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ISOLDE Yield Database Development

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1 ISOLDE Yield Database Development
Hayley Osman Summer Student University of Michigan

2 Isotope Separator On-Line DEvice
Beam starts at LINAC II PSB: Proton Synchrotron Booster  Proton beam 1.4GeV Radioactive Ion Beams (RIBs) Applications: Nuclear, atomic, surface, and solid state physics, nuclear medicine, and astrophysics

3 14 incorporated developments from past 5 years
Project Motivation Experimental Planning and User Proposals: Web page reference Experiment feasibility Open Access source: Target/ion source data Beam purity Publication references 2012 Target Units 6 prototypes 14 incorporated developments from past 5 years

4 Beam developments in the past 5 years
Molecular beams Molten salt target X5 30Na Re ion source X10 20,21Mg sub-m SiC 17C as CO+ Helicon Ion source 70+Ni beams Purification of 80-82Zn,130Cd with quartz (Hads)‏ Nano UCx 9Be(n,a)6He 48Cr x250 Nano CaO Y2O3 1st Fe RIB 44TiF3+ Au beams by laser ionis. X5 VADIS X3-10 VADIS 1st Purif Fr, Ra With LIST Purification of lanthanide beams 140Nd, Sm: GdB6 ion source cavity + RILIS Courtesy of T. Stora

5 Yield Measurements Tape Station HRS GPS ISOLTRAP Control Room
ISOLDE Jura Side-view ( ISOLTRAP Control Room HRS GPS Beam from PSB

6 Current Database Statistics
Total Yields Reported: 2330 Isotopes of 68 Elements As of 2008 Missing 6 years of yield data!

7 New Database Ti Fe Au New Database! Cloned Database (Data/Code Update)
3 New Elements New Database! Ti Fe Au In Development Cloned Database 33 New Isotopes Cloned Database (Data/Code Update) Open Access 53% Unpublished 47% Old Database (Graphical Restoration) 2 Years of E-logs (~1,500 entries) 184 Unpublished yield entries 500+ Publications reviewed 205 Yield entries for Open Access

8 Restored Features …Coming soon to a computer near you!
New Elements to Database!

9 New Features Nuclear Chart with special functions
Search function: “Search by target” Extrapolation function for experimental planning

10 Cloned Database (Data/Code Update)
E-log Entertainment New Database! Cloned Database (Data/Code Update)

11 Thank you, ISOLDE! Questions?

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