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Introduction: Biology Today

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1 Introduction: Biology Today
Chapter 1 Introduction: Biology Today

2 Concept Check Which of the following levels of life’s hierarchy is not appropriate when referring to two of life’s domains: Archaea and Bacteria? the population level the organism level the organ level the molecular level Correct Answer: c

3 Concept Check Darwin proposed the theory of natural selection. For the most part, natural selection acts as a filtering agent at the ___________ level of life’s hierarchy. community population individual organ Correct Answer: b

4 Concept Check Not all science discoveries strictly follow the scientific method. Which of the following would best be described as discovery science? sequencing the human genome describing a new bird species from the Philippines a project to find preserved specimens of the probably extinct Rocky Mountain locust frozen in glaciers all of the above Correct Answer: d

5 Interpreting Data These two snakes look remarkably similar to each other. The coral snake (right) is very poisonous to vertebrates. Hypotheses: H1: The coral snake’s bright color pattern serves to warn off potential predators. H2: The king snake suffers less predation because it mimics or looks like the coral snake. H3: The protection that king snakes receive by mimicking coral snakes will depend on the presence of coral snakes.

6 Interpreting Data A team of scientists designed an investigation that used artificial snakes to test the previous hypotheses. Which of the previous hypotheses are supported by the results displayed at the right? H1: The coral snake’s bright color pattern serves to warn off potential predators. H2: The king snake suffers less predation because it mimics or looks like the coral snake. H3: The protection that king snakes receive by mimicking coral snakes will depend on the presence of coral snakes. both a and b Correct Answer: d

7 Interpreting Data Biologists placed artificial snake mimics in two different localities to test the hypothesis that looking like a poisonous snake only works where the poisonous snake is found: Outside of the coral snake range—only king snakes are present. Inside of the coral snake range—both coral and king snakes are present.

8 Interpreting Data The data graphed at the right ___________ the hypothesis that the effectiveness of mimic coloration depends on the presence of the poisonous model. supports does not support is irrelevant to Correct Answer: a

9 Interpreting Data Based on this data, which of the following is a logical hypothesis or prediction? King snakes outside of the range of coral snakes will more closely resemble coral snakes than populations of king snakes living within the range of coral snakes. King snakes outside of the range of coral snakes will not resemble coral snakes as closely as populations of king snakes that live within the range coral snakes. Neither prediction is valid. Correct Answer: b

10 Biology and Society A. B. C. D. E.
Even a cursory glance at the news media reveals that scientific progress is an essential part of modern society. Still, many people are very skeptical of science. Do you think that an informed citizen needs a firm understanding of science to effectively participate in a representative society? Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree A. B. C. D. E.

11 Biology and Society A. B. C. D. E.
Even a cursory glance at the news media reveals that scientific progress is an essential part of modern society. Still, many people are very skeptical of science. Do you think that scientists should take a more active role in helping society to understand and apply their findings? Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree A. B. C. D. E.

12 Biology and Society A. B. C. D. E.
For some, religion and science seem to be at odds. Others feel that religion and science are two powerful but separate ways of human understanding. Most important, these people do not feel that science and religion are in conflict. Do you think that an individual can hold devout religious beliefs, while at the same time supporting scientific understanding? Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree A. B. C. D. E.

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