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Design in the Cosmos Dr. Hugh Ross Reasons To Believe.

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Presentation on theme: "Design in the Cosmos Dr. Hugh Ross Reasons To Believe."— Presentation transcript:

1 Design in the Cosmos Dr. Hugh Ross Reasons To Believe

2 2 Who Discovered the Big Bang? A. Penzias & R. Wilson?

3 3 Who Discovered the Big Bang? George Gamow?

4 4 Who Discovered the Big Bang? Albert Einstein?

5 5 Who Discovered the Big Bang? Al Gore?

6 6 Who Discovered the Big Bang? ___________?

7 7 Big Bang Foundations 1.singularity beginning 2.expanding universe 3. cooling cosmos

8 8 Cosmic Singularity Beginning Genesis 1:1Genesis 2:3 Genesis 2:4Psalm 148:5 Isaiah 40:26Isaiah 42:5 Isaiah 45:18John 1:3 Col. 1:15-17Hebrews 11:3 If God created the cosmos, who created God?

9 9 Stretching the Heavens Job 9:8Psalm 104:2 Isaiah 40:22Isaiah 42:5 Isaiah 44:24Isaiah 45:12 Isaiah 48:13Isaiah 51:13 Jer. 10:12Jer. 51:15 Zech. 12:1

10 10 Cosmos Designed for Life 1.gravitational force constant 2.strong nuclear force constant 3.weak nuclear force constant 4.electromagnetic force constant 5.e-m. to grav. force ratio 6.number ratio of protons to electrons 7.ratio of electron to proton mass

11 11 Cosmos Design (cont.) 8.expansion rate of the universe 9.entropy level of the universe 10.mass density of the universe 11.baryon density of the universe energy density of cosmos 13.age of the universe 14.velocity of light

12 12 Cosmos Design (cont.) 15.initial uniformity of radiation 16.homogeneity of the universe 17.mean distance between galaxies 18.mean distance between stars 19.average size of galaxy clusters 20.spatial locations of galaxy clusters 21.fine structure constant

13 13 Cosmos Design (cont.) 22. 12 C to 16 O energy level ratio 23.decay rate of 8 Be 24.ground state energy level for 4 He 25.decay rate of the proton 26.neutron to proton mass ratio 27.nucleon to anti-nucleon # ratios 28.polarity of the water molecule

14 14 Cosmos Design (cont.) 29.epoch for hypernova eruptions 30.number & types of hypernovae 31.epoch for supernova eruptions 32.number & types of supernovae 33.epoch for white dwarf binaries 34.white dwarf binary dist’n & freq. 35.ratio of exotic to ordinary matter

15 15 Cosmos Design (cont.) of dimensions in early cosmos of dimensions in cosmos now 38.mass of the neutrino 39.exotic mass particles decay rates 40.size of big bang ripples 41.size of relativistic dilation factor 42.uncertainty magnitude in q. mech.

16 16 Some Quotes from Scientists A superintellect has monkeyed with physics, as well as with chemistry and biology. Sir Fred Hoyle, The Universe

17 17 Quotes (cont.) As we survey all the evidence, the thought insistently arises that some supernatural agency—or rather Agency— must be involved. Georges Greenstein, The Symbiotic Universe

18 18 Quotes (cont.) It seems as though somebody has fine-tuned nature’s numbers to make the Universe. Paul Davies, The Cosmic Blueprint

19 19 Quotes (cont.) The impression of design is overwhelming. Paul Davies, The Cosmic Blueprint

20 20 Some non-theist rebuttals The Christian God would not make so many useless stars and galaxies We would not be here unless the universe had the attributes we observe. For an infinite number of universes an infinite variety of sets of attributes are possible.

21 21 Heavenly body problem 1.getting the right galaxy 2.getting the right star 3.getting the right Jupiter 4.getting the right Earth 5.getting the right Moon

22 22 Probability for planet parameter to be in needed range galaxy size.1 galaxy type.1 galaxy location.1 star distance from gal. center.2 star distance from spiral arms.1 proximity to supernova event.01 timing of the supernova event.01

23 23 Parameters in range (cont.) number of stars.2 star birth date.2 star age.4 star mass.001 star luminosity vs. speciation.0001 star color.4 supernovae rates & locations.01

24 24 Parameters in range (cont.) w. d. b. types, rates & locations.01 planetary distance from star.001 inclination of planetary orbit.8 axis tilt.3 rotation period.1 change in rotation period.05 orbit eccentricity.3

25 25 Parameters in range (cont.) surface gravity (esc. vel.).001 tidal force.1 magnetic field.01 albedo.1 density.1 thickness of crust.01 oceans-to-continents ratio.2

26 26 Parameters in range (cont.) change in oc.-to-cont. ratio.1 global dist’n of continents.3 asteroid & comet collision rates.1 change in a. & c. collision rates.1 body mass colliding with Earth.002 timing of body’s collision.05 position & mass of Jupiter.01

27 27 Parameters in range (cont.) major planet eccentricities.1 major planet orbital stabilities.1 drift in major planet distances.1 soil mineralization.1 atmospheric transparency.01 atmospheric pressure.1 atm. electric discharge rate.1

28 28 Parameters in range (cont.) atm. temperature gradient.01 carbon dioxide level in atm..01 oxygen quantity in atm..01 ozone quantity and location.01 water vapor level in atm..01 oxygen to nitrogen ratio in atm..1 quantity of greenhouse gases.01

29 29 Parameters in range (cont.) tectonic activity.1 rate of decline in tectonics.1 volcanic activity.1 rate of decline in vulcanism.1 dependency factors 10,000,000,000. longevity requirements.0001

30 30 Parameters in range (cont.) Probability for all 53 parameters less than 1 in 10 -68. Max. no. of planets in universe ≈ 10 22. Less than 1 in ten billion trillion trillion trillion chance for one such planet to exist anywhere in the cosmos. dependency factors 10 39 longevity requirements10 13

31 31 Parameters in range (cont.) Probability for all 202 parameters less than 1 in 10 -239. Max. no. of planets in universe ≈ 10 22. Less than 1 chance in 10 217 for one such planet to exist anywhere in the cosmos without invoking miracles.

32 32 Best time and place maximum cosmic window best possible observatory best possible home best possible physics most to be conscious of

33 33 Anthropic Principle Inequality 14 billion year minimum to prepare home for humanity But, longevity of human civilization <41,000 years

34 34 Questions about Science, Faith, and the Bible call: 626-335-5282 5-7 PM Pacific

35 35 For FREE Connections or Hotline Info 800-482-7836

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