older girl program in Girl Scouting? There are many different types of things that older girls can choose to do. The older girl experience isn't always about earning awards. There are many ways girls can build leadership skills. There are lots of ways to just have fun! Girls can give back to the community with the Community Service Awards and by becoming a Program Aide for the Girl Scouting community. Girls can choose to complete several Girl Scout Leadership Journeys and the Girl Scout Silver Award. Spend some time at the following web sites to find out more about the options available to older girls:
Cadettes Can Travel with GS
Destinations Consider council sponsored older girl programs and travel opportunities. Obtain printed materials from council and/or print out pages from Activate Say: these are unique opportunities for older girls. There are national and international events. Some require applications. Some are for individuals and some are for groups. Of course girls can design their own trips and experiences. Invite participants to read through several of the options from the GSUSA Web Page. Debrief Who would share an event they thought exciting? Do you think your girls would find this events worth working toward with fundraising, applications, etc? Apply Write a sentence about Destinations in your Workbook to share with your girls
Destination Sample 2013 Madison, Wisconsin Hollywood, California
Event Name Location CampHERO Madison, Wisconsin Hollywood Dreamin’ Hollywood, California Virgin Islands Sailing Adventure Virgin Islands, United States Territory Wilderness Adventure Photography Sacramento, California Destination Sample 2013 New Year’s in London: 2013 London, England New Zealand: Twenty Thirteen Auckland, New Zealand Rainforest, River and Reef San Jose, Costa Rica Scuba & Sea Turtle Adventure Bocas del Toro, Panama, Costa Rica Sea Turtle Retreat (Costa Rica) Stavanger Jamboree, Norway Stavanger, Norway Swiss Challenge, Our Chalet Adelboden, Switzerland Adrenaline Rush Atlanta, GA Alaska All-Around Adventure Expedition Anchorage, Alaska Event Name Location Adventure in Peru Lima, Peru Amazon Adventure: Peru Andes Trekking: Peru Cusco, Peru Catching Waves in Costa Rica San Jose, Costa Rica Costa Rica Service Challenge Galapagos Islands Santa Cruz, Galapagos, Ecuador Germany Castles in the Sky Munich, Germany Iceland Exploration Reykjavik, Iceland Incredible India Mumbai, India Ireland MultiSport Adventure Tollymore, Ireland London: The Global City London, England Mexico Mayan Jungle Adventure Tampico, Mexico
Silver Award Silver Award Girl(s) and Leader take Gold/Silver Training
The Silver Award is the highest award a Girl Scout Cadette can achieve. Silver Award Girl(s) and Leader take Gold/Silver Training Complete one Cadette Journey Solo or Team Award (maximum of four girls) Suggested 50 hour project Silver Award Project must improve the community in a significant and continuing way. 18
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