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MOUTH GUARDS AND BITE PLANES. MOUTH GUARD It is an appliance that has different terminologies such as (Bite guards,Night guards,Guide splints,Stints &

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Presentation on theme: "MOUTH GUARDS AND BITE PLANES. MOUTH GUARD It is an appliance that has different terminologies such as (Bite guards,Night guards,Guide splints,Stints &"— Presentation transcript:


2 MOUTH GUARD It is an appliance that has different terminologies such as (Bite guards,Night guards,Guide splints,Stints & Others ). It is an appliance that has different terminologies such as (Bite guards,Night guards,Guide splints,Stints & Others ). It is a removable appliance constructed to fit over the dentition. It is a removable appliance constructed to fit over the dentition. It is used for a therapeutic relief for TMJ symptoms or muscle complaints or to protect teeth from accidental injures. It is used for a therapeutic relief for TMJ symptoms or muscle complaints or to protect teeth from accidental injures.

3 MATERIAL USED Clear acrylic resin. Clear acrylic resin. Wrought orthodontic wire clasps to increase retention. Wrought orthodontic wire clasps to increase retention.

4 TYPES OF MOUTH GUARDS: 1. Preformed such as : Stock mouth guard. Stock mouth guard. Mouth guard protector. Mouth guard protector. This type provides protection for athletic people but they are inaccurate & should be temporarily used. This type provides protection for athletic people but they are inaccurate & should be temporarily used. 2. Custom made This type is constructed by a dentist which makes them more accurate & comfortable to the pt. This type is constructed by a dentist which makes them more accurate & comfortable to the pt.

5 REQURMENT FOR MOUTH GUARD 1. It should cover the entire occlusal surface of the teeth with a thin layer of acrylic resin to : a. Provide maximum tooth contact. b. Prevent elongation or depression of teeth. 2. The occlusal surface should be narrow & flat.

6 3. It should maintain a uniform contact in centric relation & immediate disocclusion in eccentric mandibular movement. 4. Missing teeth should be incorporated into the mouth guard. 5. All tissue contacting surfaces should be smooth & polished to prevent tissue irritation.

7 6. If dental arches are malaligned,or if there is no posterior support in the mandibular arch,night guard should be constructed for both dental arches to provide stability. 6. If dental arches are malaligned,or if there is no posterior support in the mandibular arch,night guard should be constructed for both dental arches to provide stability. 7. It should not interfere with breathing & speaking. 7. It should not interfere with breathing & speaking.

8 PURPOSES OF MOUTH GUARD 1. To relive TMJ symptoms & muscle spasm. 2. Migraine headaches. 3. To create an a symptomatic pt,to permit true hinge axis opening & lateral border movement without neuromuscular interference.

9 PERIOD OF WEARING MOUTH GUARD > It is usually 4-6 weeks prior to functional analysis procedure or location of hinge axis & mandibular movement.  Recall after 3-5 days to check if there is any shiny facets which should be removed especially in molar areas.  Usually the guard is placed in the maxillary arch except in CL III malocclusion it will be in mandibular arch.  If there is any missing teeth guards will be fabricated in both arches.

10 CLINICAL INSTRUMENTATION 1. Perforated upper & lower tray. 2. Alginate impression. 3. Spatula. 4. Rubber bowel. 5. Measuring cup. 6. Wax bite. 7. May be face bow transfer.

11 INSERTION Mouth guard should have certain acceptable criteria : Mouth guard should have certain acceptable criteria : 1. Close adaptation to anatomic structures. 2. Uniform thickness. 3. Smooth peripheral borders. 4. Extended to maxillary tuberosity. 5. Should not impinge on vestibular or gingival tissues & frenum.

12 INSTRUMENTS NEEDED DURING INSERTION 1. Slow speed hand piece. 1. Slow speed hand piece. 2. Acrylic bur. 2. Acrylic bur. 3. White stone bur. 3. White stone bur. 4. Articulating ribbons (Red, Blue,Green) 4. Articulating ribbons (Red, Blue,Green)

13 BITE PLANES It is a shelf of acrylic added to the baseplate to clear the occlusion or to reduce the over bite if it interfere with tooth movement. It is a shelf of acrylic added to the baseplate to clear the occlusion or to reduce the over bite if it interfere with tooth movement.

14 TYPES OF BITE PLANES 1. Anterior bite plane. 1. Anterior bite plane. 2. Posterior bite plane. 2. Posterior bite plane.

15 1. ANTERIOR BITE PLANE > It can be used when the occlusion interferes with tooth movement or when we have deep bite. > It can be used when the occlusion interferes with tooth movement or when we have deep bite. > They are usually flat & parallel to the occlusal plane. > They are usually flat & parallel to the occlusal plane.

16 REQUREMENTS 1. Enough height to disocclude posterior teeth 2-3 mm. 1. Enough height to disocclude posterior teeth 2-3 mm. 2. Enough width to occlude with lower incisors when the mandible is Retruded. 2. Enough width to occlude with lower incisors when the mandible is Retruded. 3. It should not encroach tongue space. 3. It should not encroach tongue space.

17 POSTERIOR BITE PLANES INDICATION : INDICATION : 1. Reduced or average overbite. 2. Reversed overjet. 3. Unilateral posterior crossbite.

18 REQUIREMENTS : 1. It should be thin. 1. It should be thin. 2. It has to be wide enough to cover buccal & lingual surfaces. 2. It has to be wide enough to cover buccal & lingual surfaces. 3. Occlusion should be equal in both sides. 3. Occlusion should be equal in both sides.


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