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Left side: Put the correct definition with the correct vocabulary word: What is a species? What is a population? basic biological classification and containing.

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Presentation on theme: "Left side: Put the correct definition with the correct vocabulary word: What is a species? What is a population? basic biological classification and containing."— Presentation transcript:


2 Left side: Put the correct definition with the correct vocabulary word: What is a species? What is a population? basic biological classification and containing individuals that resemble one another and may interbreed group of interbreeding animals or plants native to a region

3 The story of the peppered moth: 1850: 1850: mostly speckled; a few dark 2000: 2000: mostly speckled; a few dark 1900: 1900: mostly dark; a few speckled

4 The story of the bacteria: 1st round of antibiotics: most bacteria die 2nd round of some die same antibiotic: some die 3rd round of same antibiotic: very few die

5 What do these two stories have in common? Per. 5

6 What do these two stories have in common? Per. 6

7 What do these two stories have in common? Per. 6.

8 Given the phenomena of these two stories, what are some questions you could ask? Per. 6

9 Given the phenomena of these two stories, what are some questions you could ask? Per. 6

10 Driving Question


12 If all offspring of two parent fish survive and reproduce, how many fish will there be after 4 generations? A. What happens to population sizes over time? WHAT DO WE OBSERVE ABOUT POPULATIONS OF ORGANISMS?

13 Another example: How many flies would there be by the end of one summer if all offspring of a mating pair survived and reproduced?

14 OBSERVATION #1: Populations of organisms have the potential to grow exponentially. Graph of exponential growth:

15 Is this what really happens? Are we overrun by fish… or flies… or any single species? What really seems to happen? In other words, what do we observe in real life? A species of fish A species of grass Biomass of population

16 Yeast Sheep Paramecium (a protist) What is the pattern? How would you describe what populations really seem to do?

17 OBSERVATION #2: Populations of organisms tend to stay relatively stable in size.

18 Potential population growth in elephants Elephants are one of the slowest breeders on the planet. One female will produce 6 young over her 100 year life span. How many elephants could result from one male and one female in 750 years?

19 19,000,000 elephants!!!

20 OBSERVATION #2: Populations of organisms tend to stay relatively stable in size.

21 With your partner, brainstorm a list of possible reasons why populations stay stable instead of continuing to increase exponentially. Per. 5

22 With your partner, brainstorm a list of possible reasons why populations stay stable instead of continuing to increase exponentially. Per. 6

23 What do we call all these things collectively? OBSERVATION #3: Populations are relatively stable in size due to limited resources in the environment. RESOURCES!

24 Lets play a game to see what happens when resources are limited!

25 1.Even student #’s are DEER, odds are RESOURCES. FOOD WATERSHELTER 2.Signs for resources: FOOD = both hands over belly, WATER = both hands over mouth, SHELTER = make a tent over head. 3.Groups stand with backs to each other. Everyone picks a resource by making the appropriate sign. You must keep displaying your sign the whole time! 4.On teacher’s signal turn and face each other. DEER must find someone showing the same resource on the other side. 5.Each deer can only claim one resource. 6.No changing once you turn around! 7.If a deer finds a resource it can “reproduce”. The resource it caught becomes a deer for the next round. 8.Resources not claimed stay a resource. 9.Deer not able to find their resource die and become a resource for the next round. “OH DEER”

26 1. Was it always easy to be a deer in the game? Why or why not? 2. When resources were limited, what did it feel like to be a deer? DISCUSSION:

27 INFERENCE #1 Within populations of organisms there is a struggle to survive.

28 What do we observe when we compare individuals in a population? OBSERVATION #4 There is variation among organisms in a population. Variation naturally exists.

29 Wormeaters

30 What is going to happen to: …the wormeater with the disadvantageous variation? …the wormeater that got the most food? Per. 5

31 What is going to happen to: …the wormeater with the disadvantageous variation? …the wormeater that got the most food? Per. 6

32 OBSERVATION #5: Individuals with advantageous variations have a better chance of surviving than those with less advantageous variations. OBSERVATION #6 Survival allows reproduction

33 When the surviving wormeaters reproduce what kind of beaks will their offspring most likely have? OBSERVATION #7: Many variations are inherited (in other words, offspring tend to resemble their parents).

34 # advantageous What do you predict would happen to the # of individuals with the advantageous variation in the next generation? INFERENCE #2: The # of individuals with advantageous variations will increase in each new generation. The # with disadvantageous traits will decrease. disadvantageous What about the # of individuals with the disadvantageous variations?

35 What do you predict will happen to a species over many generations? INFERENCE #3: Over many generations the species changes, i.e. EVOLUTION occurs.

36 OVERVIEW of the MODEL OBSERVATION #1 Populations have potential to grow exponentially. OBSERVATION #2 Population sizes remain relatively stable over time. OBSERVATION #3 Stable population sizes are due to limited resources. INFERENCE #1 Within populations there is a struggle to survive. OBSERVATION #4 Within populations there is variation. OBSERVATION #5 Some variations provide a survival advantage. OBSERVATION #6 Individuals who survive can reproduce. OBSERVATION #7 Many variations are heritable. INFERENCE #2 # individuals with advantageous traits increases in each generation. INFERENCE #3 Over many generations, species change. EVOLUTION occurs!

37 Final Task - with group Review each other’s explanations. Notice the differences and similarities. Develop an explanation that combines the best of everyone’s ideas. Group NormsRemember to follow Group Norms! Choose someone with legible handwriting to record your explanation out on poster paper. (You may add illustrations and try to make it look nice but don’t spend excessive time on it. Your thinking is what matters most! You will not have additional time to work on this.)

38 Evaluating the Explanation: 1.Underline in Blue & identify by letter (below) each part of our model in the poster you evaluate. Evaluating the Explanation: 1. Underline in Blue & identify by letter (below) each part of our model in the poster you evaluate. A. A. Populations have the potential to grow exponentially but stay relatively stable due to limited resources in the environment. B. B. Within populations there is a struggle to survive. C. C. Variation naturally exists among organisms in a population D. D. Individuals with advantageous traits have a better chance of surviving than those with disadvantageous traits. E. E. Survival allows reproduction. F. F. Many variations are inherited. Offspring tend to resemble their parents. G. G. The number of individuals with advantageous traits increases in each new generation. The # with disadvantageous traits decreases. 2. Underline in Red any statements that you think 2. Underline in Red any statements that you think contradict - or do not fit with - our model.

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