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Essential Question What factors led Europeans to explore North America?

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Presentation on theme: "Essential Question What factors led Europeans to explore North America?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Essential Question What factors led Europeans to explore North America?

2 Spanish Defeat & New Colonization Chapter 2 Section 2 (Pt II)

3 England Defeats Spain In 1588, the English & Spanish navies met in the narrow waters of the English Channel – England’s defeat of Spain had 2 major effects 1.England remained Protestant and proved it was a powerful nation 2.Other European nations realized Spain could be beaten By 1600, Both England & France were competing for lands along the Atlantic coast The English govt., however, did not provide $ or incentives to start colonies, which left funding to private citizens – As a result of this approach, England did not establish a successful American colony until after 1600

4 New France

5 French Explorers Jacques Cartier and Samuel de Champlain were instrumental in the founding of New France – Cartier mapped and explored the St. Lawrence River, while later using Cartier’s maps, Champlain sailed up the St. Lawrence and established fur trading outpost at: Port Royal Quebec Montreal While sailing down the Mississippi R., French Explorers Marquette & Joliet established a series of fur trading posts & missions They lived amongst and learned from the Natives rather than attempting to conquer them This approach helped establish long-lasting peaceful relations between French trappers/traders & the Natives.

6 Marquette & Joliet

7 New Netherland

8 After Hudson’s voyage in 1609, the Dutch established the colony of New Netherland – This colony was located in modern-day NY It became prosperous b/c of an abundant fur trade It was also attractive to a diverse pop. b/c the Dutch were proponents of religious freedom – The city of New Amsterdam became the center of the colony The city was located on Manhattan Island, the site of present-day New York City – The Dutch acquired Manhattan from local Natives for the equivalent of $25 in trade goods!!

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