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UNIVERSAL PEACE FEDERATION UPF Marriage and Family Series Solving Moral Confusion God’s Design for Human Family Life.

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Presentation on theme: "UNIVERSAL PEACE FEDERATION UPF Marriage and Family Series Solving Moral Confusion God’s Design for Human Family Life."— Presentation transcript:

1 UNIVERSAL PEACE FEDERATION UPF Marriage and Family Series Solving Moral Confusion God’s Design for Human Family Life

2 Solving Moral Confusion

3 Mind & BodyMan & Woman Man Woman Internal Nature External Form 3 Dual Characteristics “Dual Purpose” Principle “Pair System” Principle

4 Woman Man + -

5 5 Cation Anion Proton Electron Positive Negative Mind Instinct Body Tropism Body Atoms Body  Particles Energy   Nat. Law Humans Animals Plants Atoms Particles Nat. Law Dual Characteristics Molecules Masculine Feminine Int. Nature Ext. Form

6 6 Atoms: proton & electron

7 Stamen Pistil 7 Cation Anion Proton Electron Positive Negative Mind Instinct Body Tropism Body Atoms Body  Particles Energy   Nat. Law Humans Animals Plants Atoms Particles Nat. Law Dual Characteristics Molecules Masculine Feminine Int. Nature Ext. Form

8 8 Plants: stamen & pistil

9 Stamen Pistil 9 Cation Anion Proton Electron Positive Negative Male Female Mind Instinct Body Tropism Body Atoms Body  Particles Energy   Nat. Law Humans Animals Plants Atoms Particles Nat. Law Dual Characteristics Molecules Masculine Feminine Int. Nature Ext. Form

10 10 Animals: male & female

11 Stamen Pistil 11 Cation Anion Proton Electron Positive Negative Male Female Man Woman Mind Instinct Body Tropism Body Atoms Body  Particles Energy   Nat. Law Humans Animals Plants Atoms Particles Nat. Law Dual Characteristics Molecules Masculine Feminine Int. Nature Ext. Form

12 12 Humankind: men & woman

13 Stamen Pistil Cation Anion Proton Electron Positive Negative Male Female Man Woman Humans Animals Plants Atoms Particles Dual Characteristics Molecules Masculine Feminine 13 Existence Reproduction & Pleasure Unique? 100% Freedom

14 Freedom & Responsibility “Nature” of Freedom Purpose” of Freedom “Purpose” of Freedom Without restraint Responsibility… to create true love. 14

15 Stamen Pistil Cation Anion Proton Electron Positive Negative Male Female Man Woman Humans Animals Plants Atoms Particles Dual Characteristics Molecules Masculine Feminine 15 Existence Reproduction & Pleasure Unique? 100% Freedom Image of God

16 16 We marry in order to resemble God. God exists as a being of dual characteristics. Thus, husband and wife… together are a reflection of God’s original image and nature…. Mrs. Hak Ja Han Moon, President WFWP Blessing Marriage and Eternal Life, April 1-16, 1996, 16-city North American tour. Mother Moon

17 “Pair System” Principle "So God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them." Genesis 1:27 17

18 “Pair System” Principle It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him. Genesis 2:18 18

19 19

20 And of every thing We have created pairs: that ye may receive Instruction. Quran 51:49 "And have We not created you in pairs." Quran 78:8 "Pair System" Principle 20

21 "And of him He [Allah] made two sexes, male and female. " Quran 75:39 "That He [Allah] did create in pairs, ― male and female." Quran 53:45 "Pair System" Principle 21

22 22 I am the Father and Mother of this universe... Bhagavad Gita 9:17 "Pair System" Principle

23 23 अर्धनारेश्वर 23

24 24 Shiva Lingam at Balligavi Temple

25 一陰一陽之謂道 One yang and one yin: this is the Tao (the way). 周易 - Book of Changes "Pair System" Principle 25

26 Buddha is both the father and mother to the people of the world. Mahaparinibbana-sutta (TB pg. 33) "Pair System" Principle 26

27 27 Building Love between a Man and Woman Husband lives for the sake of his wife. Wife lives for the sake of her husband. Public Private Above Below Public Private Above Below

28 28

29 … approach to your wives. They are your garments and you are their garments Quran 2.187 "Pair System" Principle 29

30 Human sexuality is holy and sacred. It is the origin of: Love Life Lineage 30 The Relationship of Man and Woman

31 31 Love, Life and Lineage… … which do you think has most value? Many people think that it is love. However, no matter how valuable love and life are, they are horizontal in nature. They appear and conclude within one generation. On the other hand, lineage is vertical in nature and continues forever, generation after generation. Rev. Sun Myung Moon: 50-State USA Speaking Tour, “God is Our King and True Parent,” May 8, 2001..

32 32 The Relationship of Man and Woman Human sexuality is holy and sacred. It is the origin of: Love Life Lineage

33 Father Moon’s 2 nd Motto Absolute Sexual Purity 1.Purity before marriage. 2.Fidelity after marriage 33

34 Woman Man + -

35 35 Man & Woman WomanMan “Pair System” Principle Universal Morals: 1.Universal  found in science & religion 2.Understand Sacredness of Human Sexuality 3.Renew the value of Marriage & Family 4.Discover the Nature of God (True Parents) A Sacred Union

36 The reason today’s society does not have a level of happiness to match its level of material affluence is that families are being destroyed. As a Peace-Loving Global Citizen, p. 209

37 Stamen Pistil 37 Cation Anion Proton Electron Positive Negative Male Female Man Woman Mind Instinct Body Tropism Body Atoms Body  Particles Energy   Nat. Law Humans Animals Plants Atoms Particles Nat. Law Dual Characteristics Molecules Masculine Feminine Int. Nature Ext. Form 37

38 Mind Artist Creation BodyPainting God’s Nature 38

39 Stamen Pistil 39 Cation Anion Proton Electron Positive Negative Male Female Man Woman Mind Instinct Body Tropism Body Atoms Body  Particles Energy   Nat. Law Humans Animals Plants Atoms Particles Nat. Law Dual Characteristics Molecules God Masculine Feminine Int. Nature Ext. Form

40 40 Universal Values 1. Universal Ethics: Guidelines for Personal Behavior 2. Universal Morals: Guidelines for Human Relationships

41 Mind & BodyMan & Woman + - Masculine Feminine Internal Nature External Form 41 Dual Characteristics Universal EthicsUniversal Morals

42 Mind & BodyMan & Woman + - Masculine Feminine Internal Nature External Form 42 Dual Characteristics Universal EthicsUniversal Morals

43 Live for the Sake of Others Sacredness of Marriage  43

44 44 Thank you !

45 Reflection Questions 1.How has your understanding about marriage changed? 2.How can we teach young people the value of human sexuality?

46 46

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