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Petty Cash.

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Presentation on theme: "Petty Cash."— Presentation transcript:

1 Petty Cash

2 This lesson will cover What is Petty Cash The Petty Cashier
Recording the Opening Balance – float Recording the expenses Balancing the account Restoring the Imprest

3 What is Petty Cash Petty Cash is a small amount (Petite) of money available for small purchases. For example; stamps, a taxi fare, tea/coffee etc. It would not be used to buy larger items such as IT equipment, vehicles or furniture for example.

4 Which of the following items would be purchased through Petty Cash?
Coffee Printer Birthday card Paper Photocopier Lawnmower Staples Taxi fare Computer Desk Stamps

5 The Petty Cashier The Petty Cashier is the person responsible for the Petty Cash.

6 Petty Cashier 1. Receives Opening PC 2. Receives request for funds
Debit PC book 2. Receives request for funds 3. Completes PC voucher 4. Receives authorisation for payment 5. Pays expense 6. Records payment Credit PC book 7. Balances PC book 8. Requests Imprest to restore balance

7 Key Terms Petty Cash – small expenses Petty Cashier Analysis Imprest

8 Petty Cash Wordle

9 Benefits of Petty Cash Enables the business control small expenses
Vouchers can be checked against money paid Enables small cash payments that would be awkward or expensive to pay by cheque (37c per cheque)

10 1. Receives an Opening Balance
The Petty Cashier Receives an Opening Petty Cash Balance (float). This is recorded in the Debit of the Petty Cash book. For example, the Petty Cashier receives €200 at the beginning of January for the Petty Cash float.

11 Petty Cash Petty Cash Date Details Total V. No. Post Travel Clean
1/1/2012 Opening Bal. 200.00 Petty Cash

12 2. Receives a request for funds.
During the month, the Petty Cashier is asked to pay small expenses. For example, Jan. 3rd Postage €2.50 Usually a receipt is attached Petty Cash Petty Cash

13 3. Completes the Petty Cash voucher.
The request for funds is accompanied by a completed petty cash voucher. PETTY CASH VOUCHER Date: 3/1/2012 Voucher No.: 1 Details: Postage Amount: €2.50 Signed: M. Wright Authorised by: A. Lee Petty Cash Petty Cash

14 4. Receives authorisation for payment.
The voucher needs to be signed by the person seeking the money and by the person authorising payment. Petty Cash Petty Cash

15 5. Pays the expense The Petty Cashier pays the cash and files the voucher. Petty Cash

16 6. Records the payment The payment is recorded in the Credit of the Petty Cash book Petty Cash

17 Petty Cash Petty Cash Date Details Total V. no. Post Travel Clean
1/1/2012 Opening Balance 200.00 3/1/2012 Postage 1 2.50 Petty Cash

18 7. Balances the Petty Cash book
At the end of the month, the Petty Cashier balances the petty cash book. Petty Cash

19 Petty Cash Date Details Total V. No. Post Travel Clean 1/1/2012
Opening Balance 200.00 3/1/2012 Postage 1 2.50 5/1/2012 Taxi 2 7.50 18/1/2012 Cleaning 3 12.00 25/1/2012 4 5.50 31/1/2012 Balance c/d 172.50 8.00 1/2/2012 Balance b/d

20 8. Requests Imprest to restore balance
The Petty Cashier identifies the imprest and request payment from Finance to restore the balance to its original sum to begin the next month. Petty Cash

21 Petty Cash Date Details Total V. No. Post Travel Clean 1/1/2012
Opening Balance 200.00 3/1/2012 Postage 1 2.50 5/1/2012 Taxi 2 7.50 18/1/2012 Cleaning 3 12.00 25/1/2012 4 5.50 31/1/2012 Balance c/d 172.50 8.00 1/2/2012 Balance b/d Imprest 27.50

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