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The “Westernizing” of Russia or the “Petrine Revolution” Russia Under Peter the Great 1682-1725.

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1 The “Westernizing” of Russia or the “Petrine Revolution” Russia Under Peter the Great 1682-1725

2 RAP: An Eastern Orientation This is an image of Russian nobility, known as boyars before the reign of Peter the Great. 1. In what ways does their dress appear more “Eastern” than western ( see French below at in the same age)? 2. Based upon your reading, what reasons explain why Russia was oriented more to the East than the West (and thus, not involved in European affairs) before the Age of Peter the Great? 3. In what ways was Russia European?

3 1. Defensive: Build army/modernize state to protect Russia from Ottoman Empire, Sweden, Poland. 2. Expansionist: capture “warm water ports” of the Black and Baltic Seas and open “windows to the West” to promote trade (mercantilism). Archangel is frozen most of the year!!!!

4 1. Import Western Expertise: Use the West to defeat the West! 2. Reform Army along Western Lines 3. Mercantilism modeled on Colbert in France 4. Landholders exempt and used by Peter to carry through reforms. They get local control of serfs, Peter gets control of foreign/military and overall domestic policy. State service key to prestige and promotion in society. 5. Build great capital city to show off and promote Western influence-St. Petersburg. 6. Develop bureacracy-Senate, gubernii 7. Control religion through Holy Synod 8. Westernize people.


6 Peter the Great establishes absolutism in Russia. His reform is so radical, it is sometimes known as the Petrine Revolution.

7 *Recruit Western Experts-naval, army, engineering, math, language, etc. *Send Russians abroad to learn Western Ways. *Reform Russia along Western model.

8 RAP: The Petrine Revolution A revolution (from the Latin revolutio, "a turn around") is a fundamental change in power or organizational structures that takes place in a relatively short period of time Does the Petrine Revolution fit this definition? Yes/No Use specific Evidence from your notes to reinforce your answer.

9 K N S Peter the Great State service/military service Boyars get control over serfs. Serfs live in a state of slavery similar to African slaves in U.S. *nobles of lesser rank elevated to higher standing and gov’t. positions/army. *Loyalty as they depend upon monarch for new position. *some non-nobles become new nobles with long-term, efficient, and loyal service to the king.

10 *Permanent standing army of 100,000 drawn mostly from peasants for life. *Led by nobles who earn status by proving themselves in battle. *Weapons, uniforms, supplies from state owned businesses. Western experts train on fundamentals, discipline, tactics. Military academies set up to teach tactics, artillery use, naval strategies, etc. Decisive victory against Swedes at Poltava in1712. Showed the effectiveness of reforms. By Peter’s death Russia’s army is formidable and Russia recognized as a Great Power. *army paid for by heavy tax on male serfs, goods traded, beards, etc.

11 The Great Victory at Poltava against the Swedes.

12 kokoshnik

13 Fedosia Morozova, an 'Old Believer,' hauled off to a convent, by Vasily Surikov

14 Peter opens up “windows to the west” and begins a Russian policy to expand into areas where there are warm water ports. St. Petersburg just as symbolic as the Escorial or Versailles. It shows a new orientation of Russia to the west.


16 Peterhof or “Peter’s court” Great Cascade-symbolize defeat of Charles XII in Great Northern War.



19 Again, Nobles given control over local affairs, control serfs, and give power to the Tsar. They serve the king in civil service, army, and other bureaucratic duties. Peter controls state, army, religion, finances, trade, economy.

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