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Content Monetisation. Consultancy Creation Syndication Amplification Marketing & Strategy Technology Social.

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Presentation on theme: "Content Monetisation. Consultancy Creation Syndication Amplification Marketing & Strategy Technology Social."— Presentation transcript:

1 Content Monetisation

2 Consultancy Creation Syndication Amplification Marketing & Strategy Technology Social

3 Revenue Models

4 Subscription (Paywalls) Ad-Supported Freemium Affiliate Revenue Licensing Content Revenue Models

5 Native Advertising

6 Paid messages that resemble more closely the content and tone of the environment they appear in Advertorials Advertising sections Sponsored content Infomercials Branded content What is Native Advertising?

7 Ian Schafer – CEO of Deep Focus Digital Agency; “Re-packaged versions of advertorials” Jon Steinberg – President BuzzFeed; “Unique and organic experience - better for the user” A Divisive Subject

8 Native in Numbers 32% - would share a native ad with friend or family Dwell time only 20% less than content 85% of consumers never heard of native 86% users feel misled by video ads appearing as content Sources: IPG Media Lab / BIA Kelsey / Forbes Insights / Kiss Metrics / e-consultancy

9 Who is Utilising Native Formats? Washington Post Huffington Post Forbes Business Insider WSJ CNN ESPN Buzzfeed Gawker Tumblr Google Facebook Twitter Foursquare

10 Adwords - $50b in 2012

11 FB Sponsored Stories - $1m/day


13 By invite only Print & web, currently circa 20 clients Sponsorships up 40% 2012 Minimum $1m per year campaigns Between 880 and 5,880 pv/m Forbes – BrandVoice

14 1. Clearly identified as being branded content 2. Cannot be promotional content 3. Editor dedicated to this initiative 4. Editor as part of the marketing team

15 BuzzFeed

16 175 staff, 100 editors, 85m UBs Only use Native formats Projected 600-700 ad campaign sales in 2013 Circa $92k / native ad campaign 1-2% CTR, earned media circa 30% shared

17 BuzzFeed Taco Bell Case Study

18 22% Recall; ‘Provide Novel Information’

19 Content Tech

20 Production Platforms Content Syndication Content Curation Content Discovery Content Amplification Social Content Native Content Content Tech Categories

21 Content Technology Outbrain (behavioural serving 3 rd party network) Skyword (content / contributor management) Newscred (International syndicators) Kalooga (content discovery) Trapit (content discovery, owned / 3 rd party networks) (3 rd party curation platform) Storify (build stories from social networks) Taboola (behavioural serving 3 rd party network) Paperli (Create your own online newspaper, curate content from other newspaper) nRelate (Content discovery platform) Squirro (Context sensitive content discovery) Gravity (Content discovery platform - Deliver personalised content to each user ) Taboola (Distribute content, access publishers) Discus (website comment hosting service) Nster (Content discovery platform, content hosted on relevant sites)


23 Amplification Your content as part of the Outbrain eco-system Gain new audiences CTR of 5.7% Engagement Outbrain eco-system content on your site Offer your readers more content Get paid when users click on any content


25 2500+ Sources of Premium & Licensed content Millions of full articles, images and video Brands and publishers Supporting Editorial team at NewsCred

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