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By Austin Schmitz Forensic Odontologist. Forensic odontology(forensic dentistry) is the application of dentistry to the legal system. A odontologist uses.

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Presentation on theme: "By Austin Schmitz Forensic Odontologist. Forensic odontology(forensic dentistry) is the application of dentistry to the legal system. A odontologist uses."— Presentation transcript:

1 By Austin Schmitz Forensic Odontologist

2 Forensic odontology(forensic dentistry) is the application of dentistry to the legal system. A odontologist uses the aspects of a victims teeth with pre-death dental records, it is a accurate source for DNA. What is a odontologist?

3 To become a odontologist, first you must become a licensed dentist. To become a licensed dentist you would have to go to at least 3 years of college and 4 years of dental school. How to become an Odontologist

4 In a high fatality incident where a victims body is so mutilated dental records can be used to identify them(ex. bad car accident). Dental imprints(bite mark) on a victim can be used to identify and convict a suspect. How can odontology be applied in the field?

5 One of Americas most infamous murders Ted Bundy who killed between 30-40 woman. Ted would use a fake cast and get woman to help him carry books to his car, then he would club them over the head and then butcher and rape the victims bodies, he was arrested at a traffic stop and his bite mark matched the ones on the victims, he was sentenced to death soon after when he confessed for killing over 30 woman. Crimes solved from odontology

6 You decide W esly cole yerkes

7 (WARNING GRAPHIC) Pictures of victims where odontology is used


9 7-9 years of collage just to become odontologist. Working with human remains. Forensic scientist usually work as dentists for the most part and then are called in by police and or medical examiner for their expertise. A “on call” odontologist has to work long hours, day and night, holidays and weekends. Job is highly detailed, demands precision and good motor skills. Close involvement with disasters and crime scenes can be emotionally stressful. Advantages/disadvantages of job

10 Forensic odontologist can work in a variety of positions. They can be employed at a medical examiner office. They can work at dental schools. Many work as regular dentist and are called in by medical examiners for their expertise on a victim in a crime or accident to identify body and or measure bite mark. A professional odontologist can make up to $150,000.00 to $185,000.00 per year. Employment?

11 Any type of forensic examiner that deals with body parts and or bones Forensic anthropologist Forensic pathologist/medical examiner Related careers

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