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Germs Hillary Norman, Deasha Brown, Savannah Bennett, and Karissa Dunham.

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Presentation on theme: "Germs Hillary Norman, Deasha Brown, Savannah Bennett, and Karissa Dunham."— Presentation transcript:

1 Germs Hillary Norman, Deasha Brown, Savannah Bennett, and Karissa Dunham

2 Standards O HE1.1: Students will comprehend concepts related to health promotion and disease prevention to enhance health. O Description: Students will acquire basic personal health concepts that help maintain healthy behaviors and prevent disease. First grade students will understand how healthy behaviors impact personal health and disease prevention. O Elements: O b. Describe ways to prevent communicable diseases. O Examples: O List ways to prevent germs from spreading. O Describe the correct way to wash your hands.

3 What do Germs do? O Invade our bodies O They use our energy and nutrients O Produce toxins

4 Prevention O Sneeze/cough into elbow or tissues O Always wash your hands O Stay home when you are sick O Be careful with things you share O Go to the doctor

5 How Germs Spread O Person to Person O Through the air O Sneezing or coughing on something O Eating/Drinking after people

6 Hand Washing O This is the main prevention of germs O Before O Eating O Preparing Raw Food O Treating Wounds Wash Your Hands Before You Start. Wash You Hand After You're Done O After O Bathroom O Coughing/Sneezing O Touching Animals

7 How to Wash Your Hands 1. Wet hands and apply soap 2. Rub hands lathering with soap 3. Continue washing hands for 20 seconds 4. Rinse hands 5. Dry

8 Agenda O Story Time O “Germs Make Me Sick” by Melvin Berger O Spreading Germs Demonstration O Worksheet O Hand Washing Video O Hand Sanitizer Demonstration

9 Video O aCNU aCNU

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