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Determinants of mating success in lizards. Huyghe Katleen Functional Morphology lab University of Antwerp.

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Presentation on theme: "Determinants of mating success in lizards. Huyghe Katleen Functional Morphology lab University of Antwerp."— Presentation transcript:

1 Determinants of mating success in lizards. Huyghe Katleen Functional Morphology lab University of Antwerp

2 variation among species

3 variation among species ≠ lizard speciesvariation in environment NATURAL SELECTION

4 variation within species, between sexes male secondary sexual traits= environment, ≠ sexes SEXUAL SELECTION

5 sexually selected design sexually selected performance fitness (reproductive success) sexual selection

6 male secondary sexual traits female choice male-male competition

7 sexual selection male secondary sexual traits signals Anolis lineatopus Residual dewlap area (mm²) Residual bite force (N) Vanhooydonck et al. 2005 Funct. Ecol.

8 sexual selection male secondary sexual traits signals Crotaphytus collaris Lappin et al. 2005 Am. Nat.

9 intrasexually selected design intrasexually selected performance fitness (reproductive success) sexual selection intersexually selected design intersexually selected performance ?

10 study species female Podarcis melisellensis male female big ≠ between males & females Gallotia galloti male female male female Lacerta vivipara

11 intrasexual selection

12 slowed down 2 x... intrasexual selection

13 intrasexually selected design intrasexually selected performance fitness (reproductive success) ? intrasexual selection

14 sprint speed acceleration endurance bite force Differences between winners and losers -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 p = 0.65p = 0.73 p = 0.13 p = 0.01 Gallotia galloti determinants of fighting ability intrasexual selection

15 Podarcis melisellensis p = 0.029 p = 0.028 p = 0.21 determinants of fighting ability intrasexual selection

16 Podarcis melisellensis p = 0.029 p = 0.028 p = 0.21 determinants of fighting ability intrasexual selection

17 determinants of fighting ability intrasexual selection bite force body condition fighting ability + +

18 fitness (reproductive success) intersexually selected design intersexually selected performance ? intersexual selection

19 males out intersexual selection

20 partition out intersexual selection

21 female in intersexual selection

22 determinants of female preference Podarcis melisellensis intersexual selection

23 determinants of female preference Podarcis melisellensis p = 0.033 p = 0.017 p = 0.079 intersexual selection

24 determinants of female preference Podarcis melisellensis p = 0.033 p = 0.017 p = 0.079 intersexual selection

25 Podarcis melisellensis sexual selection bite force trade off! body condition fighting ability female preference + + + -

26 Podarcis melisellensis sexual selection bite force body condition fighting ability female preference + + + - mating success ?

27 Study species Common lizard (Lacerta vivipara) Polygynandrous mating system Female and male mate choice (intersexual selection) Male biased sex-ratio has deleterious effect on females  severe biting during copulation  mating scars © wild about Britain Lacerta vivipara

28 male  intrasexual competition  traits increasing dominance  size, running speed, bite force capacity?  intersexual selection  traits preferred by females  reproduction vs survival in females! female  conflicting demands of sexes  differential predictions for sexually selected traits  cf. sexual selection? Lacerta vivipara

29 Spanish Pyrenees (Roncesvalles) March 2010, @ female emergence 15 virgin females & 45 adult males Spain France Lacerta vivipara

30 experimental set-up 3hr heating rock hide 3 males 1 female Lacerta vivipara

31 males = size = tail type mass tail length maximal bite force maximal sprint speed Mating order Copulation time Behaviour (approaches, bites) 3hr heating rock hide 3 males 1 female experimental set-up

32 mated vs. unmated F 1,25 = 5.82 p = 0.024 Tail length mated > unmated !! TAIL LENGTH yes no mated

33 mated vs. unmated F 1,25 = 1.57 p = 0.22 Sprint speed mated = unmated SPRINT SPEED NO yes no mated

34 mated vs. unmated F 1,24 = 7.04 p = 0.014 Bite Force mated < unmated !! BITE FORCE Yes, but… yes no mated

35 mating order F 1,25 = 6.26 p = 0.019 Long tails mate first!! 12301230 mating order TAIL LENGTH yes

36 mating order F 1,25 = 3.50 p = 0.073 Mating order not determined by sprint speed SPRINT SPEED 12301230 mating order NO

37 mating order BITE FORCE

38 mating order BITE FORCE F 1,24 = 9.57 p = 0.005 unmated males first mated Mating order determined by bite force capacity!! Yes, but… 12301230 mating order

39 # approaches to other males # bites to other males # approaches to female copulation time tail length (F 1,12 = 0.34, p = 0.57) sprint speed(F 1,12 = 0.32, p = 0.58) bite force(F 1,12 = 2.80, p = 0.12) NOT determined by mating order (F 1,12 = 3.70, p = 0.079) mating behaviour

40 bite force tail length mating success in short… + -

41 bite force body condition tail length fighting ability female preference mating success overall results + - + + + + - +

42 trade off! body condition tail length fighting ability female preference mating success overall results + + + + + - + bite force

43 trade off! body condition tail length fighting ability female preference mating success discussion + + + + + - + bite force

44 trade off! body condition tail length fighting ability female preference mating success discussion + + + + + - + bite force males females

45 body condition tail length mating success discussion + - + + + + - + female preference fighting ability bite force

46 body condition tail length fighting ability mating success discussion female preference + + + + + - +

47 bite force intrasexual competition  determines dominance  selection for higher bite forces  harms females during copulation  low selection for bite force  good genes  selection for higher bite forces intersexual competition sexual selection pressure = condition dependent! discussion

48 Thanks to… - Instituto Pirenaico de Ecología, Huesca - Consejo superior de Investigaciones Científicas (Ramon y Cajal) - FWO-Vl

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