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Respiratory Tract Disorders Upper and Lower. Upper Respiratory Infection - URI Localized in the mucosa of the URT –Nose, Pharynx, Larynx Usually named.

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Presentation on theme: "Respiratory Tract Disorders Upper and Lower. Upper Respiratory Infection - URI Localized in the mucosa of the URT –Nose, Pharynx, Larynx Usually named."— Presentation transcript:

1 Respiratory Tract Disorders Upper and Lower

2 Upper Respiratory Infection - URI Localized in the mucosa of the URT –Nose, Pharynx, Larynx Usually named for specific structure

3 Epitaxis NosebleedNosebleed Due to –Blow –Dry Mucous –High BP Pinch the nosePinch the nose Pack under upper lip Ice Pack on neck Twist Cotton up Nose Do NOT lay BackDo NOT lay Back > 5” See Doctor

4 Rhinitis CoryzaCoryza Inflammation of nasal mucosa Due to infections –Bacterial, Viral, Allergen Discomfort, Swelling, Excessive DischargeDiscomfort, Swelling, Excessive Discharge


6 Pharyngitis Sore ThroatSore Throat Inflammation Excessive UseExcessive Use Infection –Bacterial, Viral, Allergen –Strep Throat Pain, Reddness, Difficulty Swallowing, Pus


8 Laryngitis Inflammation of larynx mucous lining Loss of voiceLoss of voice Infection –Bacterial, Viral Irritant –Allergens, Smoking, Temperature Change Under 5 –Acute Laryngitis –Dyspnea –Croup


10 Lower Respiratory Infections - LRI Localized in the Trachea, Bronchial Tree and lungs Usually much more severe and Life threatening

11 Acute Bronchitis Acute inflammation of the bronchi –Usually caused by infections Often preceded by a URIOften preceded by a URI Starts with a nonproductive coughStarts with a nonproductive cough Progresses to deep coughProgresses to deep cough Produces sputumProduces sputum –Mucus & Pus


13 Pneumonia Inflammation of the lungs alveoli & bronchi become plugged with thick fluidalveoli & bronchi become plugged with thick fluid –Streptococcus pneumoniae bacteria –Others Viral or Fungul –Oportunistic Symptoms –High fever/severe chills –Headache/cough –chest pain Types Lobar PneumoniaLobar Pneumonia –Affecting entire lobes BronchopneumoniaBronchopneumonia –Part of the Bronchial Tree Aspiration PneumoniaAspiration Pneumonia –Nonifectious –Inhaling vomit or other foreign matter



16 Tuberculosis (TB) Chronic bacillus infection caused by mycobacterium tuberculosis Highly contagiousHighly contagious –Transmitted through inhalation or swallowing of infected droplets –When people cough or sneeze –Affects lungs and possibly spread to other organs Early Stages –Fatigue & Wt Loss –Chest Pain & Pleurisy –Fever Later Stages –Lung hemorraging –Dyspnea Tuberculosis –Capsules around bacteria colonies Extreme in 3 rd World Rising in US




20 Restrictive Pulmonary Disorders Affect the Alveoli Reduces stretchReduces stretch –Inhibit inspiration Reduce Lung Volume & Vital CapacityReduce Lung Volume & Vital Capacity Caused by –Scarring of lung tissue Asbestos, coal, siliconAsbestos, coal, silicon –Injuries



23 Obstructive Pulmonary Disorders Obstructions of airways Caused from exposure to chemicals –Cigarette Smoke / Pollutants Cause obstructions with BOTH Inspiration and Expiration The total lung capacity may be normal, but takes time to inhale or exhale

24 Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Describes progressive irreversible obstruction of air flow Difficulty breathing mainly with expiration

25 Inflammation of Bronchi and Bronchioles –Edema –Mucus Cough Deeply trying to dislodge mucusCough Deeply trying to dislodge mucus Major Causes –Smoking –Second Hand Smoke –Pollution Chronic Bronchitis


27 Emphysema May result from Chronic BronchitisMay result from Chronic Bronchitis Air becomes trapped in alveoli due to mucusAir becomes trapped in alveoli due to mucus –Alveoli become enlarged & rupture –Fuse into irregular spaces Reduces surface area for gas exchangeReduces surface area for gas exchange Breathing becomes difficult Develop hypoxia



30 Asthma Recurring spasms of the smooth muscle walls of air passagesRecurring spasms of the smooth muscle walls of air passages Narrow the airwaysNarrow the airways Edema & Mucus accompanies spasms Triggered by stress, exercise, infection, allergens



33 Lung Cancer Malignant –Affects all parts of lungs –Destroying gas exchange abilities May and will Metastasize – Move Most often develops in damaged or diseased lungs Cigarette smoking accounts for 75%Cigarette smoking accounts for 75% Other Factors –2 nd Hand Smoke, Asbestos, Coal dust, petroleum Products, Rust,












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