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The U.S. in World War II Section 1: Mobilizing for Defense Section 2: The War for Europe and North Africa Section 3: The War in the Pacific Section 4:

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Presentation on theme: "The U.S. in World War II Section 1: Mobilizing for Defense Section 2: The War for Europe and North Africa Section 3: The War in the Pacific Section 4:"— Presentation transcript:

1 The U.S. in World War II Section 1: Mobilizing for Defense Section 2: The War for Europe and North Africa Section 3: The War in the Pacific Section 4: The Home Front

2 Effect of World War II on U.S. New Technology New Prosperity New Position of Power in the World Visit:

3 Theatres of War Eastern Europe Western Europe North Africa / Italy Far East / Pacific Soviets v. Germany Allies v. Germany Allies v. Germany / Italy Allies v. Japan

4 Which Area to Concentrate on First?? Germany First Defeat of Japan will not end the war, but defeat of Germany will leave Japan all alone Closer cultural ties with countries occupied by Germany Germany most direct threat to the Western Hemisphere, European Trade, the Atlantic Ocean, and Latin America Fear Germany might develop weapons powerful enough to take over the world. (Nuclear and Rockets) Germany might defeat Soviet Union and eliminate the two front war that is an allied advantage.

5 Battle of the Atlantic Hitler’s U-boats cause huge losses to American ships that are lifeline to Britain Convoy System escorted by destroyers Use of Sonar – Sound Navigation Ranging Apparatus Use of Radar – Radio Detecting and Ranging Equipment Ariel surveillance Crash Shipbuilding Program Mid-1943 the tide turns

6 Eastern Front Siege and Battle of Stalingrad –August 1942 to Feb. 1943 –Germans lost 150,000 and 91,000 were captured –Soviets lost 1,100,000 defending the city –Turning point of war –Hitler wouldn’t allow a retreat

7 Opening A Western Front Soviets pressure British and U.S. to open a second front Looked at a cross channel invasion British and U.S. decide they are not ready for this and opt to invade North Africa

8 North Africa Operation Torch –Nov. 8, 1942 –1 st major Allied Amphibious operation in European Theatre of North Africa –Dwight D. Eisenhower – commander –Landings in Casablanca, Oran, and Algiers (see map page 572)

9 General Erwin Rommel “Desert Fox” Commander of German Afrika Korps German forces surrender in May 1943 Forced to take poison after he is implicated in the plot to kill Hitler

10 Casablanca Conference January 1943 Churchill and Roosevelt Agree to accept only Unconditional Surrender of Axis Powers Look at amassing large army to invade France across the English Channel Agree to the invasion of Italy first

11 Italian Campaign Invasion of Sicily - Operation Husky –July 1943 Mussolini forced to resign Invasion of Italian Peninsula –Sept. 1943 –Germans plan to hold Italy –Bloody Anzio 4 months 25,000 Allied Causalities 30,000 Axis Causalities

12 Mussolini’s Fate Mussolini rescued by the Germans and installed as a puppet dictator in German controlled Italy Mussolini discovered by Italian Partisans in April, 1945, as he attempted to sneak across the Austrian border with his mistress Mussolini and his mistress were killed and hung upside down in a plaza in Milan

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