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Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Active Lecture Questions Chapter 23 Microbial Diseases of the Cardiovascular and Lymphatic Systems.

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1 Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Active Lecture Questions Chapter 23 Microbial Diseases of the Cardiovascular and Lymphatic Systems

2 A patient presents with vomiting, diarrhea, and a history of fever and headache. Bacterial cultures of blood, CSF, and stool are negative. What is your diagnosis? a.ehrlichiosis b.Lyme disease c.septic shock d.toxoplasmosis e.viral hemorrhagic fever

3 A patient was hospitalized because of continuing fever and progression of symptoms including headache, fatigue, and back pain. Tests for antibodies to Borrelia burgdorferi were negative. What is your diagnosis? a.ehrlichiosis b.Lyme disease c.septic shock d.toxoplasmosis e.viral hemorrhagic fever

4 A patient complained of headache. A CT (computed tomography) scan revealed cysts of varying size in her brain. What is your diagnosis? a.ehrlichiosis b.Lyme disease c.septic shock d.toxoplasmosis e.viral hemorrhagic fever

5 A patient presents with mental confusion, rapid breathing and heartbeat, and low blood pressure. What is your diagnosis? a.ehrlichiosis b.Lyme disease c.septic shock d.toxoplasmosis e.viral hemorrhagic fever

6 A patient has a red circular rash on his arm and fever, malaise, and joint pain. The most appropriate treatment is a.penicillin. b.chloroquine. c.anti-inflammatory drugs. d.rifampin. treatment.

7 Which of the following is not a tickborne disease? a.babesiosis b.ehrlichiosis c.Lyme disease d.relapsing fever e.tularemia

8 The patient’s fever spikes each evening. Oxidase-positive, gram-negative cocci were isolated from a lesion on his arm. What is your diagnosis? a.brucellosis b.malaria c.relapsing fever d.Rocky Mountain spotted fever e.Ebola hemorrhagic fever

9 The patient was hospitalized with fever and headache. Spirochetes were observed in her blood. What is your diagnosis? a.brucellosis b.malaria c.relapsing fever d.Rocky Mountain spotted fever e.Ebola hemorrhagic fever

10 Which of the following diseases has the highest incidence in the United States? a.brucellosis b.Ebola hemorrhagic fever c.malaria d.plague e.Rocky Mountain spotted fever

11 Nineteen workers in a slaughterhouse developed fever and chills, with the fever spiking to 40°C each evening. The most likely method of transmission of this disease is a.a vector. b.the respiratory route. c.a puncture wound. animal bite. e.water.

12 Buboes are a.Lymph nodes b.Swollen lymph nodes c.Bacteria d.Viruses

13 Foreign microbes entering lymph nodes encounter a.B and T cells b.Enzymes c.Exotoxins d.Endotoxins

14 Which microorganisms are now the most common cause of sepsis? a.Gram-negative bacteria b.Gram-positive bacteria c.Viruses d.Fungi

15 Who demonstrated that puerperal sepsis was transmitted by the hands and instruments of attending physicians and midwifes? a.Louis Pasteur b.Ignaz Semmelweis c.Robert Koch d.Christian Gram

16 Infections of Bacillus anthracis are initiated by a.Endospores b.Endotoxins c.Exotoxins d.Capsules

17 Sydenham’s chorea is an unusual complication in individuals with a.Scarlet fever b.Rabbit fever c.Rheumatic fever d.Dengue fever

18 Which organism can often be transmitted by the bite of a domestic animal and causes sepsis? a.Pasteurella multocida b.Streptococcus moniliformis c.Spirillum minus d.Yersinia pestis

19 Which of the following are spread by the bite of an arthropod vector? a.Bacillus anthracis b.Rickettsia prowazekii c.Brucella suis d.Spirillum minus

20 Rabbit fever is caused by a.Francisella tularensis b.Yersinia pestis c.Borrelia burgdorferi d.Spirillum minus

21 In which disease does there frequently occur a fast-growing tumor of the jaw? a.Ebola b.Infectious mononucleosis c.Chikungunya fever d.Burkitt’s lymphoma

22 Ebola virus is transmitted by a.Contact with blood b.Inhalation c.Arthropod vector d.Ingestion

23 The natural reservoir for the flavivirus that causes yellow fever is the a.Rabbit b.Monkey c.Bat d.Field mice

24 Chagas’ disease is caused by a.Toxoplasma gondii b.Trypanosoma cruzi c.Plasmodium vivax d.Leishmania donovani

25 The most dangerous malaria is caused by a.Plasmodium ovale b.Plasmodium malariae c.Plasmodium falciparum d.Plasmodium vivax

26 Currently the most promising method to control malaria is a. Antibiotics b. Vaccine c. Bed nets d. Chloroquine

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