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Flexures for Optics. Outline Brief overviews of micro flexures Focus on macro flexures in this tutorial Beam bending Symmetry -> precision Degree of freedom.

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Presentation on theme: "Flexures for Optics. Outline Brief overviews of micro flexures Focus on macro flexures in this tutorial Beam bending Symmetry -> precision Degree of freedom."— Presentation transcript:

1 Flexures for Optics

2 Outline Brief overviews of micro flexures Focus on macro flexures in this tutorial Beam bending Symmetry -> precision Degree of freedom (DOF) Applications

3 Micro Flexures Comb drive Tip-tilt mirrors discrete vs analog

4 Optical MEMS devices Analog tip-tilt mirror Resonant frequency of the comb drive depends on the ions hitting the pads

5 Motivation Need nanometer precision to manipulate light. “Stage” and “driving mechanism”. Sticktion is a problem encountered with screw-type driving mechanisms. Use piezoelectric, capacitive, magnetic, photon,… to drive the “stage”.

6 Precision Mechanics

7 Macro Flexures – 1D

8 Symmetry in 2D In-plane rotation Parasitic motion not di-coupled As soon as the stage moved, Fx developed some “local” y component In-plane rotation minimized Parasitic motion reduced or cancelled Less cross-talk

9 Parallelogram In-plane rotation constrained Parasitic motion reduced As soon as the stage moved, Fx developed some “local” y component In-plane rotation constrained Parasitic motion further reduced or cancelled Less cross-talk

10 Deformation Diagram X/Y forces + X/Y moments

11 5 DOF – Pentaflex Combination of vertical and horizontal blades X/Y/Z translation + X/Y rotation

12 Highly Symmetric XY Stages Three different anchoring geometries Can be made into XYZ stages by adding the horizontal blades like Pentaflex

13 Diaphragm Flexures Provide out-of-plane (z, ,  ) motions Constrain the other in-plane (x,y,  ) motions (Voice-coil, pressure sensor, flow control, MEMS devices)

14 6-axis (nano) Flexures  HexFlex

15 6-axis Flexures - examples

16  Flexures Only allows  DOF, all others conflict.

17 Tip-tilt Flexures Remove axial misalignment between two parts (shear), but does not remove torque/moment.

18  flexure -> 5 DOF

19 In-plane 1D Flexure Out-of-plane 1D flexure In-plane 1D flexure Symmetric dual 4-bar linkage eliminates  Y errror

20 Uniform Shaft Loading

21 XYZ Translation Stage Conflict for all  DOF’s

22 Bi-stable Flexure Actuation force causes deflection Open/close a valve at some pressure threshold; on/off Have negative stiffness in the unstable region

23 Non-linear Spring Constant Shape -> deflection -> variable stiffness

24 Piezoelectric Amplifier

25 Physik Instrument Piezoelectric drive + capacitive sensor, feedback loop to actively take out platform vibrations

26 Conclusion Use flexure to avoid sticksion. Use symmetry to cancel/de-couple motions. In-plane vs out-of-plane configurations Flexures for translation, rotation, and any combination of DOF (1-6 DOF). Dynamic range and linearity. Soft flexure -> low resonant frequency, stiff flexure -> high actuation force. References: see FlexureForOptics.doc

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