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F OUNDERS P RESENTATION January 2013 lpp. Children in America have endless possibilities. Their imaginations know no bounds. As parents, we want the best.

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Presentation on theme: "F OUNDERS P RESENTATION January 2013 lpp. Children in America have endless possibilities. Their imaginations know no bounds. As parents, we want the best."— Presentation transcript:

1 F OUNDERS P RESENTATION January 2013 lpp

2 Children in America have endless possibilities. Their imaginations know no bounds. As parents, we want the best for our children. To be well mannered. To study hard and get a good education. To be part of a strong social network of family and friends. To find a career path. And avoid drugs and crime.

3 Even when supported by the strongest foundations, our children face immense challenges. What they shouldn’t have to face is doing this without their mother.

4 Women are the fastest-growing demographic currently being incarcerated. But these crimes are overwhelmingly nonviolent. They are mostly crimes of coping. The economic burden of being a single mother. Lack of job skills. Domestic violence. Substance abuse to cope. Lack of social support and no place to turn for help. These are some of the obstacles these women face.

5 The Bureau of Justice Statistics indicates that the rate for females incarcerated and separated from their minor children has increased 122% between 1991 and 2007.

6 Once in the system, the resources to help these women are a fraction of what is available to help men in similar circumstances. Nearly half of the women released from a penal therapeutic facility in Harris County re-offend within three to six months. Issues with addictions, jobs, housing and lack of social support all contribute.

7 But the future of these women and their children doesn’t need to resemble a house of cards. This pattern of incarceration is costly. Not only the emotional toll this takes on the lives of the women and children involved, but for taxpayers as well. It costs as much as $25,000 to house one inmate for a year. half Even worse, nearly half of the women released from a penal therapeutic facility in Harris Country re-offend within three to six months. This pattern of incarceration is costly. Not only the emotional toll this takes on the lives of the women and children involved, but for taxpayers as well. It costs as much as $25,000 to house one inmate for a year. half Even worse, nearly half of the women released from a penal therapeutic facility in Harris Country re-offend within three to six months.

8 Living Forward Alliance breaks this cycle. We offer programs for incarcerated women that until now have been scarce. These programs address the addictions and choices that derailed their lives.

9 Enrollment in our programs are voluntary, and the women are motivated to change. We help them break addictions. We teach them the coping and living skills they’ll need when they’re released from incarceration. We help them build a support network that includes a mentor from our program. Commitment. Responsibility

10 Enrollment in our programs are voluntary, and the women are motivated to change. We offer support and resources to help them become a contributing member of society. We help them discover their potential and gain confidence in themselves so they can build a strong, productive life. And they go on to teach these skills to their children. Authenticity. Contribution.

11 Transforming Life. Breaking the Cycle. save Our programs not only change the lives of these women and their children, but save taxpayers money. Instead of spending the $17,000 to $25,000 to house a woman in prison for a year, our program only costs $3,000 a person.

12 82% Since 2009, when Living Forward Alliance was founded, 82% of the women in our program have succeeded in positive change. 82% of the women in our program have succeeded in positive change. The program works!

13 The women graduating from our program have better lives and are now contributing members of society. They’ve stopped the cycle of abuse and crime. And the lives of their children are on a strong foundation. Better outcomes and decrease the cycle of abuse and crime.

14 100 To enlist 100 women in our program each year. $2.5 million In one year alone, this could potentially save taxpayers as much as $2.5 million by keeping these women out of the justice system. And it can transform their lives and the lives of their children.

15 next We’re asking for your help. We need funding for the next 100 women who have committed to our program. We need You

16 Donate. Volunteer. Participate Whether you choose to be a financial contributor, volunteer as a mentor, or participate as a facilitator, your contribution will help us continue to transform lives for generations to come.

17 D ONATE. V OLUNTEER. P ARTICIPATE. Tel: 713-304-6262

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