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Laborers’ Health & Safety Fund of North America Health Hazards in Construction P rotection, P roductivity, P erformance Travis M. Parsons Senior Safety.

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Presentation on theme: "Laborers’ Health & Safety Fund of North America Health Hazards in Construction P rotection, P roductivity, P erformance Travis M. Parsons Senior Safety."— Presentation transcript:

1 Laborers’ Health & Safety Fund of North America Health Hazards in Construction P rotection, P roductivity, P erformance Travis M. Parsons Senior Safety & Health Specialist Occupational Safety & Health Division

2 Hierarchy of Controls  The Hierarchy of Controls is the preferred method of controlling preventing and controlling hazards. ○ Engineering Controls ○ Administrative Controls ○ PPE –Last Resort!  When deciding on the best way to control a risk, start at the top of the hierarchy of controls.  First investigate if the risk can be eliminated (by using an engineering control to take the worker out of the equation for the hazard)  Then start to factor the worker back into the equation ○ Change the way they work ○ How long they will work ○ How they can protect themselves from the hazard


4 Routes of Exposure  Inhalation: through nose and/or mouth  Ingestion: through the mouth  Absorption: Through the skin  Injection: b/c of a puncture

5 Factors that increase the risks of health hazards for construction workers  Constantly changing job environment and conditions  Multiple contractors and sub-contractors  High work turnover rate  Diversity of work activities occurring simultaneously  Bystander exposures

6 Types of Health Hazards  Chemical  Physical  Biological  Ergonomic

7 OccupationsPotential Health Hazards LaborersCement dermatitis, silica fumes, heavy loads Drywall InstallersPlaster dust, heavy loads, awkward postures ElectriciansHeavy metals, awkward posture, heavy loads, asbestos PaintersSolvent vapors, toxic metals, paint additives PipefittersLead fumes and particles, welding fumes, asbestos dust Carpet LayersKnee trauma, awkward postures, glue vapor Insulation workersAsbestos, synthetic fibers, awkward postures RoofersRoofing tar, heat, awkward postures CarpentersNoise, awkward postures, repetitive motion Drillers, earth, rockSilica dust, whole-body vibration, noise Excavating and loading machine operators Silica dust, histoplasmosis, whole-body vibration, heat stress, noise Hazardous Waste WorkersHeat stress, toxic chemicals Brick MasonsCement dermatitis, awkward postures, heavy loads

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