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Spontaneous Gratitude! Isaiah 12. World Trade Center in the News: Juan Lizama and Juan Lopez! Literally, barely hanging on!

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Presentation on theme: "Spontaneous Gratitude! Isaiah 12. World Trade Center in the News: Juan Lizama and Juan Lopez! Literally, barely hanging on!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Spontaneous Gratitude! Isaiah 12

2 World Trade Center in the News: Juan Lizama and Juan Lopez! Literally, barely hanging on!

3 Dynamics of Thanksgiving, 1621 The need is great (much at risk) (45 of 102 on Mayflower died) The provision is greater (deliverance) God’s guidance, life, food The Source is identified and praised (Great is the Lord!)

4 Isaiah 12 – “On that day…” Isaiah’s days of profound spiritual darkness: Isaiah 1:2-9 - “sons…have abandoned the Lord” BUT THERE IS HOPE! Isaiah 6: 1-8 – “I saw the Lord…Holy, Holy, Holy!” Isaiah 7:14 – “a virgin shall conceive/bear a Son” Isaiah 9:2 – “people who walk in darkness…” vs. 7 – “Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end…”

5 Reasons for Gratitude in Isaiah 12 Vs. 1 – “anger turned away, comfort instead” Vs. 2 – “God is my salvation, my strength, my song Vs. 3 -“joyously draw water from springs of salvation Vs. 4 – “His name is exalted” Vs. 5 – “He has done excellent things” TELL ALL THE WORLD ABOUT THE LORD!

6 Our Needs Are Great! Personally – (physical, emotional, spiritual) Nationally (spiritual darkness, national debt) Church family (revival, obedience, holiness) And the needs of a lost community // nations! ** stunning levels of lostness – 80% +

7 Greatest Church Family Needs Biblical literacy – what does the Bible say? What does the Bible mean? How to apply? * Biblical discipleship * boot camp basics: Word and prayer Growing in knowledge of Lord and His ways faith expansion Fellowship: co-mingling new with established membership patterns

8 God’s Faithfulness is Great! Answers to prayer – Matt. 16:18, 1 Cor. 3:6 Stirrings of the Spirit New staffing in 2013 (Chuck, Caleb) AWANA ministry Children singing / Children’s church Golden Chorale - 5 outreaches this season Sew and So Ministry – 1,500 dresses!! GROW ministry re-established Facilities upgrades in technology

9 God’s Provision Financially God’s stirring of giving to His work: (2 Cor. 9:7). Anticipated $340,000 in 2014 to General Fund Up from $312,900 in 2013 (8.5%) Nearly $250,000 Building Fund in last 3 years 5 year total + 10 months of 2014, General + Building Fund: $2,376,376 (not included designated giving)

10 And then we have deacons among us who have served a lifetime … Dale Holmes James McKinzey Charlie Stephens Leroy Whiting Dave Causey Joe Faust “For those who have served well as deacons obtain for themselves a high standing and great confidence in the faith that is in Christ Jesus” (1 Tim. 3:13).

11 Result: Spontaneous Gratitude and Praise! What great need do you have? Review His provisions (“Count your blessings!”) “Wait” in faith!!! “In everything, give thanks; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus” (1 Thessalonians 5:18).

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