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Innovative, adaptive, globally connected, and networked threats embedded in the population Diverse combination of regular forces, irregular forces and criminal elements all unified to achieve mutually benefitting effects Engage at small unit level where they perceive a greater chance to obtain overmatch and achieve success Increased reliance on ATGMs, robotics, IEDs, and unmanned aerial systems Layers of multiple interconnected networks (financial, political, criminal, gangs…) Employ electronic warfare to counter US precision by jamming GPS and communications networks and exploiting cyber capability Use underground facilities to increase protection Conduct sophisticated information campaigns designed to erode US will over time

Adaptable Soldiers and Leaders Sustained Adaptation Campaign of Learning Unified Quest Lessons Learned Adaptive Development and Delivery Systems Gaming is used at Ft Benning to: teach key points demonstrate understanding of knowledge gained in the classroom critical thinking processes enhance student understanding of Full Spectrum Operations Learning Research Thinking Soldiers – Learning Army!

4 CURRENT GAMES Programs of Record Virtual Battlespace 2 (VBS2)*
UrbanSIM* Technologies of Interest Enhanced Dynamic Geo-Social Environment (EDGE) Emergent Leader Immersive Training Environment (ELITE) DiGUY Aegis Vampire Steel Beasts Decisive Action Brigade Level (DABL) Crucible of Command Train as you Fight Elusive Victory Virtual Systems Integration Close Combat Tactical Trainer (CCTT)* Aviation Combined Arms Tactical Trainer (AVCATT)* Call for Fire Trainer (CFFT)* These are some of the games utilized to train Soldiers at Fort Benning. Each fills a different training gap. Programs of Record * Virtual Battlespace 2 (VBS2)* - POR for 4 years, primary is CIED (how it first was used), small unit tactics at RTB * UrbanSIM* - MCCC Technologies of Interest * Emergent Leader Immersive Training Environment (ELITE) -- ABOLC primary for pilot, IBOLC after followed by OCS, NCOA, WLC -- Brought by STTC/ ICT in spring 2011 * DiGUY – demo in fall 2011, used by 316th in May 2012 * Enhanced Dynamic Geo-Social Environment (EDGE) – brought 9 January * Aegis Vampire – over a year, model’s flying UAVs for inclement weather training * Steel Beasts – MCCC – Mechanized Company level, constructive, watch COAs play back with feedback * Decisive Action Brigade Level (DABL) – MCCC staff level, constructive, watch COAs play back with feedback * Crucible of Command – IBOLC, MCCC brought by LTC Allen at Fort Leavenworth * Train as you Fight – Constructive trainer (formerly known as Follow Me), squad, platoon, and company level. Build scenario and watch it play, brought by LTC Allen at Fort Leavenworth * Elusive Victory – MCCC, stability operations Virtual Systems Integration – with VBS2 to assist with enhancement of full spectrum operations Used for squad leader and above CFFT used by NCOA, IBOLC, RTB We have included CCTT as it is a critical piece to training future maneuver leaders as it is deeply integrated into the other gaming systems. Additionally there is a prototype Dismounted Soldier Training System. The MCoE begins user assessment testing of DSTS in mid April 2012. Non-program of record games are utilized because they better meet a training requirement and assist in the generation of requirements for future games. NEXT SLIDE * - Program of Record

VBS2 is the GFT Flagship Application Most widely utilized simulation in our MTCs Company level collective training BN/BDE collective training G3: Inform/Educate/Train DoD personnel on the use of game technology for military training. O1: Provide tutorials for DoD personnel that maximize their ability to use game technology fielded within DoD. VBS2 A 3D first-person games-for-training platform that provides realistic semi-immersive environments. Numerous U.S. Army, Marine Corps and US Air Force equipment is modeled in this game. Over 64 persons can join the same exercise on a network, it comes with a 3D scenario editor and it is compatible with DIS and HLA providing integration with Live, Virtual, Constructive architectures. Used for: Video creation of events / Utilized for Institutional Education / Utilized for Operational Training / Component as a blended solution for other PORs / Used as a MSN Planning/ Rehearsal Tool / Replicates geo-specific terrain / Environment, Enabler, blended capability / Crawl level simulation for gated TNG prior to live events. At Company level collective training: The Mission Training Complex at Fort Lewis, WA, created V-STX using VBS2. V-STX supports home station combined arms maneuver training for an entire infantry company in a virtual OE at the same time. They received the 2011 Army M&S award for training with this effort. AT BN/BDE collective training: The Fort Stewart Mission Training Complex completed a 5 day BCT CPX for the 2d HBCT, 3rd Infantry Division using VBS2 as the primary exercise driver. The success and low cost of this CPX is now being passed to 4th IBCT, 3rd ID CPX exercise. TSPs The purpose of the Training Support Packages (TSP) are to provide standardized and approved curriculum to instructors and Soldiers who will be using Games for Training products. There are 91 TSPs that cover 130 individual and collective tasks from seven branch proponents (Maneuver, Military Police, Engineers, Fires, Intelligence, Sustainment, and Aviation). The GFT Training Support Packages (TSPs) provide units with training materials in a graphic novel format. The training materials for each TSP include instructor’s guide, doctrinal overview, task overview, exercise overview, CONOP materials and an appropriate VBS2 scenario for each TSP. These are turn-key products, ready to use as soon as you download them. You can find all GFT TSPs available to download in the Milgaming Repository

6 Operation BlackJack: Integration of Live and Virtual Training
316th Cavalry Brigade Army Reconnaissance Course Live/Virtual Integration Operation BlackJack: Integration of Live and Virtual Training AO Destroyer AO Crazyhorse Phase I Phase II Dismounted Reconnaissance (West) Mounted Route Recon (East) Significant Changes to BLACKJACK and Why Observations: High competition for eastern AO, environmental concerns, and desire to incorporate all previously learned knowledge, led us to look anew at OPERATION BLACKJACK at Fort Benning. After much analysis of advantages/disadvantages of operations at Fort Knox and with the new environment of Fort Benning, we changed a few things to get at a higher learning level, compliant with environmental constraing, our training mission, and the guidance outlined in ALM 2015: Added a full hours of dismounted platoon operations in order to expose students to the unique challenges of sustaining a high tempo reconnaissance operation dismounted. Test the ability to communicate over long distances, manage risk, rest, Reconnaissance and Security priorities, and platoon-level movement and maneuver. (Note: Intend to grow to an air assault insertion.) Replaced student-level force on force operations with a plotting and hunting red cell (irregular force) staffed by cadre. The intent is two-fold: students are held accountable for being unsound tactically, and instructors practice the art of terrain/threat analysis and anticipation of threat contact. Both groups learn more from this than having two platoons with limited experience maneuvering around each other in a high risk environmental area. Created a context in which all three platoons operate staggered under the same operational purpose, which allows for a more consistent learning experience and AAR. Added the route reconnaissance phase, which requires rapid problem solving and integration of new capabilities. Added VBS-2 phase, which provides the unique opportunity to plan, integrate, and demonstrate competence at applying capabilities such as CAS, CCA, and surface fires to a reconnaissance operation. - Four Phase operation: PH I is a dismounted area recon in AO Apache, PH II is a mounted RTE recon from AO Apache to AO Crazyhorse, PH III is a zone recon of AO Crazyhorse and AO Destroyer with establishment of a screen along PL Oilers, PH IV is execution of the screen in VBS-2. PLTs are equipped with Strykers and HMMWVs for PHII-III. During PHIV the students execute a screen and incorporate CAS, IDF and organic assets. Phase III Phase IV AO Bandit Use of Supporting Assets-Joint/ Surface Fires in gaming environ AO Apache Mounted and Dismounted R&S Opn PL Rams Screening Operations Unclassified Ph IV Screening operations conducted using Virtual Battlespace 2 gaming system. 6

7 Adding the Human Dimension to Gaming Training
316th Cavalry Brigade Adding the Human Dimension to Gaming Training MISSION: 316 CAV BDE incorporates Human Simulation Software to improve training using gaming technology in ABOLC, ARC, and CLC. INTENT: The purpose is to add human characteristics and patterns of life activity to simulate real world challenges faced when conducting Unified Land Operations. Incorporating this software within VBS-2 framework improves human dimension training in 316 CAV and compliments future ASAT training in ABOLC. ENDSTATE: Human Simulation Software incorporated into all applicable VBS-2 training in 316 CAV. METHOD: Contracted Expertise We are finalizing the acquisition packet to initiate a contract with DI-Guy in order to incorporate the software suite within our reconnaissance training strategy. Currently working through G6 to certify software on the Army Network Estimated cost is $121,250K. 2ea Small Unit Leader Interface (SULI) Station $45,000 2ea BIO Metrics Intelligence Database (BID)& Intelligence Report Tracker (IRT) Module $5,000 2ea Unmanned Aerial Surveillance (UAS) Module $5,000 One week training class on-site for up to six students $10,000 1ea Floating license (Upgrade DI-Guy License from node-locked to floating) = $1,250 1 Year Software Maint Pilot execution ~ days from contract award ABOLC Redesign- at DRM for processing (ACRB) ASAT- currently we have integrated/scheduled 9 courses beginning 11 April with a DP of 19 July IOT build new POI KIOSK 4ea arrive 6 Jan 12 1ea Command Message/Safety 1 ea Patton Bio/History 1ea Student interface with Learning engagement APPS 1ea VBS2 videos) Virtual Task Trainers- Basic Elec & ACOF currently under development Mobile App Development- ISO STRATCOM Initiative develop Apps for the M1A2 PLATFORM (PUT ON AKO/ATN theme Armor School “Training Soldiers for Today and Tomorrow”) -M1A2 Prep to Fire Checks -Plum and Synch the M1A2 -Culminate the MBD Bore sight the M1A2 Tank Conduct Screening Conduct AACs VBS 2 Videos under Development -Armor Movement Videos (Complete) -9 Line MEDEVAC (Currently under development) -Battle Drills (Actions Drills, Contact Drills) -Screen -Defense Operations -Section Movement Techniques 3D Interactive Multimedia Instruction Development - ABOLC weapons with the appropriate data that establishes a thorough concept illustrating a solution that will incorporate the required 3D animation, component breakouts, mouse over highlights, user interaction and informative dialog for five selected weapon systems, Cal.50, 240, 249, M4 and MK19.(Inc Cycles of function, ACOG, CCO and PAQ 4) 7

8 Problem Solving + Immersive Learning
NCOA Developing Critical Thinking in an Enhanced Dynamic Geo-Social Environment (EDGE) EDGE IS: A government-owned prototype designed to provide a highly accurate Virtual Environment representing relevant Operational Environments utilizing the latest Massively Multiplayer Online Gaming (MMOG) to complement existing Army training methodologies. Persistent 24/7 training capability Training at the point of need Training and enablers from multiple locations Lesson Objective: Demonstrate complex problem solving skills through the application of critical and creative thinking in a tactical scenario that involves Attack the Network concepts while engaged in Unified Land Operations. Infantryman Advanced Leader Course (ALC) Attack the Network (AtN) Task Initial pilot conducted 30 Jan-2 Feb 12 Problem Solving + Immersive Learning

9 Emergent Leader Immersive Training Environment (ELITE)
Classroom Instruction 30 minutes ELITE & Group Practice 10 minutes Instructor- Facilitated AAR 15 minutes Introduce learning objectives Review concepts, processes, principles Show case examples Additional Repetitions Individual trainee practices in immersive environment Rest of class following along and choosing their own COA using “clickers” Instructor monitoring and interjecting during experience as necessary Review exercise (individual and class) Reinforce concepts, processes & principles Provides feedback to entire class Enhances junior leader’s abilities in the perishable skill of counseling Soldiers while giving them “free” iterations in a simulated environment

The Immersive Learning Lab (ILL) run by DOTD provides an environment to assess technologies to determine which products best support the Maneuver Force. Mission: Develop and assess case applications for existing simulation programs and emerging technology to determine which products best support training and leader development for maneuver forces brigade and below. KEY TASKS: Serve as MCoE primary point of contact for new training technology and teaching/learning methodologies Conduct assessments to determine which products best address training and leader development requirements for maneuver forces brigade and below Use assessment results to enhance product development and to shape future requirements Promote MCoE unit/organization involvement in identifying and applying instructional technology capabilities Collaborate with appropriate Joint/Interagency units, organizations, and labs to leverage best practices and synchronize efforts Identify, validate, and create mobile applications and scenarios for gaming tools that support MCoE courses and home station training No ‘silver bullet’ - allows MCOE to leverage new technology and effectively integrate multiple initiatives to find the best solution for the most realistic training. 10

Current Avatar Individual Avatars’ performance determined by height, weight, weapons QUAL, and PT scores VBS-2 battle demonstrated major performance differences between current generic Avatars and Avatars modified to represent actual Soldier data Next Avatar Soldier Load Qualifications (Driver, Crew, Maint, Grenade) Go/NoGo Task Org, Enabler Integration Team/Crew stabilization OE Integration (landscape, friendly, enemy, neutrals) Soldier motivation and goal setting Collective Training (force on force, Rehearsals) Automated Resiliency Score Sheet Key is tying virtual to live to improve Soldier / Team development and performance The Soldier avatar, as discussed in the previous slide, will be an important component of our Soldiers training and leadership development process. The avatar will stay with the Soldier throughout his career, will be regularly updated, and will be linked to goals and objectives. Individual Soldier capabilities will be programmed into virtual and constructive simulations training and will provide continuous awareness of personal strengths and weaknesses. This will allow both the Soldier, and his leadership, to focus training efforts on subject areas that require greater attention. Near Term Cost Estimate for Further Experimentation and Development : $TBD

12 CONCLUSION Gaming enables: complex environment replication
repetition in changing conditions distributed capability effective training with reduced resources NEXT SLIDE


14 Simulations that Support the Squad
An Emerging Training Strategy The Squad: Foundation of the Decisive Force A Challenge for All Three Domains Simulations that Support the Squad EST Marksmanship Coordination of Fires Shoot-Don’t-Shoot HEAT Rollover drills HITS Live Training AAR Blended Training IEWTPT/HCC Soldier Modeling Responds to questions with answers Role Player Avatar Cross CoE Coordination FUTURE Approx DSTS/CCTT/RVTT Collective Training Weapons Employment Mission Rehearsal C-IED/ASAT Attack the Network Shadow Boxes Petting Zoo Dismounted IED Lanes CDT Driving Course All-Terrain Driving Vehicle Commands CFFT II/AVCATT Conduct fire support missions Plan Fires This slide depicts the TADSS that will be needed to train the squad and its leadership. Please note there are no new ones on here, but emerging ones will probably have to be P3I’s to ensure that can do all that is needed. VBS2/VBS2 FIRES Squad Tactics Collective Training Mission Rehearsal Planned Fires

Individual Soldier: Mental Physical Moral-Ethical Socio Cultural MCoE Staff: Planning Execution Administration Transition Fus i on Realism Human Dimension ALOTT, Games for Training EST 2000, DSTS, HITS, Games for Training Leader (BCT and Below): Agile & Adaptive Lead Manage Develop Self & Subordinates Reduce Overhead (Aggregate Units) Maintain Realism Add Enablers Our training strategy for the institution is just as much of a challenge as it is for the operational domain. Training includes Initial Entry Training, leader training, and staff training at the battalion and brigade level. It includes initial entry Soldiers, training Sergeants, lieutenant training, captain training, the pre-command course, and functional courses such as Ranger, Airborne, Sniper, Master Gunner, etc. Just as with operational training Echelons above brigade and JIIM enablers need to be included in training. This is exacerbated by the fact that there are NO subordinate Soldiers or leaders for MCoE leader training and the role-players for those positions must be filled by other members of the course. An ability to reduce the overhead required to conduct all aspects of training is critical to accomplishing training in a timely manner. The end state for Soldier training is a fit, trained, and disciplined Soldier. The end state for leader training are Critically Thinking, Agile, and Adaptive Leaders Games for Training ALOTT, CCTT/DSTS, HITS, Immersive Learning Lab (ELITE) Integrate EAB and JIIM enablers via LVCG for Staff and Leader Training Link to other CoEs as required Develop Critically Thinking, Agile, and Adaptive Soldiers and Leaders

16 DIGITAL APPS Goal Setting and Soul Strong Apps already developed
19 Digital Apps currently under development: Cultural Awareness (Negotiation/ Use of Interpreters) Ranger Patrol Assessment M1A2 and Bradley (Prep to Fire Checks/Gunnery Skills Test) FDC Procedures/ Forward Observer (interactive GTAs) Critical Thinking 13 additional Apps being resourced for future development Exploits technology, saves money, and provides information and resources for Soldiers and leaders.

17 Base Case vs Avatar in VBS2
Exiting VBS2 algorithms Avatar Case Real Individual attributes

18 Future Gaming Employment
Fort Benning Fort Sill Fort Rucker Other COEs Intend to use methods both within and outside the MCoE to establish a holistic learning continuum across the spectrum of operations – enhanced by video game and simulation use. NEXT SLIDE BOLC NCOA CCC

19 Current Gaming Employment
BOLC NCOA CLC and ARC – use scenario driven VBS2 for vignettes CCC ABOLC VBS2 video for reinforcement of TLOs VBS2 used to facilitate blended learning and working on integration with MCCC DiGuy to integrate patterns of life analysis ELITE pilot IBOLC VBS2 lab for reinforcement of TLOs Using leader development exercises in VBS2, MCCC will issue an order that can be used by BOLC and NCOA students. The students receive real-time feedback in a near a real-life scenario. VBS2 is used most widely, so TBOC helped develop a leader development exercise to bridge gaps across the organizations. Vignettes in basic range from language training to tactical exercises. OSUT utilizes games for situational awareness training and escalation of force training. NCOA is incorporating EDGE into its critical thinking instruction. Ranger Training Brigade utilizes VBS2 for small unit tactics training and situational awareness. ALC IN Designing (EDGE) pilot to possibly integrate into lessons Exploring ASAT & Squad initiatives to implement into POIs; cadre to receive training in FY12 ALC AR On stand-by to integrate (EDGE) into POIs Pilot development: Enhanced Dynamic Geo-Social Environment (EDGE) for ALC IN Team Members: NCOA; QAO; G6 and DOTD assist for critical thinking. RTB Utilizes VBS2 for small unit movement formation training during small unit patrolling exercises.

20 Maneuver Proponent TADSS Must Protect
Unit/Leader (Co and Below) Constructive: ALOTT Games for Training* Virtual: CCTT, RVTT, DSTS Live: HITS; I-MILES Controllers & Weapons (14); CACTF Unit/Leader (Bn/Sqdn & Bde) Individual EST II Re-compete AGTS BATS Javelin BST Staff Constructive Simulation Capability down to Company/Troop ALOTT These are the TADSS that the MCoE sees as top priority, i.e. Band 1 for all three domains. Discuss challenges associated with non-system TADSS aquisition Simulations to support EAB and JIIM enablers for Staff and Leader Training Other CoE Connectivity: JTEN (Joint Training and Experimentation Network) *Need capability to reduce overhead in Games for Training (Critical).

21 MCoE Immersive Learning Lab
16 Each Work Stations Along Conference Rooms Walls Demonstration Capabilities In Center of Room Commercial Network +, NIPR & SIPR Mission: Develop and assess use case applications for existing simulation programs and emerging technology to determine which products best support training and leader development for maneuver forces brigade and below. Key Tasks: Overhead Projector Immersive Technology Learning Area Closed Loop (18 x Computers) Future Technology Workplace w/ Commercial Internet (16 x Computers) Admin 2xComp Demonstration Area Serve as MCoE primary point of contact for new training technology and teaching/learning methodologies Conduct assessments to determine which products best address training and leader development requirements for maneuver forces brigade and below Use assessment results to enhance product development and to shape future requirements Promote MCoE unit/organization involvement in identifying and applying instructional technology capabilities Collaborate with appropriate Joint/Interagency units, organizations, and labs to leverage best practices and synchronize efforts Identify, validate, and create mobile applications and scenarios for gaming tools that support MCoE courses and home station training Previous Work: Received and assessed over 50 product demonstrations EDGE development and training Developed use case application for ELITE Avatar Development VBS2 Scenario Validation Mission Command Process Trainer (MCPT) Evaluation Future Initiatives: EDGE Pilot Real-time Adversarial Intelligence and Decision-making (RAID) assessments Collaboration with USMA Continue Avatar Development I/ITSEC Follow-up with industry App/Scenario Development Major Events: Industry Day, Lab Day, Maneuver Conference, AUSA

22 Emergent Leader Immersive Training Environment (ELITE)
RDECOM/STTC sponsored program with the Institute for Creative Technology at USC MCoE pilot to develop training “use case” for technology Initial training audience: A-BOLC and OCS Initial pilot lesson using counseling curriculum and FM 6-22 Replaces traditional PowerPoint lectures and use of role players with practice in an Immersive, Mixed Reality environment Interpersonal communication and counseling is the initial focus Creating a platform that is applicable to many types of training Virtual Human technologies Clicker-enabled interactive classrooms Instructor tools Unclassified


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