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{ Unit 5- Russia.  Analyze natural resources of Russia and understand why and where they come from.  Answer and analyze all questions of geographic.

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Presentation on theme: "{ Unit 5- Russia.  Analyze natural resources of Russia and understand why and where they come from.  Answer and analyze all questions of geographic."— Presentation transcript:

1 { Unit 5- Russia

2  Analyze natural resources of Russia and understand why and where they come from.  Answer and analyze all questions of geographic history of Russian landforms, vegetation, and climate.  GHW.1.2 Standards and Objectives


4  Ural Mountains- Mark tradition boundary between European Russia and Asian Russia.  Series of mountains, average height 2,000ft.  Rich in iron ore, and mineral fuels such as oil and natural gas.  Caucasus Mountains- Between the Black & Caspian Seas.  Area by Black Sea attracted human settlement.  Mount Elbrus (extinct volcano) reaches 18,510 feet (Russia’s Highest Point) Landforms- Mountains

5  Ural Mountains

6  Caucasus Mountains

7  Central Siberian Plateau- rolling plateau, elevations ranging from 1,600 to 2,300 feet.  Swiftly flowing rivers have carved out canyons.  Siberia- Eastern Russia, Arctic and Subarctic Region of Russia.  Kamchatka Peninsula has more than 100 volcanoes, 29 are active.  Cold, mostly Asian type population  Trans-Siberian Railroad- network of railways connecting Moscow with the Russian Far East and the East sea.  Connected Moscow with Vladivostok since 1916 and is still being expanded. Landforms- Plateaus

8  Central Siberian Plateau

9  Northern European Plain- “Russian Plain, sweeps across Western and Central Europe into Russia  Northern half- very flat and poorly drained, creating swamps and lakes.  Southern half- navigable waterways and a rich black soil known as chernozem.  Chernozem supports production of wheat, barley, rye, oats, and many other crops.  About 75% of the Russian population lives in the Northern Plain. Holds Moscow and St. Petersburg.  West Siberian Plain- Almost 1 million square miles. One of the worlds Largest areas of flatland.  At widest plain stretches from Arctic Ocean to grasslands of Central Asia.  Lowland areas poorly drained with swamps and marshes. Landforms- Plains Areas

10 Red Square in Moscow St. Petersburg

11  Rivers  Arctic Basin  Drains more then 1,750,000 cubic feet water per second into Arctic Ocean  Volga Basin  Volga River (Mother Volga) from Moscow to Caspian Sea  4 th Longest  Supplies 33% of Russia’s usable water  Amur River  Border between Russia and China  Most of Russia’s longest rivers which carry 84% of country’s water are located in Siberia, where only 25% of the Russian population lives. Water Systems

12  Lakes  Caspian Sea- saltwater lake  Arial Sea- saltwater lake, shrinking  Lake Baikal- Located in Southern Siberia.  Deepest lake in world.  400 miles long, 40 miles wide.  1 mile deep.  20% of worlds fresh drinking water. Water Systems

13  Lake Baikal

14  Minerals & Energy- fossil fuels, large petroleum deposits, 16% of world’s coal reserves, leads world in nickel production, aluminum, gemstones, platinum-group metals, Russia’s rivers large producer of hydroelectric power.  Cold Culture- only 10% can support agriculture.  Permafrost- permanent frozen layer of soil, lies beneath the surface of the ground.  High Fishing industry- diet and economy  1/5 of world's forest lands lie in Russia, most in Siberia.  Supply much of the world's timber- pine, fir-spruce, and cedar. Natural Resources

15  High-Latitude  Subarctic -90 degrees  Forest- Taiga- largest Coniferous forest on earth, ½ of world’s softwood timber, 2/5 of Western Russia  Tundra- treeless plain, hugs arctic seas, covers 10%  Continentality- Extreme Variations in Temp. & little precipitation Climate & Vegetation

16  Midlatitude  Humid continental- 9 Degrees  Steppe- Between Black/Caspian seas, North MTNS, grasslands/ Chernozem  Overgrazing and foreign plants introduced  Russian Winter  Defeat of Napoleon I 1812  Defeat of Germans WWII Climate & Vegetation

17 {

18 What is the traditional boundary between EuroRussia and AsiaRussia 1. Caucasus Mountains 2. Central Siberian Plateau 3. Ural Mountains

19 What did the Trans-Siberian Railroad connect? 1. North & South Russia 2. East & West Russia 3. Russia & USA

20 What is the rich brown soil of southern part of the Northern European Plain 1. Permafrost 2. Chernozem 3. Decidous

21 Permanently Frozen layer of soil? 1. Permafrost 2. Marsh 3. Chernobyl

22 What Lake is Over 1 Mile Deep? 1. Caspian Sea 2. Ladoga Lake 3. Lake Baikal

23 1. Tundra 2. Steppe 3. Taiga World's largest boreal coniferous forest

24 1. Deforestation and acid rain 2. Introduction of foreign plants and overgrazing by animals 3. Pollution, and slaughtering of animals What has caused the soil fertility in the Steppe climate region to decline?

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