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Verbal Gestures © Master In Mind on behalf of ISIO 2013 Slip of the Tongue - Known as the Freudian Slip. The unconscious mind is a memory bank of past.

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Presentation on theme: "Verbal Gestures © Master In Mind on behalf of ISIO 2013 Slip of the Tongue - Known as the Freudian Slip. The unconscious mind is a memory bank of past."— Presentation transcript:

1 Verbal Gestures © Master In Mind on behalf of ISIO 2013 Slip of the Tongue - Known as the Freudian Slip. The unconscious mind is a memory bank of past situations, experiences and emotions, which can be activated by a simple word. Without realizing words can slip out. This indicates an unconscious memory or an emotion being felt at the time. Likewise a slip of the tongue may divulge secrets, attitudes, passions and pet hates.

2 © Master In Mind on behalf of ISIO 2013 Verbal Gestures - Calling a new girlfriend by a past girlfriend’s name - The new girlfriend meeting the boy’s past girlfriend could say on introduction ” Pleased to beat you” - A person saying something “ out of turn“ then attempting to get out of the awkward situation would use a lie. P eople often use rhyming words to get out of the awkward situation.

3 Speech Signs of Lying  The first sign is the speed of language. The brain has to go through a few processes effecting fluency of speech which would indicate truth or deceit. If the story is easily remembered this may indicate truth. However, if it is being constructed in the brain and takes time to download to the verbal this may indicate a possible lie.  Response latency – the speed of response. Truth comes out spontaneously. The reaction for a planned lie is delivered verbally very quickly. They want to get the mission over and done as fast as possible. © Master In Mind on behalf of ISIO 2013

4  Consistency. The story is consistent in theme and in the correct tense. Pay attention to “ the tense” ; “ I am not having sexual relations with that woman”. [They are now speaking in the present, which is not replying to the accusation.  Distancing Words “That woman” is a good example of one distancing themselves from the subject. Another example would be for victim to say to an insurance assessor if the car was arranged for theft and now trying to claim : “ The Car” not “ My Car” Speech Signs of Lying

5 © Master In Mind on behalf of ISIO 2013 Speech Signs of Lying  Changing subject. This is an indication that the person would prefer to shift focus onto something else instead of carrying on with the lie story as it is far too difficult to remember.  Fear of being found out They may simply say, “ I was only joking because I was testing you”

6 The secret – Ask the right questions How to ask questions to get the truth © Master In Mind on behalf of ISIO 2013 The questions must be initially asked in a soft tone and in the form of a conversation rather than in a ‘state of interrogation’. Converse a few minutes to find the person’s baseline. Ask questions that the person can answer truthfully.  Then the question: For example; instead of asking outright “ Do you smoke pot? First talk about someone that you know that smokes dope or a story involving dope. Then, in the discussion ask, “ I wonder how much dope costs today? Perhaps the person would show with their eyes moving if they are trying to remember when they last smoked, instead of answering immediately that they do not smoke marijuana and looking straight at you. It is best to insert a question in the middle of a conversation rather than pounce the question from the onset.

7 The secret – Ask the right questions Continued © Master In Mind on behalf of ISIO 2013  Why should I believe you? Whatever answer you get first, don't accept it and ask a second time. "That didn't really answer my question--why should I believe you?“ The answer should be short, simple, and to the point, such as, "Because I've told you the truth” The person will tend to overcompensate, which may take the form of getting angry and accusing, such as you not wanting to believe even though they are telling the truth, or saying they do not want to associate or work with you anymore. This would indicate a lie.

8 © Master In Mind on behalf of ISIO 2013 You cannot get the right answers, if you do not ask the right questions at the right time Answers “ To tell you the truth” does this mean that the person has lied to you before about something? More than likely! - The reason being is the conscience is in theatre, or the person has been found out and is now finally telling the truth. When one hears, “ To be honest with you”, “ The Truth of the matter”, “The Fact of the matter”, “ To be honest with you”, then perhaps there was a lie previously either to protect someone’s emotion or their own inner truth and now the truthful reason is going to be told. - Compulsive liars who always “tell you the truth”, “to be honest with you”.

9 Answers © Master In Mind on behalf of ISIO 2013  Answering a question with a question Did you take the car? Did I take the car !  The “Really” answer. Be it alone, beginning or at the end of a sentence is a good indicator that the person is lying.  Words in sequence. You hear the story, then ask them to repeat it backwards. A planned lie is learnt from beginning to end, but when it is experienced it is remembered totally.(Used in interrogation)  Swallowing the words. Ask if they are telling the truth. Besides the words, this question activates physical responses, such as the hard swallow, dry mouth, facial and hand gestures

10 Success can be determined by the patience and keeping SELF in control. The art of seduction is drawing the other persons into a head space and allowing them to gain confidence in themselves. This slowly delivers more investment from their end and is the key factor, if you are in a strong position. At the same time you are shifting the stress onto their minds. From time to time, let them have the upper hand in a situation. As time passes the stress is put on the opponent and if the opponent is bluffing, they will inevitably fold due to their own pressure. The Power of Patience © Master In Mind on behalf of ISIO 2013

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