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1 National AIDS Control Organization 7 th ICAAP Kobe 2 nd July 2005 Mainstreaming HIV/AIDS - A multi-sectoral approach: The Indian Perspective Dr.S.Y.

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Presentation on theme: "1 National AIDS Control Organization 7 th ICAAP Kobe 2 nd July 2005 Mainstreaming HIV/AIDS - A multi-sectoral approach: The Indian Perspective Dr.S.Y."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 National AIDS Control Organization 7 th ICAAP Kobe 2 nd July 2005 Mainstreaming HIV/AIDS - A multi-sectoral approach: The Indian Perspective Dr.S.Y. Quraishi Director General, NACO

2 2 Status of Epidemic 1 Case 1986 - 5.134 million by 2004 HIV prevalence among adult population at 0.92% 6/35 states > 1% prevalence 111/604 districts > 1% prevalence

3 3 HIV Prevalence at ANC Site <1 HIV Prevalence at ANC Site 1-2 HIV Prevalence at ANC Site 2-3 HIV Prevalence at ANC Site >=3 Source: NACO’s Sentinel Surveillance data: ANC sites (2001, 2003) Sub National Epidemics

4 4 Changing face of Epidemic Movement from High risk groups to general people From the urban to rural areas From High Prevalence states to all states Feminisation Youth vulnerability high

5 5 National AIDS Control Program II: 1999-2006 Reduce growth of HIV infection Targeted Intervention in HRG Prevention in general population Low cost care and support Increase country’s capacity to respond to HIV/AIDS Institutional strengthening Inter-sectoral collaboration

6 6 Mainstreaming : Challenges Federal structure and diversity Migration of 180 million people per year, both intra-state and inter-state 26% population below poverty line Literacy rate of 65% Prevalence of non-regular sex Sex education still considered taboo Poor social status of women

7 7 National Mandate National Common Minimum Programme :  Increase outlay of Health Sector to 2-3% of GDP  Focus on Communicable Diseases  UPA will provide leadership to National AIDS Control efforts Prime Minister to lead National AIDS effort National AIDS Control Policy 2002 committed to zero rate of growth by 2007 (0 X 7)

8 8 To accomplish the National Mandate We require: Safe practices by all Full awareness Comprehensive service delivery to the entire population

9 9 Mainstreaming HIV/AIDS in programs of all government departments & civil society partners including corporate sector The Approach

10 10 Mainstreaming: Political leadership National Council on AIDS headed by Prime Minister Inter-ministerial group preceded NCA Parliamentary /legislative forums Local Self Government Institutions

11 11 Mainstreaming: Government programs Education: Integration of HIV in school education Women & Child Development Youth and Sports Rural Development Labour Social Justice & Empowerment Information and Broadcasting

12 12 Mainstreaming: Government programs (contd…) Defence and Paramilitary Home Affairs / Internal security Transport Railways Steel, Coal and Mines Chemicals and Fertilizers Industry and Commerce

13 13 NACO’s Changing Role From sole implementer to catalyst Advocacy Technical Support Capacity Building Joint Monitoring Shared ownership HIV/AIDS integrated in partners budget

14 14 A model.. Partnering with Dept. of Education Integration of HIV prevention content into the curriculum and textbooks Coverage of secondary & higher secondary schools through co-curricular activities (School AIDS Education Program) Linkages with National Open University, Open school, Indian Technical Training centers Integration in pre-service and in-service teacher training Linkages with programs of elementary education, adult education and out-of-school

15 15 Ministry of Home Affairs Taskforce created Re-look at legal provisions impeding HIV/AIDS prevention Situation analysis of Police forces Training for own safety Supporting NGOs working with CSWs, MSMs, IDUs MHA to fund the program from its own budget

16 16 Workplace Policy Reduction of stigma and discrimination Awareness Program Care, Support and Treatment Condom promotion Help in condom distribution Piggyback HIV/AIDS messages in corporate advertisement Facilitate trade unions involvement Mainstreaming with Corporate Sector

17 17 Civil Society Partnership More than 1000 CBOs/NGOs are implementing important programs like: Targeted interventions Community care centers PLWHA part of all decision making bodies NGOs/CBOs integrate HIV/AIDS issues in their ongoing programs Faith based organizations

18 18 Process of Mainstreaming Political leadership- crucial Ownership of program by all sectors Allocation of funds within ministries /sectors Building capacity Sustainable institutional mechanisms Robust monitoring and evaluation

19 19 Unique initiative: PACT India P artnership on A IDS C ontrol and T reatment

20 20 PACT India partners Political leaders / Parliamentary forum Ministries and Department of government Corporate enterprise Networks of PLHAs Media Legal associations Private health care providers NGOs and CBOs Religious and faith leaders University, colleges and other academic institutions Trade unions Service clubs (Rotary, Lions, etc) UN, bilateral and other International entities

21 21 National AIDS Control Program Three Ones Plus: One national program One national authority One monitoring and evaluation framework Plus… One National Partnership

22 22 One Nation, One Resolve: We will defeat AIDS Together


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