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Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad -Tushar Gupta CH12B1024 -Parth Shrivastava CH12B1018 Project Little Finger.

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Presentation on theme: "Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad -Tushar Gupta CH12B1024 -Parth Shrivastava CH12B1018 Project Little Finger."— Presentation transcript:

1 Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad -Tushar Gupta CH12B1024 -Parth Shrivastava CH12B1018 Project Little Finger

2 Basic Idea The basic idea behind making this Tank Prototype is to learn how to use wireless communication between a remote and a machine and to see the physical working of motors and circuits. Moreover this project also helps us understand and implement the concepts of physics that we have learnt for so many years and never implemented. This project is like a dream which has finally been put into practicality. A Leap Of Faith into the beautiful world of engineering, full of new and exciting creations.

3 Practical Applications  The project prototype is used to make the much used by the US Army’s Autonomous Surveillance Bot (ASB).  ASB is a machine which is used by the Defense to scan and troop unknown area without putting human lives at risk in the process of exploration.  ASB helps in chalking out a rough map using the infrared mechanism. Also it is able to scan for IEDs so as to prevent ambushes on the Armed Forces.

4 Components Main ModelWireless Remote 100 Rpm MotorsBread Boards Robo TyresRF Module Cycle chainsEncoder & Decoder IC PVC pipesBatteries Wooden PlanksAntennae Nuts & BoltsLEDs Mechanix Steel platesSwitches Dummy Motors

5 Basic Project Model

6 Wireless Remote: Circuit

7 Working Principle Of Wireless Remote  This radio frequency (RF) transmission project employs Amplitude Shift Keying (ASK) with transmitter/receiver (Tx/Rx) pair operating at 434 MHz. The transmitter module takes serial input and transmits these signals through RF. The transmitted signals are received by the receiver module placed away from the source of transmission.  The system allows one way communication between two nodes, namely, transmission and reception. The RF Module has been used in conjunction with a set of four channel encoder/decoder ICs. Here HT12E & HT12D have been used as encoder and decoder respectively. The encoder converts the parallel inputs (from the remote switches) into serial set of signals. These signals are serially transferred through RF to the reception point. The decoder is used after the RF receiver to decode the serial format and retrieve the original signals as outputs.

8 References  Http:// Http://   Special Thanks To- Robotics Club, IIT Hyderabad & Sci-Tech Council, IIT Hyderabad.

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