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To 160 th Ave Church of Christ 160thavechurch.c om.

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1 To 160 th Ave Church of Christ 160thavechurch.c om

2 Isaiah 6:8-10 8 Then I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for Us?” Then I said, “Here am I. Send me!” 9 He said, “Go, and tell this people: ‘Keep on listening, but do not perceive; Keep on looking, but do not understand.’ 10 “Render the hearts of this people insensitive, Their ears dull, And their eyes dim, Otherwise they might see with their eyes, Hear with their ears, Understand with their hearts, And return and be healed.”

3 Incredible Responses to God’s call Isaiah- – “Here Am I, Send me!” (Isaiah 6) Mary- – “Behold a Bondservant of the Lord” (Luke 1:34-38) How Do we obtain this kind of will to Fulfill God’s call?

4 A Willingness to Fulfill God’s Call

5 God’s Call Can/Will be Difficult: Servicing God is not always easy – Luke 14 (hate father and mother, take up cross, count the cost) – Many of God’s prophets had difficult calls Jonah Moses Jeremiah We do things all the time that are not easy or fun. – Doing hard things is part of life. – We do them because we need to – We do them because of fear of a punishment – We do them because of the results/rewards it brings – We do them because it is the right thing to do! – We do them because it’s about serving God not pleasing me Jeremiah. 20:7-10 A starting point: To get to a point where we are eager to fulfill God’s will sometimes means we begin by doing God’s will when we are not eager. – Some of God’s greatest prophets started out this way (Moses).

6 When We Do God’s will Regardless: We gain trust/confidence in God We see how he make provision We gain experience and God’s call comes easier We see that his plan always works We see that his plan is best We see that God is GOOD! Moses a good example for us: – Received a difficult call but experience incredible glory in fulfilling the call. – Received provision from God – Got to see how God was with him – The Moses who starts the story does not appear to be the same Moses by the end of the story.

7 Consider the honor of God’s Call Serving God is a privilege – Mary gets to Mother the Messiah – The Disciples are entrusted with the incredible task of spreading the gospel Isn’t it amazing that God wants US to be part of his plan? – God had other options Could have used angels Could have come to us personally

8 Consider what God has done for us! God has done so much for us! (Eph. 1:3-14) – Gave every spiritual blessing – Gave redemption and forgiveness through the blood of Christ – Made known the mystery of his will – Gave an inheritance – Sealed – Loved us first. (1 John 4:19) God’s love and blessings ought to create a desire to return love and service.

9 Consider the example of Christ The greatest example of being willing to fulfill God’s call. – Prayed three times to “let this cup (call) pass from” him. – not his will but “thine be done”(Luke 22:42) How does our call compare?

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