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Spirit Led Living Now today we want to talk about How does it work?

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Presentation on theme: "Spirit Led Living Now today we want to talk about How does it work?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Spirit Led Living Now today we want to talk about How does it work?
Living in a full measure of GRACE and TRUTH – Being a DISCIPLE – LIVING like Jesus lives – Loving like Jesus lives Being the SALT – BEING THE LIGHT?? HOW DOES IT WORK?? Spirit Led Living

2 How can you live in God’s blessings & promises?
1“Now it shall come to pass, if you diligently obey the voice of the LORD your God, to observe carefully all His commandments which I command you today, that the LORD your God will set you high above all nations of the earth. 2 And all these blessings shall come upon you and overtake you. Deuteronomy 28:1-3 How can you live in God’s blessings & promises? Most people will answer: By Obeying God. We live in God’s blessings & promises because of what Jesus did for us & our faith in Jesus. IF YOU ASKED an AVERAGE an EVANGELICAL CHRISTIAN TODAY…. How can a Christian be blessed by God ? 85% will say… Obey God…OBEDIENCE is IMPORTANT…BUT THAT”S NOT THE RIGHT ANSWER… If you can be blessed by OBEYING GOD...IF MANKIND CAN OBEY GOD to be SAVED & BLESSED…WE DON”T NEED JESUS CHRIST…THEY HAVE THAT SYSTEM GOING 4000 yrs ago. THE SYSTEM - TRYING TO OBEY THE LAW FAILED…NO ONE COULD MAKE IT…. WHAT MAKES US DIFFERENT THAN ANY RELIGION in the world…is that we are NOT trying to OBEY with our own strength…. BUT Through Jesus – God infinite man…already FULLY OBEYING the condition of the law to death…and rose again…and resurreced…and if you are in JESUS…YOU ARE EMPOWERED to OBEY… Jesus Already fulfill all the IFs…. So whoever…REPENT - BELIEVE him…RECEIVE HIM…LIVE in HIM… YOU ARE ENTITLED to live in God’s Blessings…ALL THESE BLESSINGS…are YOURS… John 10:10 – Living Life to the Fullest in JESUS!!

3 Justification (Pembenaran) – We are saved by GRACE through FAITH
Sanctification Glorification Justification (Pembenaran) – We are saved by GRACE through FAITH Sanctification (Pengudusan) – We are still living in this world – Tempted by sins, Living in the world with sins around us. We are called to be like Jesus – We are called to be imitator of Christ Glorification (Pemuliaan) – This is when we reach HOME meeting with JESUS! When we received the glorified body in the presence of JESUS. Today we are going to discuss this process of Sanctification… This is where a lot of confusion occurs because this happens daily in our lives… This is LIFE, walking in LIFE – so a lot of us - WE GO BACK by RELYING on ourselves again & TRYING to do the process of SANCTIFICATION with our own strength and then we struggle and then we feel guilty and condemned and we think we don’t live life to the FULLEST because we keep FAILING in this PROCESS…. (Testimony…) So what do we do? ----- NOW we understand this principle – in OUR SALVATION – So we are saved by Grace through Faith – THAT PROCESS IS CALLED JUSTIFICATION THEN AFTER JUSTIFICATION – We are still living in this world – Tempted by sins, Living in the world with sins around us. We are called to be like Jesus – We are called to be imitator of Christ This process is called – SANCTIFICATION. This is where a lot of confusion because this happens in our daily life – SO many of us - WE GO BACK by RELYING on ourselves again & TRYING to do the process of SANCTIFICATION with our own strength and then we struggle and then we feel guilty and condemned and we think we don’t live life to the FULLEST because we keep FAILING in this PROCESS. GLORIFICATION is when we reach HOME meeting with JESUS! When we received the glorified body in the presence of JESUS. So we are going to discuss this process of Sanctification and its issue this week.

4 So Christ has truly set us free
So Christ has truly set us free. Now make sure that you stay free, and don’t get tied up again in slavery to the law. … For if you are trying to make yourselves right with God by keeping the law, you have been cut off from Christ! You have fallen away from God’s grace. But we who live by the Spirit eagerly wait to receive by faith the righteousness God has promised to us. 6 For when we place our faith in Christ Jesus, there is no benefit in being circumcised or being uncircumcised. What is important is faith expressing itself in love. Gal 5:1,4-6 Paul says, we who believe in Christ are enabled by the Spirit, through faith in Christ – We have been Justified in Christ’s Righteousness…. JUSTIFICATION. Because of what Christ did for us and BY putting our FAITH in CHRIST ALONE, we are FREE from the DEMAND and the PENALTY of not fulfilling the Law Paul is saying – after being SAVED (JUSTIFIED) – don’t rely on yourself to TRY to be good and change (THE PROCESS OF SANCTIFICATION) on your own STRENGTH!! That’s wrong When you are doing that – you are cutting yourself off from Christ. YOU HAVE FALLEN AWAY FROM GOD’S GRACE BUT WE (WHO ARE IN CHRIST) LIVE BY THE SPIRIT – WE WILL RECEIVE (it’s Given, it’s been paid, it’s a gift) RIGHTEOUSNESS BY FAITH. NOW HOW DO WE LIVE IN THIS RIGHTEOUSNESS – PAUL SAID in verse 6: It is FAITH EXPRESSING ITSELF in LOVE – THIS IS THE PROCESS OF SANCTIFICATION - How is it working? That’s what we are going to learn today.

5 Sanctification is done by The Word, Holy Spirit, Church community.
16 So I say, let the Holy Spirit guide your lives. Then you won’t be doing what your sinful nature craves. 17 The sinful nature wants to do evil, which is just the opposite of what the Spirit wants. And the Spirit gives us desires that are the opposite of what the sinful nature desires. These two forces are constantly fighting each other, so you are not free to carry out your good intentions. 18 But when you are directed by the Spirit, you are not under obligation to the law of Moses. Gal 5: 16-18 Sanctification is done by The Word, Holy Spirit, Church community. LET THE HOLY SPIRIT GUIDE YOUR LIVES!! WHEN YOU ARE BORN AGAIN – RECEIVING JESUS – ACCEPTHING THE GIFT OF GRACE BY FAITH – WE ARE BORN AGAIN IN SPIRIT - THE HOLY SPIRIT IS GIVEN AND ACTIVATED in OUR LIVES, SO LET THE HOLY SPIRIT GUIDE YOUR LIVES!! Gal 5:18 “But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the law.” NIV – VERY INTERESTING STATEMENT! When you are led by the SPIRIT YOU ARE NOT UNDER THE LAW ANYMORE If you are under the Law…Sin will have Dominion over you… But if You are Led by the Spirit, You are Not under the obligation of the LAW!! EVEN it’s illustrated in the BIBLE to the DIGITS !! The first PENTACOST….Actually happen in Mount Sinai where God gives the Law – 10 commandments When that happened – 3000 ppl were slain by the levites because they don’t want to come to the side of God…but when The second pentacost Mount Zion… The Holy Spirit Comes… and when Peter preached… 3000 people were saved for the Lord! YOU HAVE THE POWER!! YOU CAN SAY NO by the help of the SPIRIT! You don’t have to be addicted by the power of the SPIRIT! IN CHRIST! You are empowered when you let the Holy Spirit Guide your lives!! The PROCESS of SANCTIFICATION is DONE BY THE WORD, THE LEADING OF THE HOLY SPIRIT & THE CHURCH COMMUNITY.

6 The LAW demands righteousness from us.
The SPIRIT imparts righteousness unto us. GOD empowers you with the HOLY SPIRIT. The HOLY SPIRIT will lead you into Victory. He has enabled us to be ministers of his new covenant. This is a covenant not of written laws, but of the Spirit. The old written covenant ends in death; but under the new covenant, the Spirit gives life.” 2 Cor 3:6 OLD COVENANT – OLD TESTAMENT – ALL ABOUT THE WRITTEN LAWS – WHICH WE HAVE TO OBEY and when we don’t WE WILL END IN DEATH. THE OLD WRITTEN COVENANT ENDS IN DEATH – BUT THE NEW COVENANT which of the SPIRIT – THE SPIRIT FIVES LIFE!

7 The Spirit gives LIFE 26 I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you; I will take the heart of stone out of your flesh and give you a heart of flesh. 27 I will put My Spirit within you and cause you to walk in My statutes, and you will keep My judgments and do them. Ezekiel 36: The Holy Spirit will CAUSE you, He will LEAD you. The More you depend on Him, Yield to Him, Obey Him, He will lead you into Triumph. THE HOLY SPIRIT WILL LEAD YOU to experience victory To live a blessed life To experience God’s promise in you The Holy Spirit will comfort you during difficult circumstances The Holy Spirit will remind you of God’s promises during those difficult circumstances When you live being led by The Holy Spirit – You are CRISIS PROOF!! Back to GALATIANS – THEN The Bible talks about the work of the FLESH???

8 How to Defeat These acts of flesh or Sins?
19 The acts of the flesh are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; 20 idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions 21 and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like. I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God. Gal 5:19-21 How to Defeat These acts of flesh or Sins? HOW TO DEFEAT THESE ACTS of THE FLESH?? Isn’t it interesting – Paul when he wrote to GALATIANS – AFTER TALKING ABOUT BEING LED by the HOLY SPIRIT He mentions all these acts of flesh!! Sexual immorality, impurity, debauchery, etc!! THE CONNECTION is OBVIOUS! YOU can defeat these acts of flesh Not with YOUR OWN Strength or with your own WILL POWER!! But by being SPIRIT LED to obey the word – THE INSIDE OUT FACTORS…

9 How to Defeat These acts of flesh or Sins?
Know Your Sins What? Pride, Anger, Lust, Low self esteem, etc. When? When compared, waiting in line, lonely watching tv, when standing in front of a mirror, etc. Why? Motivation, longing, valuing the most, idols. In The Book of Gospel Center Discipleship – Jonathan Dodson Gave us a valuable principles in defeating sins – These acts of the Flesh! Know your sins! WHAT? ASK THE HOLY SPIRIT to point out WHAT ARE YOUR SINS. Before we can fight our sin, we must know what sins are currently present in our lives. An unknown opponent is difficult to defeat. Knowing our sin requires familiarity with our particular temptations, areas where we are prone to sin. These temptations and sins may be visible or invisible, as obvious as anger or as subtle as self-pity. Begin by prayerfully reflecting on your life A loving community can help us by holding up the mirror of God’s Word so that we can see ourselves more clearly. While community is helpful, the Word is powerful, sharper than any sword, dividing between things visible and invisible, judging the thoughts and intentions of the heart WHEN? ASK THE HOLY SPIRIT - When are you tempted to sin? If we don’t think about the when, sin will sneak up on us. Consider the circumstances that surround your sin, where and when you find yourself tempted. Identify your sins and the circumstances of temptation. For example: Do you find yourself tempted to vanity or self-pity when lingering in front of the mirror? Does sexual lust or despair creep in on late, lonely nights watching TV? Are you prone to pride when you succeed or receive a compliment? Are you easily angered in traffic or while waiting in line? WHY? ASK THE HOLY SPIRIT - The why question is important because it gets to the motivation behind our sin; it addresses the heart. No one ever sins out of duty. We all sin because we want to, because our hearts long for something. If we don’t address the motivational issues behind our sin, we will only treat it superficially, adjusting our behavior, not our hearts. God doesn’t want mere behavioral adjustment; he wants affectionate obedience! To uncover your motivation, ask yourself why you gravitate to certain sins. What do you believe they will do for you? What is your heart longing for? What are you desiring or valuing most when you sin in a particular area?

10 Example of Sinful motivations:
Vanity: If you perform beautifully, then you have worth. Lust: If you find sexual intimacy on the Internet, then you won’t be lonely or stressed. Pride: If you received more compliments, then you would be more confident. Anger: If you get angry, you can get your way. THESE ARE JUST SOME EXAMPLE THAT THE HOLY SPIRIT MIGHT REVEAL in my life and your life!

11 How to Defeat These acts of flesh or Sins? Fight Your Sins
Know that victory over sin has already been won in Christ. (Rom 6:6-11) Why Fight? We fight from our new identity Trust Jesus & the Holy Spirit to lead you If we have struggles in our life that needs victory. Holy Spirit - Paraclete – Advocate & Counselor ASK THE HOLY SPIRIT TO FIGHT YOUR SINS – I just want to point out that the victory over sin has already been won in Christ. The good news of the gospel is that Jesus has defeated sin, death, and evil through his own death and resurrection and is making all things new, even us. The power of sin has been rendered powerless, as we are no longer enslaved to it but to Christ! However, disciples will continue to battle sin until our final reunion with Christ. This is why Paul exhorts us to “consider” ourselves dead to sin and alive in Jesus. Why Fight? we have every reason to fight—from our new identity. God does not accept us as we are. He accepts us as we are in Christ. In Christ, as our identity. we are new creation and new creatures live transformed (not perfect) lives. As recipients of God’s grace, we are compelled to follow Jesus in all of life. We will fight to find Jesus sweeter, richer, deeper, and more satisfying than anything else in the world. Disciples contend with their sin because they love their Savior. Sin is no light-hearted matter. It is crouching at our door and we must master it (Gen. 4:7). It is dangerous to not fight sin. It is a sobering fight that must not cease. Fighting is not an end in itself or a way to make us more presentable to God. We fight because we have been made presentable in Christ and want to escape deceit of any kind. We don’t fight for acceptance; we fight from our acceptance. We don’t contend against sin to forge an identity but because we have received a new identity in Christ. Perfection is not the goal; persevering in our FAITH in CHRIST is. TRUSTING JESUS & THE HOLY SPIRIT: GALATIANS 5 is trying to warn us that so MANY BELIEVERS instead of trusting Jesus’s finished work, they begin to rely on our own work to overcome sin. Eventually, frustration, despair, and anger set it. Before they know it, they will swing to the religious right or the rebellious left, trusting our own performance or the deceptive rush of spiritual license. Everyone trusts something or someone; the gospel reminds us that only one person is worthy of our trust – JESUS through the HOLY SPIRIT!! John 14:16 - And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you forever;

12 The HOLY SPIRIT always leads you into
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law. Gal 5:22-23 If we are filled, led, live, walk by the spirit, it will affect every aspect of our life. The HOLY SPIRIT always leads you into TRIUMPH & VICTORY Look at what HAPPEN when You trust Jesus and let the Holy Spirit Guides you and lead you! God wants you to pray in the walk in the spirit…to be led by the spirit…to Live by the spirit…. The HOLY SPIRIT - .He’s the HELPER…He’s going to teach you…He’s going to LEAD you *DOES IT MEAN…I GO OUT AND BREAK THE LAW??? WHEN you follow the SPIRIT…. You will produce FRUIT that supercedes Higher than the LAW…. FAR beyond the LAW… Against such there is no law. ILLUSTRATION – LAW of GRAVITY vs. LAW of THRUST and LIFT The LAW of THRUST and LIFT waaayyyy supercedes the GRAVITY… SPIRIT and GRACE….far supersedes LAW of SIN AND DEATH You will have the fruit of the SPIRIT!! Give testimony! LUST problems, Smoking Problem, Pride problems. That’s How we love? That’s How we can be joyful, That’s How we can be peaceful, Longsuffering, That’s how we can be kind, Be good, be gentle!!

13 Spirit Led Living

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