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All But Gluten Product Optimization Process Karen King & Associates Inc. Defining Critical Performance Drivers through Sensory Discovery August 12.2013.

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Presentation on theme: "All But Gluten Product Optimization Process Karen King & Associates Inc. Defining Critical Performance Drivers through Sensory Discovery August 12.2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 All But Gluten Product Optimization Process Karen King & Associates Inc. Defining Critical Performance Drivers through Sensory Discovery August 12.2013 Karen King & Associates Inc. Defining Critical Performance Drivers through Sensory Discovery August 12.2013

2 Background, Objectives & Methodology Weston has developed a line of “All but Gluten” products including chocolate chip cookies, white and whole grain breads. Recent competitive research against Udi’s products indicated Weston’s chocolate chip cookie and white bread did not receive the desired consumer preference rating, although their whole grain bread did achieve satisfactory results. To better understand the sensory performance of these products, Karen King and her Sensory team were asked to develop Sensory Product Profiles and identify points of difference for: *ABG and Udi’s white and whole grain breads; plain and toasted *ABG, Udi’s and President Choice Chocolate Chip Cookies; PC to be used as a benchmark for any sensory characteristics that could lead to higher consumer satisfaction and a point of advantage. Karen King was also asked to moderate a Sensory Discovery Session with the ABG Internal Team to review the Sensory Profiles and identify the range of critical sensory, functional and emotional performance drivers that could provide any points of advantage in the category.

3 The Sensory Discovery Agenda Introductions - Team members are asked to summarize the current situation of this ABG project and their desired outcome for today’s meeting. - 15 minutes Using past research results, there was “no optimization warranted” for ABG multigrain bread. However, the “optimization for the flavour and textural profile of ABG white bread and chocolate chip cookies was strongly recommended.” Review of Sensory Profiles of White and Whole Grain Breads - 20 minutes Sensory Discovery for Bread - 20 minutes. Address specific direction for product optimization with a focus on the potential sensory drivers and/or annoyance factors for the bread category Review of Sensory Profiles of Chocolate Chip Cookies - 20 minutes Sensory Discovery for Chocolate Chip Cookies - 20 minutes Wrap up and Next Steps - 10 minutes

4 Past Research Executive Summary 4 Multigrain Bread Performance All But Gluten Multigrain Bread achieved all action standards for the category both untoasted and toasted. It performed particularly well for the moistness and softness of the slice (untoasted). There were no concerning diagnostic issues, although scores for the colour of the slice were slightly low. White Bread PerformanceAll But Gluten White Bread did not meet action standards for the category both untoasted and toasted. It performed well for the moistness and softness of the slice (untoasted) but scored low on Overall taste. Chocolate Chip PerformanceAll But Gluten Chocolate Chip Cookies failed to achieve the action standards. There were many concerning issues with the flavour and textural profile.

5 list any sensory attribute that could be Critical Performance Drivers list its Functional Drivers. How does the product function? list its Emotional Drivers. How does the product compare to the typical frame of reference? list any Annoyance Factors or Point of Advantages list the Justification Drivers for buying or eating this product While evaluating the Sensory Product Profiles; The Sensory Discovery SessionLinking Drivers of Performance The Sensory Discovery SessionLinking Drivers of Performance While reviewing each Sensory Profile:

6 Intensity Scale for Sensory Product Profiles Text

7 Plain White Bread Sensory Product Profiles Udi’s All About Gluten AROMA Yeast, cooked rice, caramelized APPEARANCE Gray-beige, dense cake like appearance Uniform 10 by 8cm shape with.2cm crust Few uniform small surface holes Pound cake smooth crust appearance Minimal surface cracking TOTAL FLAVOUR IMPACT LOW ORDER OF Sweet - Low 4 APPEARANCE OF NOTES Salt -Threshold 1 Citric - Threshold 1 Caramelized - Threshold 1 Yeast - Threshold 1 TIMINGEARLY TO LATE WITH SWEETNESS PEAK IN MIDDLE MOUTHFEELMoist, soft center with firm outside, chewy melt down & some granular residue AFTERTASTE Initial: Sweet, Later: Yeast, sweet TEXTURE Bread has soft resistance to bite with moderate grainy mouthfeel and breaks apart easily AMPLITUDELOW TO MEDIUM - Complex, baked cake type flavour MAJOR DIFFERENCE Firm bite with a soft internal, pound cake like texture. The low sweet flavour extends through the flavour profile. AROMA Yeasty, slight toasted aroma APPEARANCE Creamy yellow center with golden brown crust Irregular 10 by 10cm shape with.5cm crust Airy, irregular shaped surface holes Crusty Italian bread crust appearance with cracked surface TOTAL FLAVOUR IMPACT THRESHOLD TO LOW ORDER OF Yeast - Threshold 1 APPEARANCE OF NOTES Toasted-Threshold to Low 3 Salt -Threshold 1 Sweet- Threshold.5 TIMINGMIDDLE MOUTHFEELDry, rough surface with quick melt down & some grainy dryness and particles in mouth upon chewing. Light weight bread. AFTERTASTE Initial: Yeast, slight toasted Later: Yeast, slight toasted TEXTURE Bread has dry resistance to bite with slow melt down, low cohesiveness Crumbly, dry residue of bread Grainy, rough surface texture AMPLITUDELOW TO MEDIUM - dry, bland with familiar white bread notes. COMMENTS: Dry, rough surface texture with low flavour delivery

8 Toasted White Bread Sensory Product Profiles Udi’s All About Gluten AROMA Yeast, slight toasted APPEARANCE Slower to toast TOTAL FLAVOUR IMPACT LOW ORDER OF Yeast - Threshold APPEARANCE OF NOTES Toasted-Threshold to Low Salt -Threshold Cooked rice - Low Off note - Threshold/dirty/skunky Sweet- Threshold to Low TIMINGMIDDLE MOUTHFEELDry surface with quick melt down & some grainy dryness AFTERTASTE Initial: Yeast, slight toasted Later: Yeast, slight toasted TEXTURE Toast has firm, dense resistance to bite with slow melt down, low cohesiveness and heavier weight and less crispness Falls apart in mouth, clumps with crumbly residue upon chewing. AMPLITUDELOW TO MEDIUM - dry, bland with familiar white bread notes. MAJOR DIFFERENCE Dry, rough surface texture with detectable sweet note, heavier weight and just detectable rice “off note” AROMA Caramelized toasted notes APPEARANCE Toasts quickly and evenly TOTAL FLAVOUR IMPACT THRESHOLD TO LOW ORDER OF Yeast - Threshold APPEARANCE OF NOTES Toasted - Low Cooked Rice - Threshold Salt -Threshold Sweet- Threshold TIMINGMIDDLE/ LATE MOUTHFEELCrispy with soft bite, some granular grains in mouthfeel and toothpack is minimal AFTERTASTE Initial: Toasted Later: Toasted TEXTURE TOASTED Toast has dry resistance to bite with slow melt down, low cohesiveness and light weight Crunchy, dry residue of bread Crispy, rough surface texture AMPLITUDELOW TO MEDIUM - dry, bland with familiar toasted white bread notes. COMMENTS: Lightweight toast with dry, crunchy surface texture and low flavour delivery of a toasted note

9 Flavour Attributes for White Bread ABG’s Cooked Rice Note When Toasted ABG’s Early to Late Sweetness ABG’ s Pound Cake Nuances ABG’s Off Note

10 Flavour Attributes for White Bread

11 ABG’s Cooked Rice Note When Toasted ABG’s Early to Late Sweetness ABG’ s Pound Cake Nuances ABG’s Off Note

12 Texture Attributes for White Bread ABG’s pound cake-like texture is softer, smoother, heavier, melts down quicker, and has more cohesiveness, adhesiveness and mouth coating than Udi’s

13 AROMA Yeasty, slight toasted aroma APPEARANCE Creamy yellow center with golden brown crust Irregular 10 by 8cm shape with.5cm crust Airy, irregular shaped surface holes Crusty Italian bread crust appearance with cracked surface TOTAL FLAVOUR IMPACT THRESHOLD TO LOW ORDER OF Yeast - Threshold 1 APPEARANCE OF NOTES Toasted-Threshold to Slight 2 Salt -Threshold 2 Sweet- Threshold.5 TIMINGMIDDLE MOUTHFEELDry surface with quick melt down & some grainy dryness. AFTERTASTE Initial: Yeast, slight toasted Later: Yeast, slight toasted TEXTURE Bread has dry resistance to bite with slow melt down, low cohesiveness Crumbly, dry residue of bread Grainy, rough surface texture AMPLITUDELOW TO MEDIUM - dry, bland with familiar white bread notes. COMMENTS: Dry, rough surface texture with low flavour delivery AROMA Yeasty, cooked rice, caramelized, sunflower notes APPEARANCE Beige, dense cake like appearance with flax and sunflower seeds Uniform 10 by 8cm shape with.2cm crust Uniform small surface holes with brown flax and beige seeds Pound cake crust smooth appearance FLAVOUR IMPACT LOW ORDER OF Sweet - Slight 5 APPEARANCE OF NOTES Cooked Rice-Threshold to Slight 3 Salt -Threshold 1 Caramelized Baked Note - Threshold to Slight 2 Cooked Milk - Threshold 1 Sunflower Seed - Slight 5 Yeast- Slight 5 TIMINGEARLY/LATE MOUTHFEELMoist surface with quick grainy, chewy melt down & some granular residue with crunchy seeds and flax AFTERTASTE Initial: Sweet, sunflower Later: Yeast, sweet TEXTURE Bread has soft resistance to bite with moderate grainy melt down, low cohesiveness with particles of sunflower seeds Slightly moist surface texture, with quick crumbly residue melt down Grainy mouthfeel with noticeable crunchy sunflower seeds AMPLITUDEMEDIUM - Complex, baked cake flavours MAJOR DIFFERENCE Soft, somewhat sticky texture with a cake bread appearance and texture. The low sweet flavour extends through the flavour profile. Plain MultiGrain Bread Sensory Product Profiles Udi’s All About Gluten

14 AROMA Caramelized toasted notes APPEARANCE Toasts quickly and evenly TOTAL FLAVOUR IMPACT THRESHOLD TO LOW ORDER OF Yeast - Threshold 1 APPEARANCE OF NOTES Toasted - Slight 5 Salt -Threshold 1 Sweet- Threshold to Slight 2 TIMINGMIDDLE/ LATE MOUTHFEELCrunchy surface with quick melt down & some grainy dryness. AFTERTASTE Initial: Toasted Later: Toasted TEXTURE TOASTED Toast has dry resistance to bite with slow melt down, low cohesiveness Crunchy, dry residue of bread Crispy, rough surface texture AMPLITUDELOW TO MEDIUM - dry, bland with familiar toasted white bread notes. MAJOR DIFFERENCE AND COMMENTS: Dry, crunchy surface texture with low flavour delivery of a toasted note AROMA Yeast, cooked rice, caramelized, sunflower APPEARANCESlow to toast TOTAL FLAVOUR IMPACT LOW ORDER OF Sweet - Threshold to Slight 4 APPEARANCE OF NOTES Cooked Rice-Threshold to Slight 4 Salt -Threshold 1 Caramelized Baked Note - Slight 5 Toasted - Slight 5 Sunflower Seed - Slight 5 Yeast- Slight 5 TIMINGEARLY/LATE MOUTHFEELMoist, soft center with firm outside, chewy melt down & some granular residue AFTERTASTE Initial: Sweet, sunflower, toasted Later: Yeast, sweet TEXTURE Toast has firm resistance to bite with soft, moist internal cavity Later, grainy mouthfeel with noticeable crunchy sunflower seeds AMPLITUDEMEDIUM - Complex, baked cake type flavour MAJOR DIFFERENCE AND COMMENTS: Firm bite with a soft internal, pound cake like texture. The low sweet flavour extends through the flavour profile. Toasted MultiGrain Bread Sensory Product Profiles Udi’s All About Gluten

15 Flavour Attributes for Whole Grain Bread ABG’ s Plain Whole Grain has a cooked rice and milk notes ABG’ s Toasted Whole Grain has a sweeter note than plain

16 Flavour Attributes for Whole Grain Bread

17 ABG’ s Plain Whole Grain has a cooked rice and milk notes ABG’ s Toasted Whole Grain has a sweeter note than plain

18 The Sensory Discovery Session Linking Drivers of Performance for Bread What are meaningful appearance, aromatics, texture and flavour sensory differences? Review Amplitude: Complexity, Intensity, Balance and Appropriateness of Notes What are potential critical to performance drivers including Sensory, Emotional, Functional & Justification? Review the potential importance to satisfaction of the critical performance drivers identified

19 White BreadUdi’s PlainUdi’s ToastedABG PlainABG Toasted Appearance Aroma Texture Mouth feel Flavour: Intensity Delivery Balance Beginning Middle Finish A Sensory Review Sheet for Critical Performance Drivers

20 AROMA Sweet chocolate Coconut APPEARANCE Light under cooked beige colour Plump, irregular round shaped Approximately 1/4 of surface shows dark brown chocolate chips which have some surface gloss Dry cookie surface with slight surface residue Minimal surface cracking TOTAL FLAVOUR IMPACT LOW TO MODERATE ORDER OF Sweet - Moderate 9 APPEARANCE OF NOTES Coconut-Threshold to Slight 2 Salt -Threshold 1 Butterscotch- Slight 5 Milk Chocolate - Slight to Moderate 7 Baked Dough - Threshold to Slight 2 TIMINGEARLY/LATE MOUTHFEELDry surface with quick buttery melt down & some astringency. AFTERTASTE Initial: Sweet, butterscotch Later: Milk chocolate, butter TEXTURE Cookie has slight resistance to bite with moderate melt down, low cohesiveness Slightly grainy, chalky cookie with moderate melt down Quick melt down of chocolate chips with minimal cohesiveness, some tooth pack AMPLITUDEMEDIUM - Sweet, milk chocolate, butterscotch MAJOR DIFFERENCE AND COMMENTS: Tight early, sweet complexity that lingers with buttery melt down than PC. Less crispy. AROMA Bitter sweet chocolate Butter APPEARANCE Dark brown, dense cookie Irregular 6cm round shaped, flat cookie Approximately 1/4 of surface shows dark brown chocolate chips which have some surface gloss Some visible deep brown baked spots Dry cookie surface with slight surface residue Minimal surface cracking TOTAL FLAVOUR IMPACT LOW TO MODERATE ORDER OF Sweet - Slight to Moderate 6 APPEARANCE OF NOTES Butter-Threshold 1 Salt -Threshold 1 Dark Chocolate - Slight 5 Threshold to Slight 2 Molasses - Threshold to Slight 2 Bitter- Threshold to Slight 3 TIMINGEARLY/LATE MOUTHFEELChewy, soft, sticky, with slight residue in mouth and some toothpack AFTERTASTE Initial: Sweet, sweet bitter chocolate Later: Bitter chocolate, butter TEXTURE Cookie has firm resistance to bite with moderate melt down, low cohesiveness Slight adhesive residue of cookie Quick melt down of chocolate chips with minimal cohesiveness AMPLITUDEMEDIUM - slow to deliver, but complex flavour MAJOR DIFFERENCE AND COMMENTS: Complex, but slow to deliver flavour of dark chocolate, less buttery melt down than PC Slight bitter chocolate finish Chocolate Chip Cookies Sensory Product Profiles Udi’s All About Gluten

21 AROMA Bitter chocolate liquor and butter aroma APPEARANCE Uniform baked appearance and consistent cookie size 1/4 of surface with chocolate chips versus ½ of surface covering Some visible deep brown baked spots Dry cookie surface with slight surface residue Minimal surface cracking TOTAL FLAVOUR IMPACT MODERATE TO HIGH ORDER OF Sweet - Slight 5 APPEARANCE OF NOTES Butter - Slight 5 Coconut - Threshold to Slight 4 Salt -Threshold 1 Threshold to Slight 2 Over roast- Threshold to Slight 3 Dark Chocolate - Slight to Moderate 6 Chocolate Liquor - Slight 5 Bitter- Threshold to Slight 3 TIMINGEARLY/VERY LATE MOUTHFEEL TEXTURE Crisp surface with quick buttery melt down & some astringency. Firm, low cohesive cookie, quick melt down Cookie has slight resistance to bite with moderate melt down, low cohesiveness and crispy texture Quick melt down of chocolate chips with minimal cohesiveness AMPLITUDELOW TO MEDIUM - dry, bland with familiar toasted white bread notes. MAJOR DIFFERENCE & COMMENTS: Dry, crispy surface texture Chocolate Chip Cookie Sensory Product Profile President’s Choice

22 Flavour Attributes for Chocolate Chip Cookies



25 Texture Attributes for Chocolate Chip Cookies Udi’s soft cookie melted in your mouth with a buttery mouth feel, whereas PC had a crisper cookie and was more firm than ABG. PC and ABG’s darker appearance and larger cookie were more similar.

26 Chocolate Chip Cookies Udi’sABGPC Appearance Aroma Texture Mouth feel Cookie & Chip Flavour Intensity Delivery Balance Beginning Middle Finish A Sensory Review Sheet for Critical Performance Drivers

27 The Sensory Discovery Session Linking Drivers of Performance for Cookies What are meaningful appearance, aromatics, texture and flavour sensory differences? Review Amplitude: Complexity, Intensity, Balance and Appropriateness of Notes What are potential critical to performance drivers including Sensory, Emotional, Functional & Justification? Review the potential importance to satisfaction of the critical performance drivers identified

28 Wrap Up and Next Steps Identify product development or research next stepsIdentify what could be done to: increase the degree of satisfactiondecrease the lack of fulfillmentmake the smallest changes that could make the biggest impact

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