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What preteens can do to stay healthy [YOUR NAME AND HERE]

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2 What preteens can do to stay healthy [YOUR NAME AND HERE]

3 Visit a Doctor Why do I need to visit a doctor?

4 11-and 12-year-olds need to visit a doctor because….  Your body is changing, and this is your opportunity to ask doctors all sorts of questions  Learn about eating right, staying active and ways to protect your body, like getting shots (vaccines)

5 What are vaccines?  Vaccines are a type of medicine that help you build protection (immunity) against some diseases  Before vaccines, many people would get diseases that we rarely see today (e.g. measles and polio) and sometimes even die

6 How do vaccines work?  The body makes “antibodies” to fight these “invaders”  A weakened or dead form of the disease germ is injected into the body (but does NOT make you sick)  If the actual disease germs ever attack, the “antibodies” are still there to destroy them! NO! NOT AGAIN!

7 Why do I need to get vaccinated?  There are shots that are especially recommended for 11-and 12-year-olds  If everyone is protected, the germs that cause disease can’t spread from person to person. This is called “herd immunity”  Getting shots protects you, your family, and friends

8 Ouch! Don’t shots hurt?  Not as much as getting the disease!  Things to do to relax during your shots: Have someone keep you company Have someone keep you company Take a slow deep breath Take a slow deep breath Focus on something fun Focus on something fun Listen to music Listen to music Imagine doing your favorite activity Imagine doing your favorite activity

9 What are some diseases that vaccines protect against?

10 Chickenpox  Chickenpox is also called varicella  Anyone can get it!  But, it can be very dangerous for preteens, teens and adults True or False: You can get chickenpox from a chicken

11 Human papillomavirus (HPV)  This vaccine is NOT only for girls! Boys can get it too  Anyone between 9 and 26 years of age can get the vaccine, but it is especially important for 11-and 12-year olds  This vaccine can help prevent cervical cancer in girls (a cancer in the reproductive system) and other cancers in men and women later on in life  It’s very important to get this vaccine, because HPV is a very common disease

12 Meningococcal  Anyone can catch this disease!  This disease can be spread by sharing saliva (e.g. sharing drinks or kissing). It can also be spread through the air when people sneeze or cough  Some people who catch this disease lose their limbs—arms, fingers and legs may be amputated (cut off). Others become deaf, have brain damage, and some even die

13 Whooping Cough  Whooping cough is a disease that can make you cough so hard it breaks your ribs! You can be sick for weeks or even months!  In 2010 the whooping cough epidemic got thousands sick and babies died in CA

14  Did you know?!? For the 2011-2012 school year, all 7 th -12 th graders will need proof of a whooping cough shot before starting school  For future school years only 7 th graders will need the shot for school  Ask your parents to visit to learn more

15 Tetanus  ‘Tdap’ is a shot that protects against tetanus, diphtheria and whooping cough (AKA pertussis)  Tetanus is caused by a bacteria that can enter your body through a small cut in the skin. It cannot be spread from person to person

16 Flu  Did you know that the regular flu kills around 36,000 people every year, making it one of the top 10 killers in the U.S.?!?  Everyone over 6 months of age (this includes YOU!) should get a flu vaccine to protect themselves, their family and friends against flu

17 To help stop the spread of flu you can also….

18 Where can I get these shots?  Visit your doctor  Tell your parents that you may be able to get FREE shots through the Vaccines for Children Program  If you don’t have health insurance, visit your local health department at [ more info here] or call them at [ enter phone # here]

19  See your doctor for a ‘well’ visit at least once per year  Get any recommended shots  Take information home  Participate in Preteen Vaccine Week by [ more info here] Spread the word, not the germs!

20 Thank you for your time!

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