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ศ.น.พ. อรรถ นานา คณะแพทยศาสตร์ศิริราชพยาบาล มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล

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Presentation on theme: "ศ.น.พ. อรรถ นานา คณะแพทยศาสตร์ศิริราชพยาบาล มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล"— Presentation transcript:

1 ศ.น.พ. อรรถ นานา คณะแพทยศาสตร์ศิริราชพยาบาล มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล
Extrinsic allergic alveolitis Hypersensitvity pneumonitis ปอดอักเสบภูมิไวเกิน ศ.น.พ. อรรถ นานา คณะแพทยศาสตร์ศิริราชพยาบาล มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล

2 HP: Introduction immunologically induced lung disease
diffuse inflammation of lung parenchyma & airways in previously sensitized patients sensitized to repeated inhalation of dusts containing organic & low molecular weight chemical antigens

3 HP: Introduction dusts derived from not atopic disease
dairy & grain products animal dander & proteins wood bark water reservoir vaporizers not atopic disease not associated with increase IgE or eosinophils

4 HP: Selected etiological agents
Disease Farmer’s lung ปอดชาวไร่ Bagassosis โรคชานอ้อย Bird-breeder’s lung Bird-fancier’s lung Pigeon-breeder’s lung Mushroom-worker’s lung คนเพาะเห็ด Humidifier/air conditioner lung ปอดเครื่องทำความชื้น ปอดอักเสบการระบาย อากาศ Source หญ้าแห้งที่ขึ้นรา ชานอ้อยที่ขึ้นรา มูลนก, ขน (พิราบ,นกแก้ว) ปุ๋ยที่ขึ้นรา,หญ้าแห้ง เครื่องทำความชื้น ท่อเครื่องปรับอากาศ Antigen Micropolyspora faeni Thermoactinomyces sacchari Avian proteins Thermoactinomyces vulgaris Thermoactinomyces vulgaris

5 HP: Epidemiology Varies 0.5-5% of farmers (Farmer’s lung disease)
8-30% of members of pigeon breeding clubs (pigeon breeder’s disease) Prevalence Farmer’s lung UK France Finland U.S.A. 4370 540 cases/100,000 / persons at risk

6 Bagassosis : A Report of 8 Cases
จดหมายเหตุทางแพทย์ 2517:57; Pee Kamtorn, M.D.* Poonkasem Charoenpan, M.D.** Yosvi Sukumalchantra, M.D. , F.A.C.P. , F.R.C.P. (C) ,F.A.C.C.** Vijitr Boonpucknavig, M.D.*** Kalyanakit Kitiyakara, M.B. , B.S. , M.R.C.S. , L.R.C.P.**** Chirotchana Suchato, M.D.***** Chaivej Nuchprayoon, M.D.****** Bagassosis is classified as an extrinsic allergic pneumonia. It is considered to be the result of allergic reaction to moldy sugar cane inhalation(1) . Case Report All of the patients worked at a paper produc- tion factory in Karnchanaburi province and were

7 HP : Pathogenesis precipitating Ab against specific Ag
immune - complex mediated process precipitating Ab against specific Ag 50% of asymptomatic persons exposed also have Ab

8 HP: Pathogenesis cell - mediated immunity more important response
increase PMN in alveoli & small airways influx of mononuclear cells formation of granulomas cytokine from T- lymphocytes & macrophages

9 HP : Histologic findings
diffuse interstitial infiltrate : lymphocytes, macrophages, mast cells, plasma cells scattered noncaseating granulomas cellular inflammation of bronchioles, + bronchiolar obstruction absent generalized vasculitis, necrotizing granulomata ~ duration or stage of disease, adequacy of biopsy sample

10 HP : Diagnostic criteria
Major criteria 1. Symptoms c/w HP , appear or worsens within hours after Ag exposure 2. Confirmation of exposure to the offending agent by - Hx -investigation of the environment -serum precipitin test -BAL Ab

11 HP : Diagnostic criteria
3. Compatible CXR or HRCT 4. Lymphocytosis in BAL 5. Compatible histologic changes 6. Positive “natural challenge” or by controlled inhalational challenge

12 HP : Diagnostic criteria
Minor criteria 1. Basilar crackles 2. Decreased diffusion capacity 3. Arterial hypoxemia, at rest or with exercise

13 HP : Diagnostic criteria
Four major criteria Two minor criteria Other diseases have been excluded Adapted from Schuyler + Cormier Chest 1997; 111:

14 HP : Diagnosis often unrecognized & misdiagnosed
respiratory symptoms with Hx. of environmental occupational exposure respiratory symptoms with episodic radiographic infiltrates “Recurrent pneumonia”

15 HP : Radiographic findings
vary to the stage of disease acute HP bilateral micronodular (1-4 mm.) infiltrates patchy ground-glass opacities decreased attenuation (air trapping from bronchiolitis) and mosaic pattern (expiratory view)

16 HP : Radiographic findings
Subacute HP fine linear shadows, small nodules = reticulonodular appearance Chronic HP volume loss reticulonodular infiltrates honeycombing predominantly upper & mid lung zones

17 HP : Pulmonary function tests
restrictive changes (superimposed obstruction in chronic HP) decreased diffusing capacity ABG: increased alveolar-arterial oxygen gradient frank hypoxemia (severe cases) oxygen desat. with exercise (clue in suspected case)

18 HP : BAL fluid intense lymphocytosis
predominantly CD 8+ T-suppressor cells ~ timing of the last antigen exposure, stage of disease

19 HP: key features Acute Subacute Chronic Time frame 4-48 hr
weeks to 4 M. 4 M. to years Clinical features fever, chills, cough hypoxemia, aches dyspnea , cough, episodic flares dyspnea, cough, fatigue, weight loss HRCT ground glass infiltrates micronodules, air trapping fibrosis, honey combing, emphysema Immunopathology alveolitis, immune complex granulomas, bronchiolitis lymphocytic infiltration, fibrosis,air space destruction Prognosis good



22 HP : Differential diagnosis
Acute stage pneumonia acute tracheobronchitis organic dust toxic syndrome BOOP

23 HP : Differential diagnosis
Subacute stage recurrent pneumonia granulomatous lung diseases pneumoconiosis Wegener’s granulomatosis

24 HP : Differential diagnosis
Chronic stage IPF bronchiectasis COPD with pulmonary fibrosis MAC

25 HP: Management early diagnosis avoidance of further exposure
protective devices :- personal respirators relocation to a new job reducing microorganism contamination in the environment altering handling & storage wetting compost using antibiotics to decrease fungal growth preventive maintenance on all A/C equipment

26 HP: key features Acute Subacute Chronic Time frame 4-48 hr
weeks to 4 M. 4 M. to years Clinical features fever, chills, cough hypoxemia, aches dyspnea , cough, episodic flares dyspnea, cough, fatigue, weight loss HRCT ground glass infiltrates micronodules, air trapping fibrosis, honey combing, emphysema Immunopathology alveolitis, immune complex granulomas, bronchiolitis lymphocytic infiltration, fibrosis,air space destruction Prognosis good

27 Subacute HP, a 60-year-old dairy farmer had a 8-year history of intermittent dyspnea. CXR shows bilateral reticulonodular interstitial infiltration.

28 Chronic pigeon breeder’s disease
Chronic pigeon breeder’s disease. This patient has extensive pulmonary fibrosis & cor pulmonale.

29 Chronic HP, Pigeon breeder’s disease
Chronic HP, Pigeon breeder’s disease. Bilateral reticulonodular densities are present.

30 Acute HP, ground glass opacification

31 HRCT of a patient with Chronic HP demonstrating centrilobular
nodules not associated with bronchovascular bundles.

32 Chronic HP, centrilobular nodules.

33 Chronic HP, honeycombing in right upper lung & traction

34 Acute HP, mononuclear infiltration & noncaseating granulomas.

35 Chronic HP, mostly lymphocytic cellular infiltrate with epithelioid cells & numerous and clearly defined granuloma. (Wright-Giemsa)

36 Giant cells are characteristic feature of HP.

37 Chronic HP shows interstitial inflammation associated
with fibrosis.

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