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Chapter 10 Review Meiosis and Mendelian Genetics.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 10 Review Meiosis and Mendelian Genetics."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 10 Review Meiosis and Mendelian Genetics

2 Define: meiosis A type of cell division that produces gametes; reduces chromosome number by half

3 Define: zygote The cell produced when a male sperm and female egg fuse

4 Define: haploid A cell that contains one member of each chromosome pair

5 Define: heredity The passing of characteristics from parents to offspring

6 Meiosis results in the formation of … 4 genetically different haploid cells

7 The gamete that contains genes contributed only by the mother is the … Egg

8 The typical human body cell contains 46 chromosomes. How many chromosomes would a typical human sperm cell have? 23

9 What process is shown in this figure? Crossing over

10 Consider the cell labeled X in Figure 10-9 containing 4 chromosomes. Which of the four cells below it represents a healthy gamete that could be produced from this cell? A

11 Which stage of meiosis is represented in this figure? Metaphase 1

12 In this figure, which set of chromatids illustrates the result of a single crossover of the homologous chromosomes? A

13 Describe the events of anaphase II Sister chromatids are separated and pulled to opposite sides of the cell (poles)

14 What is the role of the spindle fibers? To move chromosomes in the cell

15 The numbers in Figure 10-1 represent the chromosome number found in each of the dog cells shown. The processes that are occurring at A and B are ____. a. mitosis and fertilization b. mitosis and pollination c. meiosis and fertilization d. meiosis and pollination

16 A useful device for predicting the possible offspring of crosses between different genotypes is called a … Punnett square

17 A white mouse whose parents are both white produces only brown offspring when mated with a brown mouse. The white mouse is most probably ____. Homozygous recessive

18 In chickens, rose comb (R) is dominant to single comb (r). A homozygous rose-combed rooster is mated with a single-combed hen. All of the chicks in the F1 generation were kept together as a group for several years. They were allowed to mate only within their own group. What is the expected phenotype of the F2 chicks? 75% rose comb & 25 % single comb

19 In mink, brown fur color is dominant to silver- blue fur color. If a homozygous brown mink is mated with a silver-blue mink and 8 offspring are produced, how many would be expected to be silver-blue? 0

20 What fraction of this cross will be recessive for both traits? 1/16

21 A true-breeding tall pea plant is crossed with a true-breeding short pea plant, and all the offspring are tall. What is the most likely genotype of the offspring assuming a single- gene trait? Tt

22 In mice, black is dominant to white color and color is determined by a single gene. Two black mice are crossed. They produce 2 black offspring and one white offspring. If the white offspring is crossed with one of its parents, what percent of the offspring are expected to be white? 50

23 A heterozygous organism is best described as which of these? A.Hybrid B.Phenotype C.True Breed D.Genotype

24 In which situation are the phenotypes of F2 offspring expected to follow the ratio of 9:3:3:1. a.a monohybrid cross for 2 unlinked traits b.a monohybrid cross for 2 closely linked traits c.a dihybrid cross for 2 unlinked traits d.a dihybrid cross for 2 closely linked traits

25 Which of the following describes an organism that has the genotype Bb? a.homozygous b.inbreed c.heterozygous d.all of these

26 The statement: "In meiosis, the way in which a chromosome pair separates does not affect the way other pairs separate," is another way of expressing Mendel's law of _____. a.dominance b.independent assortment c.first filial generations d.Punnett squares

27 Genes located on homologous chromosomes may have alternate forms that control different forms of a trait. These alternate forms of a gene are called _____. a.alleles b.phenotypes c.centromeres d.gametes

28 A dog's phenotype can be determined by _____. a.looking at the dog's parents b.examining the dog's chromosomes c.mating the dog and examining its offspring d.looking at the dog

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